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AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 24-Dec-2006 20:19:19
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 11-Feb-2004
Posts: 163
From: Germany

I would like to show you some features of OS4 final you might not know:

1. 24 Bit transparency Pointer.

Intuition mouse pointer in Release 4

Intuition Release 4 supports truecolor mouse pointers up to 64x64 pixels.
This only works on graphic boards with a truecolor hardware sprite (such
as the Radeon series) or in software sprite mode on hicolor or truecolor
display modes.

Truecolor system mouse pointers can be stored as icons in "ENVARC:Sys",
with the names "" and "". These can
be actual truecolor icons, or palette mapped (AmigaOS 3.5+) color icons.
To specify a mouse pointer's hot spot, you can use the XOFFSET= and
YOFFSET= tool types in the icon.

Applications can define and use truecolor mouse pointers as well, by way
of the standard "pointerclass" mouse pointer BOOPSI class.

Note that this does only override, not replace, the normal handling of
mouse pointers with the Pointer preferences editor: whenever the system
is unable to display a truecolor mouse pointer, it falls back to using
the traditional three-color mouse pointers saved in pointer.prefs.


2. I see thet the PNG iconmodule is in the Upload dir of os4depot.
Copy it to libs:iconmodules/ and REMOVE powericons from your system.
From now on your OS4 can display png icons without that hack.



3. Change Icon Colors.

You are now able to change the color of selected png icons via


4. Newmouse Support

Some old programs who are written newmouse compatible can now be used.
Just change following Startup-sequence entry:

C:IPrefs newmouse


5. Utilities/Rawdisk

You are now able to read and write Disks/Partitions/CDs aso with this
Utility in RAW mode. So you can do a fast an Clean Image of it.

* RawDisk reads or writes a given number of cylinders or blocks to or from a
* disk, transferring the data to or from a named file. The data is
* read or written in raw format, ie the disk filesystem (if any) is
* ignored and data is addressed absolutely.
* The utility can be used on any disk present in the Dos List, ie mounted.
* It can be run from Workbench by clicking on the icon, or from a Shell.


6. Ham6 and Ham 8 modes

Enable the option "Planar screens on RTG" in GUI prefs.
From now on you can open Ham6/Ham8 screens like Dpaint do.

*BE AWARE! This might break PPAINT!*


7. Chipram

There are some chipram Issues since the new memory system...there is none;)
You can enable it again with the setpatch Parameter ADDCHIPRAM=2
(2MB in this case)
Edit your Startup-sequence to the Ram value you like. This will fix Problems with
PPAINT andy maybe Perfectpaint.


8 Realtime Switching between window modes.

If you enabled "drag windows out of border" (or something like that)
you can switch it off by pressing the Shift button while draging a window.

If you dont enabled it you can switch it ON with it. (thanx tomcat)


9. Other fast intuition hotkeys

Hold down CRTL-Alt to resize every window on every Border you like.

Hold down CRTL-LAmiga to be able to move a window from everywhere (not only by clicking at its titlebar)

To bring a window wich has moved out of the wb back to it, hold down SHIFT and click on its Titlebar.

Hold down LAmiga to be able to drag your screen from everywhere.

Hold down RAmiga to move your selected icons Horizontaly or verticaly. Just what the mouse did first.
(Those go to ZeroG)

Press (not hold) the shift key when you drag a screen. Now you can drag it
in all directions even if you dont enabled this feature.

Hold down strg (ctrl) while booting up to enter directly into the cli. (boot with no startup-sequence like but without entering the earlystartup)
Also you can hold down ALT to boot without the WBstartup programs.


10. CLI Functions

Press Tab in a cli window to complete file or pathnames, For example, if you want to
switch to the workbench: volume, enter W at the cli and press tab. The cli will now complete
the name with the closest assign/volume/filname on you system.
You can switch the different names by pressing tab and if you hold shift+tab you can switch them backwards. (by Zero_G)


11. Execute History

If you want OS4 to remember your 5 last executed commands (via execute a command (Alt+e)) Change the Asyncwb tooltype NOHISTORY to (NOHISTORY).

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Last edited by Mangaclub on 27-Dec-2006 at 09:45 PM.
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Last edited by Mangaclub on 24-Dec-2006 at 09:20 PM.


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Re: AmigaOS4 New Features
Posted on 24-Dec-2006 20:45:54
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2002
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From: Italy




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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 24-Dec-2006 23:56:45
#3 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
Posts: 3999
From: Unknown


Nice idea to point these out

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 11:26:39
#4 ]
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Joined: 11-Feb-2004
Posts: 163
From: Germany


There are things.. amigans have todo ;)



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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 11:35:26
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2002
Posts: 5647
From: Italy


Ah ok, removing powericons now


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 11:43:17
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
Posts: 3428
From: Lyon, France


Thanks for that. I didn't know about the IconModule possibilities (and I'm a betatester)

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 11:54:40
#7 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 16-Feb-2005
Posts: 999
From: Antwerp / Belgium

ABout hard to find ? I seem to be not able to find my native language ? I switched it in local to dutch but my workbench still isn't dutch ? Is it me or is it not included yet.

And where can I set a joypad ? or should I do a new install again ?

- Proud Member Of The Belgian Amigaclub Since 2003 -

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 12:26:05
#8 ]
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Joined: 24-Feb-2006
Posts: 220
From: Unknown


elwood wrote:

Thanks for that. I didn't know about the IconModule possibilities (and I'm a betatester)

Then shame on you. As a beta tester you should know pretty much everything there is to know about the system.

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 12:48:27
#9 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Feb-2004
Posts: 1559
From: Up Rough


Another interesting thing is the supplied software. OS4 now comes with special versions of DvPlayer and IBrowse 2.4. It might not make much difference to registered users of both programs, but it is for those who aren't, like me.

DvPlayer has no time limit, no registration splash screen and has fullscreen mode activated, while it doesn't support AVI files, it can use only the provided skin and it's not upgradeable to future versions.

IBrowse has certain limitations too. Someone mentioned that's PPC native, while in fact it's still 68k.

I have noticed a new tool inside the Utilities drawer: allows to write in binary form any file from/to any device, like Transdisk on the classic Amiga to read/write ADF files (not supported on A1 though).


AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 12:53:14
#10 ]
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Joined: 11-Feb-2004
Posts: 163
From: Germany


Ok limitations arent really a feature ;) But i nearly forgot Rawdisk Yes.

Please aks you question in a own topic. Then we will answer.. otherwhise some
evil Moderators are slapping us ;)


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 12:54:40
#11 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Feb-2004
Posts: 1559
From: Up Rough


Mangaclub wrote:

Ok limitations arent really a feature ;) But i nearly forgot Rawdisk Yes.

Well they are for me, comparing to the public demo versions ^^


AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 14:28:01
#12 ]
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Joined: 30-Jul-2003
Posts: 152
From: µA1-C


"2. I see thet the PNG iconmodule is in the Upload dir of os4depot.
Copy it to libs:iconmodules/ and REMOVE powericons from your system.
From now on your OS4 can display png icons without that hack."

That's nice, but how does one get back his beloved PNG Icons ? (I dislike the new icons with this kind of blur.. not my taste)

I have personnal Icons for my drives, drawers, apps... (in PNG with PowerIcons) and I want them back !!
How can I do that ??
I don't want to have to use IconEdit for each one...


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 14:37:40
#13 ]
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From: Germany

if you got a backup of your old WB.. then just copy the infofiles over the new one.
Otherwhise just open the icon information window from the 32bit icon and drag the old png icon over the icon displayed in it.


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 15:09:29
#14 ]
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Joined: 30-Jul-2003
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From: µA1-C


None of tha works :/
All my Info Files are now seen as PNG image ( with PNG image icon)
And if I drag & drop the Icon, I've got the PNG image icon instead of the app Icon.

But I found out a "simple" solution :

1 - Select all the viewable Info files (in fact png images with the ".info" at the end)
2 - delete juste the "o" (so the files are available in the next requester)
3 - select the app or the drawer
4 - select the "Icon Image / Load" Menu
5 - choose the right PNG image/PowerIcon
6 - select the "Icon Image / Extras / Delete alternate Image" Menu (to delete the altertate image of the previious Icon, if needed)
7 - Save

That's all

A bit painfull, but I can get my Icons back.


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 15:13:09
#15 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2005
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From: Germany


Get the png.iconmodule from OS4Depot and you will get your PNG icons back ;) I encountered the same "problem" and got the tip with this module. It works now.


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 16:40:14
#16 ]
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From: µA1-C


At last, I found the module !!
All work fine now :)

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 25-Dec-2006 23:56:49
#17 ]
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From: Germany


good;) *BUMP*


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 26-Dec-2006 0:04:48
#18 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
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From: Parts Unknown, USA

Anyone notice the 'BiosUpdater' in the 'System' directory? Apparently now we can update UBoot from within OS4!

'unfixed' A1XE, 512mb RAM, plug-in USB card, Sil 0680 IDE card, Radeon 9250, built-in sound, OS4.1 update 5.

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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 26-Dec-2006 1:52:53
#19 ]
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Joined: 5-Oct-2003
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From: Manitoba, Canada


That was there in update4 as well. never had reason or nerve to use it though.
Still working up nerve ot install update final. will wait until weekendnwhen I have more time. want to do it right. Haven't seen many reports of real problems by those who have installed it, which is re-assuring. Know about the missing Tools dir but I'll put my own in and add all the junk I have installed like diropus, amidisk, diskmaster2,etc., in tools.
since I don't need a firmware update. I have 1.1.1, I do wonder if i couldn't just format my sys partition and start the install from the instll icon on workbench and not bother with changing uboot settings (idereset etc)? just format partition, install slb, install OS4, copy my stuff from backup of update4, reboot and have fun. Is it possible? will it work?


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Re: AmigaOS4 New (Hard to find) Features
Posted on 26-Dec-2006 2:22:40
#20 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Sydney (of course)


If you format your existing SYS: partition, there is no need to re-install slb (it's not part of the partition) and you don't need to change any U-Boot settings for OS4-Final.

However, you can't boot from SYS: then format it and expect to run the installer, since the installer will expect to find all its commands on the now-empty SYS: partition.

If you just boot from the CD before you do the format, you should be OK.


Hyperion Support Forum:

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