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AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 11:44:47
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 28-Mar-2007
Posts: 469
From: South France


With the progress in the development of the AmiDARK Engine, concerning the 2D version of the product (containing all modules excepted the ones concerning 3D), only 2 modules remain lowly developed :
- Video Animations support.
- AHI Audio 2D/3D support.
All other modules are completed or near to completion.

I request the help of someone that know well one of these 2 class to help me. Here is the deal :
As I have no money to pay for the help, I will offer 1 licence of the Full AmiDARK Engine (containing 3D modules) when finished to the people for which, the help will be really effective. If the help is a bit less effective, I can maybe offer 1 licence of the 2D version of the product.

What I need concerning 2D video animation ?
I need the help of someone that can explain me (or have well detailled samples) how I can play a video animation inside a bitmap used in conjunction with OpenGL.
It must cover explanation on how to open, play, pause, continue, stop & close video.
Of course these explanation must use a library, a .a file or direct source code that is AmigaOS/MorphOS compatible.
Of course, the library .a or source code must be freely included in a shareware product. (having to insert a file to details the author is accepted).

What I need concerning AHI Audio ?
I need 2 things.
1. Help on how I can create CD playing functions (open CD, play a track, pause, resume, stop, close CD) using AHI.
2. Help on how I can load an audio sample in memory and play, pause, resume, stop, remove from memory, under AHI. It will be more apreciated if the help also link to OpenAL library that can be used for 3D audio environment.
I need the help of someone that can explain me how I can open audio files.
Concerning case #2 for AHI Audio, it is not needed to use Datatypes. It can but not needed. One important thing is that I want the AmiDARK Engine to support (in priority order) : Ogg, Vorbis, mp3, Raw & Wav files (ILBM audio can be added too)

Of course, authors, helper will be mentioned in the product HELP/Informations files as they helped me in the development of the AmiDARK Engine.

I am open to any proposal concerning these requests.
Feel free to contact me at : fred(at)amidark(minus)engine(dot)com
or under MSN compatible client at : psykokwak75(at)hotmail(dot)com

Thank you.

Kindest Regards,
Frédéric 'AmiDARK' Cordier

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 12:00:52
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 2707
From: Finland



1. Help on how I can create CD playing functions (open CD, play a track, pause, resume, stop, close CD) using AHI.

You can use cdplayer.library for this.

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 12:16:23
#3 ]
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Joined: 28-Mar-2007
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From: South France

Yes but, I haven't found it for MorphOS.

Kindest Regards,

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 13:04:03
#4 ]
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From: Finland


The source code is available under BSD license so you could try asking a MOS dev to port it for you...

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 13:31:06
#5 ]
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Posts: 469
From: South France


Will do that then :)
Thank you for your help.

Kindest Regards,
Frédéric 'AmiDARK' Cordier

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 14:11:29
#6 ]
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I need the help of someone that can explain me (or have well detailled samples) how I can play a video animation inside a bitmap used in conjunction with OpenGL.


Cannot make any promises, especially if it comes to writing code (don't have too much free time, and I already have my own projects for that, which includes OpenGL based gfx framework) but I can perhaps give some pointers anyway.

For that, I don't expect any license in return, but if I turn out to be any help at all, f.ex. mention in the documentation wouldn't hurt

In the past, I have written some code that displayed an image of camera on OpenGL texture. Basically that involves:
1)Decoding data (if compressed)
2)Converting the bitmap to a format supported by OpenGL (skip if not needed)
3)Updating texture (part) with glTex(Sub)Image2D() (if the platform supports npot2 textures, you can just use glTexImage2D())
4)Drawing with OpenGL as normal (with "Amiga-supported API's", that would be vertex arrays, glDrawElements() etc.)

Of course it can be faster if it's possible to combine 1 & 2.

Generally, some people seem to think that "everything is faster with OpenGL". This is wrong. Especially with AmigaOS. In my opinion, video playback is one of the "worst case scenarios" and unless you need to rotate the result in 3D, it might not be the best way to do it.

As for part 4, using immediate mode (glBegin() & co) for anything doesn't make any sense at all, and especially for static data, it's really small change to update the code to use VBO instead later on (when supported), to get >>3x speedup in certain operations. Of course VBO support can be done with #ifdef's at any time. I have done it for my own graphics framework.

Last edited by Jupp3 on 08-Mar-2012 at 02:20 PM.
Last edited by Jupp3 on 08-Mar-2012 at 02:12 PM.

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 14:25:49
#7 ]
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For AHI, have you looked ata Lucyplay.library?

I havent used it for ages, but ahi was easy using that lib. But I dont know how updated it is though.

Last edited by Yssing on 08-Mar-2012 at 02:31 PM.


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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 15:58:34
#8 ]
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From: Freedom world


I could recompile it but what software is there using this library?

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 16:06:19
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Dec-2004
Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world



1. Help on how I can create CD playing functions (open CD, play a track, pause, resume, stop, close CD) using AHI.

Btw it could be better idea implement mp3/ogg player. Many users dont have cd/dvd drives anymore.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 16:07:50
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 2707
From: Finland


- simple_play example which is included with the library
- CDPlay (device and unit is hard coded in the program IIRC)
- Napalm (I haven't tested it myself since I don't have it)

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 16:58:13
#11 ]
Elite Member
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From: Finland


Some other programs that seem to support using cdplayer.library (not tested):
- AWinQuake
- Abuse

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 17:16:12
#12 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 28-Mar-2007
Posts: 469
From: South France

AmiDARK is in some sort, a port of DarkGDK (from TheGameCreators).
For compatibility, it must have audio CD functions DarkGDK have ;)


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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 20:49:26
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world


I see. Then using salass00's cdplayer reimplementation is perfect for you. It has clean and easy to use API.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 8-Mar-2012 21:17:12
#14 ]
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Joined: 28-Mar-2007
Posts: 469
From: South France

Yes, I think it's the best solution.
I hope to find a version of the cdplayer.library for MorphOS too.

Kindest Regards,

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 12-Mar-2012 20:29:45
#15 ]
Elite Member
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From: Freedom world


I just uploaded MorphOS port of salass00's cdplayer.library to Aminet.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: AmiDARK Engine *help wanted* -> Video Animation & AHI Audio
Posted on 12-Mar-2012 20:55:18
#16 ]
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Joined: 28-Mar-2007
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From: South France

Thank you for your work itix :)
Will use it.

Kindest Regards,

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