software AROS : AEROS for Pi beta 10 (registered users) and Beta 8 for "everybody"
posted by phoenixkonsole on 4-Apr-2015 16:50:49 (3503 reads)
AEROS for Pi beta 10 is ready for registered users.
Updated UAE4all2 with AROS68k kickstart replacement
Added Quake 3 demo (works only on Pi with 512MB RAM!)
Added Gimp (very very sluggish on a Pi 1)
USB-sticks are now auto mounted when you attach them
no need to run a linux file manager first.
Added EmulationStation (you need to boot into command line to run it)
changed memory split and reduced Memory size for AROS (this can be modified by the user) in order to get Quake working with less swapping
This was done on a Pi 1 and made to work on that. Requirement: 256MB Pi, 8GB SD-Card (not everything will work here) Better:: 512MB Pi1(everything will work but slow) Optimum: Pi2
Attention: I have not included Quake 3 game data (demo files) because the game itself is still on German index.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an Easter gift I am uploading now AEROS Plus beta 8 for Raspberry 1 to the indieGO!- Appstore. This comes including the "lx" command.
Only limitations:
The "purchase" in the store doesn't qualify automatically for updates
It's great to see AEROS making progress on the Raspberry PI. This looks like a great way of running modern software in an Amiga-like environment.
Comparing the quad core Raspberry PI2 to the dual core Banana Pi, it seems that Amiga 68k emulation is still faster on the latter. Are there any plans to port AEROS to the Banana?
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 10 (registered users) and Beta 8 for & Posted on 5-Apr-2015 14:55:00
I had so far 4 or 5 inquiries for a banana Pi edition.. I am not sure if there are enough interested banana pi owners to make it worth. I would need to buy one first as well..
_________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 10 (registered users) and Beta 8 for & Posted on 5-Apr-2015 19:30:51
Finally got round to ordering this. Your location still makes me laugh. You would need to have seen the English TV program "The League Of Gentlemen", to understand.
_________________ If your nose runs and your feet smell, you're upside down.
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 10 (registered users) and Beta 8 for & Posted on 5-Apr-2015 19:38:55