INDIEGO! App Store status update
Date 3-May-2014 14:52:49 Topic: Announcement
| Hello,
In short we will be able to share the first graphical client with you.
This client will be available for AmigaOS (the original and OS4), MorphOS, AROS, Windows, OS X(PPC/intel),Linux (ppc/intel).
The shown version uses { } whenever a "translation" is missing... means:
The client will be multilingual.
Developers who have already registered and applied as developer will gain a small bonus in form of a reduced fee. We reduce it to 10% per sales-revenue.
Wait, a fee?? Don't worry!
There is no registration fee! There is no monthly fee! There is no fee based on MegaBytes!
In case you sell an application, the system will take in real-time a bit of your revenue depending on your personal "fee".
Example: If your game costs 500iC (100 indieCoins = 1€ ) and a user purchases it, you will get 450iC transferred to your developer account instantly. 10% = 50iC are kept for hosting and other costs.
Wait! I release only freeware! Great! You are welcome and allowed to upload your stuff. After a review of your person. So not everyone can upload.
What if someone steals my stuff or offers illegal content? You can use the "report app" feature which will result in a check of this abuse report.
Where can i get those indieCoins? You can:
- get them as a gift
- get them as cash back from partners
- get them from partners in exchange for real money
- you can get them as donation (requires additional membership in a club)
- you can earn them with voluntary jobs
It is meant as Bonus-system to strengthen Amiga dealers and developers.

Developers can click on "Enter the Matrix" in order to create 1st a user account and then 2nd click on "become a developer".
The Web-interface is more or less self explainatory. Developers will be approved manually.