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[C64] MAH released
Posted on 9-Aug-2015 16:31:52
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2488
From: Unknown

Hi all,

I have just released the sequel of BOH and Huenison: it's called MAH, and you can freely download it from CSDb.

It is an arcade game of a kind that has never been seen before on the C64 (the machine it is made for) - and probably on any platform. Like its predecessors, it is a deep, demanding, and rewarding game. If you try it, don't expect it to be a press-x-to-win game, nor to get a good idea of what it is about after 5 minutes: the game develops through the levels and you won't have seen it all until you finish it

Here are a few screenshots:


Last edited by saimo on 22-Aug-2015 at 11:38 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 17-Aug-2015 at 05:39 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 13-Aug-2015 at 04:22 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 09-Aug-2015 at 04:33 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 9-Aug-2015 18:59:19
#2 ]
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I think you are one of the best c64 producer in these days.

Mah, and Boh....

Well the non italians could investigate on these terms meaning.


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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 9-Aug-2015 19:59:33
#3 ]
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From: Unknown


Thanks - but thankfully there are many others and much better developers out there ;)

As for the names, who is curious doesn't need to go further than the trivia in the on-disk manual. Also, contrary to BOH, MAH is actually an acronym, and its meaning is revealed in the intro.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 9-Aug-2015 20:14:14
#4 ]
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From: Up Rough


Nice! I have not tried it yet, but from what I read on CSDb it sounds somewhat similar to Hacker.


Last edited by Varthall on 09-Aug-2015 at 08:14 PM.

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 10-Aug-2015 5:41:12
#5 ]
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There's not much about the gameplay anywhere because I didn't release spoilers, and players haven't still figured out much of it. If you want to know, you'll have to try it out

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 10-Aug-2015 20:56:53
#6 ]
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Joined: 3-Aug-2015
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From: Germany


Sorry but I didn't like it.

After an eternity of waiting I got a screen with some demon masks dancing around and I could not do anything useful around it. The reaction of things on the screen was strange, it seemed like the game was written in BASIC.

Well the manual, the intro, fonts, and everything else seemed to be fine, but the game did not react to the keyboard or joystick emulation like it was described in the manual.

First it looked promising, maybe I should try again with a real C64 and a joystick ...

Last edited by OneTimer1 on 10-Aug-2015 at 10:49 PM.
Last edited by OneTimer1 on 10-Aug-2015 at 09:02 PM.

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 10-Aug-2015 23:42:37
#7 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

@ saimo

@ AmigaBlitter



without any spoilers let me just say that my initial impressions of the game were quite similar mainly because I had never seen anything like it high paced, hectic, chaotic even BUT trust me when I say you have to have much more than 5, 10 or 15 tries at first for your senses and most importantly reflexes get used to what's going on.......a little hint is that you must pay close attention to the borders of the screen and read up what the symbols on the border mean, stay away from those 'demon masks!....ya gotta try to 'crack' a code fast to survive...heck SAVE THE really didn't think it would be that easy eh

btw, I tried MAH on my NTSC 64 before realizing it's designed for PAL machines...I understood quickly why it's not exactly a game for NTSC

Last edited by klx300r on 10-Aug-2015 at 11:50 PM.
Last edited by klx300r on 10-Aug-2015 at 11:44 PM.

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 11-Aug-2015 6:15:27
#8 ]
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Joined: 15-Oct-2006
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From: Livorno, Italy


Congratulation Saimo, I'm not a C64 user but it seems a fun game

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 11-Aug-2015 16:10:34
#9 ]
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From: Unknown


OneTimer1 wrote:
Sorry but I didn't like it.

After an eternity of waiting I got a screen with some demon masks dancing around and I could not do anything useful around it. The reaction of things on the screen was strange, it seemed like the game was written in BASIC.

Well the manual, the intro, fonts, and everything else seemed to be fine, but the game did not react to the keyboard or joystick emulation like it was described in the manual.

First it looked promising, maybe I should try again with a real C64 and a joystick ...

The game has been developed entirely on emulator (and I tested it thoroughly on 3 different emulators, plus others tested in on real machines), so you can be sure it runs well there.
It sounds like either the joystick is not configured properly, or you are expecting the game to do something different from what it does. Could you describe in detail what you mean by "the game did not react", please? Probably I can help you get started.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 11-Aug-2015 16:14:18
#10 ]
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From: Unknown


Very well said, dude!


Well, you don't need to be a C64 user to have fun with it If you want to try something totally original and madly immersive, just get hold of a emulator and download the disk image - it's easy and free.

Last edited by saimo on 11-Aug-2015 at 04:15 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: [C64] MAH released
Posted on 22-Aug-2015 23:46:08
#11 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown


The game has now a website that illustrates it - having a look will immediately let you understand how much content, originality and quality there are.

Moreover, from the same place, you can download an AmigaOS 4 (or even Windows ) installer that makes it 100% painless to try it out, even if you don't know a thing about the C64.

If you feel like playing a game which is unlike any other, give it a good shot and you won't be disappointed

Last edited by saimo on 22-Aug-2015 at 11:54 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 22-Aug-2015 at 11:46 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: [C64] MAH released
Posted on 23-Aug-2015 7:25:28
#12 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Apr-2005
Posts: 651
From: Pomaz, Hungary


Great game in every aspect. Congratulations!

May I ask what is role of the launch script's +core argument? I have not found in the VICE documentation.

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Re: [C64] MAH released
Posted on 23-Aug-2015 11:41:58
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2488
From: Unknown


Great game in every aspect. Congratulations!

May I ask what is role of the launch script's +core argument? I have not found in the VICE documentation.

It prevents the creation of core dumps.
Check out Help -> Command line options for a full list of the options.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 23-Aug-2015 18:38:12
#14 ]
Team Member
Joined: 17-Oct-2002
Posts: 6820
From: UK


I downloaded it and gave it a go in WinVICE. I have to say it was a fun little experience and I didn't have too many issues working out what was required.

I'd managed to get to bitstream 4 when I inadvertently pressed esc (mapped to restore I believe) when my other half arrived on skype to talk to me, and killed my game.

That said though, a nice effort. If anything the load times were the only thing that got to me as it wasn't clear if anything was happening and I ended up using the emulation "warp" mode to fast forward things until it was ready to be played.

Test sig (new)

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Re: MAH released [C64]
Posted on 23-Aug-2015 20:04:42
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2488
From: Unknown


I downloaded it and gave it a go in WinVICE. I have to say it was a fun little experience

Glad to hear it, thanks! If you let the game draw you in, the experience will be even better (mcuh better).

and I didn't have too many issues working out what was required.

Cool! You're the first one to say that, and you can't imagine how happy it makes me! As an example of how people don't understand or even misunderstand the game, just think that there's a crack out there whose invicibility trainer actually disables the trail, thus making it impossible to make any progress

I'd managed to get to bitstream 4 when I inadvertently pressed esc (mapped to restore I believe) when my other half arrived on skype to talk to me, and killed my game.

Ouch, such a thing would have irritated me quite much!
ESC = RUN/STOP = abort
I hope you'll keep playing: there's a lot more to see than what is shown in the first 3 levels

That said though, a nice effort. If anything the load times were the only thing that got to me as it wasn't clear if anything was happening and I ended up using the emulation "warp" mode to fast forward things until it was ready to be played.

True, loading times are a bit long (but still not unbearable: from the moment one selects GAME in the menu to when the game starts, it takes 1:43): that's because I simply use the KERNAL loader (reknown for its inefficiency).
The reasons why nothing is shown on screen (apart from a black-to-blue transition in the middle) is fundamentally that I never liked the flashy loading effects (I know I'm saying something unpopular, I know) To show something, I first should have come up with some nice idea, and then I should have investigated if interrupts are usable during KERNAL loading, and, if so, how much of the stack page is usable (the rest of the memory is all used: code is ~40 kB, sprites are 11 kB, music is ~8 kB, charset is ~2 kB, the rest is other data and the zero page). Honestly, I could not bother, not only because of lack of personal interest, but also because the fact that the KERNAL loader is used means that loading doesn' t require true drive emulation, so under emulation and on SD2IEC devices the loading times are actually short (the game loads in 17 seconds) - basically, only loading from a real disk is slow, and I guess that not many go for that option.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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