posted by phoenixkonsole on 2-May-2014 11:21:41 (4471 reads)
In short we will be able to share the first graphical client with you.
This client will be available for AmigaOS (the original and OS4), MorphOS, AROS, Windows, OS X(PPC/intel),Linux (ppc/intel).
The shown version uses { } whenever a "translation" is missing... means:
The client will be multilingual.
Developers who have already registered and applied as developer will gain a small bonus in form of a reduced fee. We reduce it to 10% per sales-revenue.
Wait, a fee?? Don't worry!
There is no registration fee! There is no monthly fee! There is no fee based on MegaBytes!
In case you sell an application, the system will take in real-time a bit of your revenue depending on your personal "fee".
Example: If your game costs 500iC (100 indieCoins = 1€ ) and a user purchases it, you will get 450iC transferred to your developer account instantly. 10% = 50iC are kept for hosting and other costs.
Wait! I release only freeware! Great! You are welcome and allowed to upload your stuff. After a review of your person. So not everyone can upload.
What if someone steals my stuff or offers illegal content? You can use the "report app" feature which will result in a check of this abuse report.
Where can i get those indieCoins? You can:
get them as a gift
get them as cash back from partners
get them from partners in exchange for real money
you can get them as donation (requires additional membership in a club)
you can earn them with voluntary jobs
It is meant as Bonus-system to strengthen Amiga dealers and developers.
waow both an clint/softwere app store and a web based app store...
one for thats offcieal for the ongoaing amiga communaty based aorund on os 4.x and one for the hole amiga communaty both retro machines and ng,and aros too..
maby there could make some kind of cross promtion thing on both store for the other party.. .
Status: Offline
Re: INDIEGO! App Store status update Posted on 3-May-2014 16:31:33
Coding is done by Fabio Falcucci, web API Programming by meySolutions. And to be honnest: we had the idea in 2009.... Long Time Project. There are more exciting Things planend i can't Talk about yet.
_________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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Re: INDIEGO! App Store status update Posted on 4-May-2014 19:14:37
Joined: 14-Mar-2003 Posts: 5211
From: Ylikiiminki, Finland
app store systems increase Amigalike systems appeal to business investors (and other outsiders) from around 0.000% to 0,001+% (perhaps far more) therefore they are essential.
So, very nice to see! Good job!
_________________ - KimmoK // For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA // // Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?
Status: Offline
Re: INDIEGO! App Store status update Posted on 5-May-2014 11:52:05
The name is kinda close to indiegogo (kickstarter-like crowdfunding site), but I guess that won't matter. Probably they aren't like Apple who want to sue everyone for using the same combination of 3 characters...
Status: Offline
Re: INDIEGO! App Store status update Posted on 5-May-2014 12:35:09