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Poll : Would you use OS4 if it ran on PC boxes/laptops?
Yes, immediately.70 % 70 % (638)
Maybe eventually.17 % 17 % (159)
No. Never.12 % 12 % (110)
Total Votes: 907
Total Voters: 907

[Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:21:13
#1 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2006
Posts: 38
From: REBOLville

Sometimes a specific test case provides better insight than an abstract definition. So, here is a test question.

What if:

1. Amiga OS 4 ran on a modern PC box/laptop, and

2. Classic Amiga apps and games emulated "perfectly" on that same box.

How would you feel about that?

How many people here would use it immediately?

How many of us would be building new applications, new games, porting over good software, selling PC/OS4 packages, integrating new hardware, putting OS4 into schools, and ... you get the idea...

How many would still wait for PPC hardware?

So, that's the razor. You decide.

When replying, please keep it short and sweet, and I will read it. If it is long, I read only the first few lines to decide if I want to read the rest.

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:25:35
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2005
Posts: 4499
From: Quattro Stelle


Imagine the possibilities!

I could start assembling Amigas running OS4 insted of clone pcs!

My dream scenario:

1. Amiga OS 4 ran on a modern PC box/laptop, and

2. Classic Amiga apps and games emulated "perfectly" on that same box.

Well summarized!



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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:27:19
#3 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Mar-2003
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From: The Netherlands


So, that's the razor. You decide.

That's the thing. We don't decide. Amiga Inc decides whether it hands out licenses for PC. Atm, Hyperion only has a PPC license.

But hey, I voted 'yes' ofcourse, like most of us will do I think.

Audio Evolution

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:29:21
#4 ]
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Joined: 8-Oct-2004
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From: France, on an ADSL line


I could have OS4 on a laptop... cool....

¤¤ Official Hyperion Zealot ¤¤

(No, I didn't type that with a straight face.)

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:36:04
#5 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown


Wow - I go to Prague, come back and things really seem to be starting around here! It's really great to see you on the forums. Thank you

I dont give two hoots about the box, its the applications that matter. I gave up on Amiga as a "real" machine long ago. The basic's just are not there, and after a while I became so frustrated, and also annoyed with the assumptions of people, and their excuses.

Nb. The sarcasm from some when faced with a problem - their assumption being that to be in this scene you should know Amiga OS inside out (although thats not strictly fair, as Rigo, and JurrasicC did much to help me) Also, the excuses "Sure it may take longer because you have to write a script to launch this app, but think of the power it gives you"

The thing that got me started with Amigas was Animation. Indeed I trained, and worked for some time as a 2D animator before stumbling into Web Design. I start a new day job on Monday - Senior Designer at a place that writes Educational applications, and educational websites - part of the role also involves product development... I've been thinking how cool would it be to get (albeit via stealth) an Amiga based system into schools for some certain tasks.. but it just isn't viable. Indeed, the GP2X or PSP look much more interesting.. (but thats all I can say on that for now)

True hardware agnoticsim would be fantastic - who cares about the box. We should just be able to run our apps - ideally we should be able to run hardware banging classic apps transparently too (without the need to visable run them via the excellent E-UAE). Things should just work.. I know that sounds very simplistic.. but computers for users should be just that.

Last edited by Bobsonsirjonny on 26-Oct-2006 at 09:38 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:38:05
#6 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2006
Posts: 38
From: REBOLville



Yo wrote:

I could have OS4 on a laptop... cool....

Ah... glad you noticed that. It is one of the main reasons for me. (I have several older laptops/tablets here... OS4 would run nicely.)

When replying, please keep it short and sweet, and I will read it. If it is long, I read only the first few lines to decide if I want to read the rest.

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:38:48
#7 ]
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Joined: 7-Feb-2005
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From: Unknown


Do you plan to buy Amiga Inc or do you have any communication with them? I am very curious where this is headed and I hope you do plan on having involvement in moving the platform forward.

Power Mac G4 "Quicksilver 2002"
800Mhz, 1.5GB RAM, Radeon 8500
MorphOS 2.7 (Registered)
$225 total spent!

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:39:28
#8 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden


I'd like Sony PSP running OS4

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:42:08
#9 ]
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Carl-S wrote:


Yo wrote:

I could have OS4 on a laptop... cool....

Ah... glad you noticed that. It is one of the main reasons for me. (I have several older laptops/tablets here... OS4 would run nicely.)

OS4 is said to be small and efficient enough.. how about running it on the 100$ PC? how cool would it be to have a super simple basic language - a language more basic than basic to teach kids the fundementals of programming. I've heard of one called Kid basic... get kids really understanding, and creating - give them a buzz.

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:43:18
#10 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 2755
From: Alberta, Canada

Build it and I'll buy it. Don't care what h/w is underneath to be honest. It is the system flow and the user experience that matters to me.

P.S. Did I pass?

Last edited by ssolie on 26-Oct-2006 at 09:47 PM.

ExecSG Team Lead

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:45:17
#11 ]
Super Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Oregon

@ the people answering "No. Never."

If I could get you to seriously think about that for a second and give me a 'serious' answer to this....

If someone took a Core 2 duo laptop removed the sticker and put a "PPC" sticker next to the touchpad instead and then handed you a laptop running Amiga OS 4, how could you possible know the difference of what cpu is below the keyboard?

Without taking the laptop apart how could you honestly tell it wasn't PPC? How would AmigaOS4 itself be any different? Again, I really want serious answers. Please.


A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:45:42
#12 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 13-Oct-2004
Posts: 587
From: Pacos de Ferreira, Portugal



That's the thing. We don't decide. Amiga Inc decides whether it hands out licenses for PC. Atm, Hyperion only has a PPC license.

That's it. Unfortunely.

Power Mac DP 1.8 GHZ, 4 Gb Ram and still trying to get EUAE in full speed

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:47:44
#13 ]
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From: Unknown



tomazkid wrote:

I'd like Sony PSP running OS4

Get it ported to the GP2X - its cheaper, and has:

Powered USB
an Edge connector that hooks up to a breakout box with all manner of goodies.

Indeed, the device runs linux out the box... plug a usb mouse and keyboard in, and you already have a linux box. Indeed, I know that Amiga inc were looking at the GP32 (the gp2x predecessor) as a target device.. but the guy behind the gp32 didnt see it as viable..

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:50:02
#14 ]
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Carl-S wrote:
Sometimes a specific test case provides better insight than an abstract definition. So, here is a test question.

What if:

1. Amiga OS 4 ran on a modern PC box/laptop, and

2. Classic Amiga apps and games emulated "perfectly" on that same box.

How would you feel about that?

How many people here would use it immediately?

I would even be willing to pay quite a bit for it.

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:50:35
#15 ]
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From: Earth (Belgium)


1. Amiga OS 4 ran on a modern PC box/laptop

Erm, by "PC", do you mean "WINtel" or ANY "Personal Computer" ?

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:51:49
#16 ]
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From: Fargo, ND, USA


Yesterday. Though it would be nice to have a system that uses a very energy efficient CPU. I'd like to have a machine that feels fast and responsive, I can leave iton 24/7, and doesn't need a 350w PSU to run and can be passively cooled.

...wait... what?

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:53:22
#17 ]
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I'd be amazed if more than perhaps the 'fringe' 5% or so answered this negatively. Most really don't care about the architecture at this point, or not as a strong consideration that would stop them from purchasing.

I'd purchase OS4 for one of my workstations, and at least one laptop, immediately. I'd also be willing to purchase a certain model or hardware as required, as long as it was commodity hardware.

I'd do the same even if OS4 ran under a virtualization layer, as long as the PPC emulation, of required, was of reasonable speed (on, say a 3Ghz AMD64 or similar, or 2GHz Core Duo laptop..)

I'd do the same if it ran reasonably on an older PPC PowerBook, PS3, anything that is reasonably powerful, reasonably available, new OR used, and reasonably priced. (Obviously PS3 isn't available yet..)

Last edited by wegster on 26-Oct-2006 at 09:56 PM.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:55:00
#18 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Oregon


Erm, by "PC", do you mean "WINtel" or ANY "Personal Computer" ?

That's just it, we need to get out of the idead that it's "WINtel" and that it could be AMIGAtel.

I never heard any one calling it APPLEppc when Apple basically dominated the Desktop PPC market share.

PPC manufactures don't give 2 sh*ts about AmigaOS, neither does AMD/Intel. So why not go for faster and cheaper or free as most already have x86?

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:56:50
#19 ]
Joined: 2-Mar-2004
Posts: 15
From: Toronto, Canada


Yes, yes, yes.

An OS4 laptop with firewire... to natively edit DV and HD video...

And run Speedball 2 in a window (for coffee breaks.)

I'd be there in a heartbeat.

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Re: [Poll] Carl's Amiga Test
Posted on 26-Oct-2006 21:59:08
#20 ]
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Joined: 12-Jul-2004
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I'd love it !

Classic Amiga apps should run good enough with UAE I guess, so I don't see that as an issue (other than possibly licensing).

If I had it I wouldn't be able to resist writing at least some kind of apps for it. Getting the company I work for to port anything to it would be a too big a stretch until there's a market.

PPC why ? It has an ugly instruction set and low performance per watt and per $.

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