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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 17:54:10
#121 ]
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK



scabit wrote:
tigger also turned out to be one of the primary Morph Os developers

Would you mind backing that one up with a bit of evidence Scott, it must have slipped by me.
I note that there is no "Bill Evans" listed on the MorphOS Development Team credits.

Last edited by Boot_WB on 30-May-2013 at 05:58 PM.

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:02:02
#122 ]
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As Trevor stated at AmiWest and elsewhere, X1000 was NOT his idea.

what?? whose then? have i missed something?may i ask for a quote, please?

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:07:31
#123 ]
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I think he mixes this with the Xorro-Slot. The idea to make a new amiga was from Trevor but the technical details from others (if I understood it correctly)

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:12:02
#124 ]
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AmiWest 2010. Trevor's speech during the daytime, not the banquet speech.

"the AmigaOne X1000 project was not my idea."

"It was the brainchild of Ben Hermans and the AmigaOS4..."

Just a couple of minutes into the speech.

Still available on utube


Last edited by number6 on 30-May-2013 at 06:16 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:15:03
#125 ]
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Really? I have missed that...

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:25:41
#126 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


But that won't happen of course. Instead, the remaining faithful are still wondering why there's so much negativity, and why they're so disappointed - and of course, they'll come up with the only possible explanation: It must all be wawa's fault.

Faithful would gladly accept the destiny if there was a larger, more resourceful company to faster move the OS on. But it isn`t.

No, I do believe criticism is good as long as it offers some solutions and not only negativity (as much as it is "constructive").

In its deadness (in eyes of overall mainstream IT), however both MorphOS and OS4 somehow survive, on slow pace, but its obvious they do progress. And both faithful are happy with small crumbs, but also welcome to enjoy fruits of big IT companies of mainstream. In terms of Civilization game I do love, just the golden age is ended, and we are small tribe not so developed, but in exisance.


On great single man effort X500 Evo has gained customized Amiga keys.

Off course having more company based effort of custom cases (and keyboards, mices), would be great.
Like I have mentioned like Prestigio does to make money on general PC peripherals, or as Apple makes a distinguishing look. Software and hardware side inside would be other question.


so what is the excuse for supporting gfx, or sound chipsets on, say, pci cards, as they age equally fast? someone told you people a bullshit excuse and you are repeating it mindlessly. "good point"??? think again?!!

Well, Linux took a lot of development to be able to work on most x86 mobos. In my experience only in last few years has it come to the level where you don`t need to pick certain hardware and can ran in it on all laptops, nettops and desktops. I am just saying that x86 transition doesn`t instantly mean it will run on everything because of lot of drivers needed. One of the m$ major survival strategies was working with developers to included huge amount of drivers within OS. That is something our small current community just cannot pull off. AROS, OS/2 and many other smaller x86 boxes had to go for virtualization because of this (which is kind of slower solution, but solution).

And major stuck is supporting motherboard chipsets.

"the AmigaOne X1000 project was not my idea." "It was the brainchild of Ben Hermans and the AmigaOS4..."

I do remember from day one Trevor said it was system based on desires of AmigaOS 4 developers what kind of their dream alive would be.

Prior to beginning the development, we assembled a hardware review team which included Hyperion and key AmigaOS 4 developers. After some intensive research and discussions, the team drew up a "wish list" specification for the ideal AmigaOS 4 computer. Having decided on the specification, we searched for a suitable engineering partner with the proven skills and capa

bilities to help us achieve our aims. Eventually we selected a British company with a successful track record in hardware design and production who also had considerable experience with the PowerPC applications and more importantly understood the Amiga. We commissioned them to develop the "Nemo" motherboard for the A1-X1000. Unlike the original AmigaOne the A1-X1000 is not based on a pre-existing reference design but is a totally new, high specification board for the Amiga enthusiast's and power user market.

I am glad that OS4 is available and machines to run it on are also available. I have been open in the past to trying Morph OS....but the attitudes of some of their owners and key developers makes the idea repulsive to me. Attack away!

Seems roots of that evil comes from some Hermans statement MorphOS is illegal back in the early OS 4 days

Ben Hermans, their foremost legal expert, claimed, "It's obvious to anyone who has a clue it got there because the AROS team used stolen AmigaOS source code. As an example, it could have been from a MorphOS to AROS backport. Our professional product, AmigaOS4, is the true successor since it is based on AmigaOS source code only. MorphOS and AROS aren't based on AmigaOS source code. And it's a known fact that both are illegal since they are based on stolen AmigaOS source code."

However, even OS4 is only based on AmigaOS source code, AROS and MorphOS simply aren`t.
But they are not based on stolen code either, but on their own development.
So this kind of superiority attitude is NOT shared by most of AmigaOS 4 users.
And Hyperion has put it to rest (attacking other flavours)

Last edited by vox on 30-May-2013 at 07:05 PM.
Last edited by vox on 30-May-2013 at 07:04 PM.
Last edited by vox on 30-May-2013 at 06:40 PM.
Last edited by vox on 30-May-2013 at 06:37 PM.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:30:41
#127 ]
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Remember that servergy is working on a low cost PPC mobo. Yes, the processors ISA is non the maximum, but think about this:

how much would cost to replace the dual core SOC with another one that fits our requirements? Say 100$ more?

Total 300$? or even 400$?

This would be a very affordable price for us.

I really would like to see Acube or A-eon contacting servergy with a business plan. Maybe Hyperion could contact them and get a licence.

Even better if someone take the servergy mobo as example and realize something similar.

Olegil seems skilled enought for this task :P


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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 18:45:26
#128 ]
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omg! so all descsions were actually taken by hyperion. that adds quite a lot to the picture. such an opportunity in vain. truly epic.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 19:40:06
#129 ]
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Well, Linux took a lot of development to be able to work on most x86 mobos. In my experience only in last few years has it come to the level where you don`t need to pick certain hardware and can ran in it on all laptops, nettops and desktops. I am just saying that x86 transition doesn`t instantly mean it will run on everything because of lot of drivers needed. One of the m$ major survival strategies was working with developers to included huge amount of drivers within OS. That is something our small current community just cannot pull off. AROS, OS/2 and many other smaller x86 boxes had to go for virtualization because of this (which is kind of slower solution, but solution).

you still dont get it.
i am asking again: is supporting a choice out of variety of, lets say, x86 motherboards so much harder than supporting a choice of variety pci cards, which os4, morphos and aros are doing. both pci cards and motherboards are aging and being replaced by more advanced designs. but who has nothing against supporting third party off shelf pci cards (or at least some of them) cant say its impossible to support some motherboards because they age.
again: none said you have to support all of them..

clear now?

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 20:02:55
#130 ]
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Exactly Apple's approach. :)


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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 20:10:58
#131 ]
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i dont know if this is exclusively apples approach. if ms wasnt the dominant system on desktop market and if every hardware vendor wasnt including a ms driver from the start then they would also support only a choice of boards, im certain. i dont know where this madness is coming from, that swith to x86 would mean to support each and every hardware out there.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 20:15:47
#132 ]
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i agree 100% Hurry up! We are simply biting the dust. Amiga was ahead of it's time when it was introduced. It's time for a rebirth!

Last edited by amitv on 30-May-2013 at 08:21 PM.
Last edited by amitv on 30-May-2013 at 08:19 PM.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 20:58:38
#133 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


you still dont get it. i am asking again: is supporting a choice out of variety of, lets say, x86 motherboards so much harder than supporting a choice of variety pci cards, which os4, morphos and aros are doing. both pci cards and motherboards are aging and being replaced by more advanced designs. but who has nothing against supporting third party off shelf pci cards (or at least some of them) cant say its impossible to support some motherboards because they age. again: none said you have to support all of them..

Oh I do get it (and have mentioned what Apple has done). But people somehow expect that x86 transition will mean "it will work on my XYZ PC" (no matter is it MorphOS or AmigaoS4 to x86 story). I agree supporting limited mobos and PCI cards is exactly the same as situation is now, with except that that mobo can be mass produced, cheap and powerful.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 21:16:28
#134 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


omg! so all descsions were actually taken by hyperion. that adds quite a lot to the picture. such an opportunity in vain. truly epic.

Well, why I do understand why MorphOS users like to flamme Hyperion,
board is very nice in specs and overall design, quality manufacturer, nice features
and modern for PPC boards etc.

Only bad choice is PA Semi because it makes price high and CPU of limited avail.
Was this a necessary evil (Varisys had past experience with it) or not, we ll never known.

In scope of its limited availability and enormous price, I see it as stop-gap to provide high end platform for software and OS features development.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 21:18:35
#135 ]
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But people somehow expect that x86 transition will mean "it will work on my XYZ PC" (no matter is it MorphOS or AmigaoS4 to x86 story).

no. maybe this is what YOU expect and therefore you imply others expect the same. people, even many hardcore os4 fans expect that x86 boards would be chaper and more performant in comparison to ppc. i have even red proposals about running os4 under ppc emulation on x86, things like that even though i consider this a waste of time.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 21:24:21
#136 ]
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But people somehow expect that x86 transition will mean "it will work on my XYZ PC"

And you know that because you conducted an extensive survey, right? Or maybe there's lots of evidence already out there, and the rest of us just don't know about it...

And I don't think we need another x86 discussion. If you don't like x86, just think of 2nd hand Macs instead.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 21:26:24
#137 ]
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Well, why I do understand why MorphOS users like to flamme Hyperion,

you mean me? im not a mos user even though i consider this seriously now.

Only bad choice is PA Semi because it makes price high and CPU of limited avail.

that would be enough as such, but what about useless xena x-mos chip?

In scope of its limited availability and enormous price, I see it as stop-gap to provide high end platform for software and OS features development.

stop gap?? this was once called the "most ambitious project"! remember? i simply cannot see the other side of the gap, so its rather stop or fall from the edge solution.

Last edited by wawa on 30-May-2013 at 09:27 PM.

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 22:00:33
#138 ]
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And you know that because you conducted an extensive survey, right? Or maybe there's lots of evidence already out there, and the rest of us just don't know about it...

No, but simply because most common question given by people that were away was "will AmigaOS work on MY PC". Not some special model of x86 board. That simple. Off course, that is overoptmistic even for way more developed OSs.

That off course, can be archived by virtualization, like AROS did with IcarOS.

that would be enough as such, but what about useless xena x-mos chip?

Its not useless

Its just not additional CPU Power as it was advertised early.

However, X1000 is most ambitious OS4 piece of hardware so far,
and high end OS4 system.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 22:20:09
#139 ]
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@all if one day hyperion Will make the multi processing and memory protection plus a 3d support ... A machine with Freescale ppc CPU will can attack the market ...
The only things that will be needed are only killer applications ... Games, office programs, 3d modelling and gfx software and a great marketing strategy plus big partners..
IBM Freescale Ati I think will be possible partners for Amiga os 6.x because they are bored to the M$ supremacy, apple hi pricing , intel cpus and Invidia close drivers architecture....
we are only at 50% on this hard road ... But if one day I'm sure all the old amigans will see advertising on tv of the new super Amiga ng ass kicker ... All will go to computer shop for buy one..

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
A 500 + ; CDTV; CD32;
PowerMac G5 Quad 8GB,SSD,SSHD,7800gtx,Radeon R5 230 2GB;
MacBook Pro Retina I7 2.3ghz;

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Re: A little disappointed and disillusioned
Posted on 30-May-2013 22:38:42
#140 ]
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you know what? every once in a while newcomers or returnees that just discovered that "amiga"(which occures to be os4) still exists pop up here and post a lot of most enthusiastinc speculations and after few months they usually disappear without trace (i wonder if there is some killer lurking here) except of all those encouraging phantasies they wrote, hardly ever coming true.

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