Aros Broadway 1.0 preview 4 available for Download
Date 19-Oct-2015 19:58:54 Topic: Amigaworld.net News
| Broadway 1.0 preview 4 is coming
 Click for full size
- Added AmiCloud client
- Added OWB with HTML5 video support
- Added Hfinder 2015 (replacing the old one)
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- Added some Drawer Icons (some where missing)
- Fixed Lbreakout2 not staring from Quickstarter (the Dock)
- Fixed AROSPDF (is working again)
- Added VAN-builder (create VAN animations from SVG's -> no direct converting from Movies.. this will be part of another tool)
Some cleaning here and there.. It fits on a 700MB CDROM
Attention: Newer Virtualbox revisions (at least on OS X) cause some trouble with timing and date settings... this may result in reuploading of data to your cloud storage
This doesn't happen on native hardware and or VMWare. I didn't test Qemu.
So if you rely on a VirtualMachine I would suggest to use VmWare or a 3.x revision of it
You can grab it from the indieGO! App Store or from http://aros-broadway.de/page0/page0.html
or bookmark this perma-link which points always to the latest build: