posted by phoenixkonsole on 18-Oct-2015 11:45:44 (3025 reads)
Broadway 1.0 preview 4 is coming
Click for full size
Added AmiCloud client
Added OWB with HTML5 video support
Added Hfinder 2015 (replacing the old one)
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Added some Drawer Icons (some where missing)
Fixed Lbreakout2 not staring from Quickstarter (the Dock)
Fixed AROSPDF (is working again)
Added VAN-builder (create VAN animations from SVG's -> no direct converting from Movies.. this will be part of another tool)
Some cleaning here and there.. It fits on a 700MB CDROM
Attention: Newer Virtualbox revisions (at least on OS X) cause some trouble with timing and date settings... this may result in reuploading of data to your cloud storage
This doesn't happen on native hardware and or VMWare. I didn't test Qemu.
So if you rely on a VirtualMachine I would suggest to use VmWare or a 3.x revision of it
Newbies? : ) Aros Broadway ist just a Aros (i386) distribution. In the past especially configured to be used on AresOne machines. The last public release prior to the 1.0 previews was 0.86 in 2013... Than I stopped because I've got bored to update just systemfiles.. So work on AppStore and other stuff started
Now every time we finish a new piece of the puzzle, I release another preview. I hope to reach a first milestone mid 2016... So 1.0 will become a final. From that point it will include a package manager and will get updates as stable branch. Work on 2.0 will start, with preview releases again.
Yep. Mit ignite füllen wir dir Wartezeit bis Wanderer 2.0. Dopus wird es optional als "Paket" geben. Die nächste preview enthält ignite (Launchpad clone mit ein paar Ergänzungen ).
Sorry : ) Olaf was surprised that it still comes with Wanderer as default workbench.
I told him that I am waiting for Wanderer 2.0 and we fill the waiting time with an own addition called "ignite" which is a launchpad clone with some additions over the original features.. (similar to what you can see in the screenshot).
_________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
Status: Offline
Re: Aros Broadway 1.0 preview 4 available for Download Posted on 20-Oct-2015 21:30:34