AEROS for Pi beta 10 (registered users) and Beta 8 for "everybody"
Date 4-Apr-2015 18:15:02 Topic: software AROS
| AEROS for Pi beta 10 is ready for registered users.
- Updated UAE4all2 with AROS68k kickstart replacement
- Added Quake 3 demo (works only on Pi with 512MB RAM!)
- Added Gimp (very very sluggish on a Pi 1)
- USB-sticks are now auto mounted when you attach them
- no need to run a linux file manager first.
- Added EmulationStation (you need to boot into command line to run it)
- changed memory split and reduced Memory size for AROS (this can be modified by the user) in order to get Quake working with less swapping
This was done on a Pi 1 and made to work on that. Requirement: 256MB Pi, 8GB SD-Card (not everything will work here) Better:: 512MB Pi1(everything will work but slow) Optimum: Pi2
Attention: I have not included Quake 3 game data (demo files) because the game itself is still on German index.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an Easter gift I am uploading now AEROS Plus beta 8 for Raspberry 1 to the indieGO!- Appstore. This comes including the "lx" command.
Only limitations:
- The "purchase" in the store doesn't qualify automatically for updates
- Runs on Rpi1 only
The latest App Store binaries for any platform can be found here: http://amigaworld.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=7353 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLX4Psjn3es