Final Burn Alpha - Alchimie Edition
Date 20-Nov-2015 8:11:45 Topic: software OS4
| During the Alchimie in France, Huno presented the latest version of FBA. This emulator, which can emulate more than 20 systems such a Megadrive (Genesis in the US), Colecovision, Master System, Capcom CS-1/2/3, Neo Geo, Cave, etc, has been heavily updated by Hugues.
Indeed FBA runs very well on the X1000 with filters activated (more than 10 different graphic filters can be used) but still plays very well on Sam440 without any filter.
A huge work has also been realized on the configurable GUI with many options (such as FPS limiting, demo mode, sound output, and so on). More than 8000 ROMs are supported (you'll have to find thoses by yourself) for hours of gaming !
Final Burn Alpha can be downloaded from Huno's Final Burn Alpha page You can also watch the conference given by Huno during the Alchimie, showing many news coming from him.