Enhancer Software 2.1 Released
Date 17-Oct-2021 19:35:43 Topic: Amigaworld.net News
| A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to confirm immediate availablity of the Enhancer Software Release 2.1.
This update is free to download for existing Enhancer Software V2 users from our Updater utility. A digital download edition can be purchased from AMIStore App Store.
It represents six months of hard work from the Amiga Developer Team demonstrating the commitment to our user base.
A large amount of new components have been upgraded and added in Release 2.1: 
* Video Acceleration Library has been updated with bug fixes.
* Warp3D Nova has been updated with further bug fixes.
* RadeonRX driver updated to Version 2.8
* New Tabbed Gadget Class added with many great features such as draggable tabs. It replaces ClickTab in many of our applications.
* Archiver tool converted to use Tabbed GC with draggable tabs and a special [+] tab to create new tabs.
* InfoWB commodity has been further updated with shift and click toggling of tooltypes, tooltype toolbar, Find and Replace, Tabbed GC, Polish localisation and many bug fixes.
* X-Dock has a new array of features added to the Prefs such as button sorting, renaming docks, configuring separator look.
* New AK-Datatypes added: BMP and 8SVX
* New Datatypes Prefs added for managing the system datatypes
* Sound Prefs upgraded
* Sound Datatypes upgraded
* TuneNet has a new Visuals menu and a few more bug fixes.
* DOS Commands updated
Please click Read More for the full list of changes and screen shots
Special Thanks
The package has been the result of a small dedicated team who have committed great efforts to this body of work. A-EON would like to thank the developers, beta testers and translators for their significant contributions.

What has changed in this release?
Tabbed Gadget v54.408 (added) ListViewer Gadget v54.5 (updated)
Assign v54.4 (updated) AddDatatypes v54.6 (updated) AddBuffers v54.3 (added) Copy v54.8 (updated) Dir v54.2 (updated) List v54.8 (updated) MakeDir v54.8 (updated) Version v54.11 (updated)
InfoWB v53.36 (updated)
AK-8SVX v54.1 (added) AK-BMP v54.3 (added) AK-ILBM v54.15 (updated) AK-JFIF v54.16 (updated) MOD v54.3 (updated) MPEGA Datatype v54.11 (updated) Sound Datatype v54.13 (updated) WAV Datatype v54.13 (updated)
RadeonRX v2.8 (updated)
Datatypes Library v54.14 (updated) MPEGA Library v2.4 (added) VA Library v1.8 (updated) Warp3D Nova Library v1.86 (updated) Warp3D Nova GCN Library v1.86 (updated) Warp3D Nova SI Library v1.86 (updated)
Datatypes v54.10 (added) Notifications v54.4 (updated) Sound v53.27 (updated)
CLI v54.2 (added) Format v54.12 (updated) NotificationServer v54.4 (updated)
Archiver v53.20 (updated) MultiViewer v3.8 (updated) TuneNet v2.16 (updated) X-Dock v2.48 (updated)
