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Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 17:00:34
#1 ]
Joined: 20-Sep-2004
Posts: 48
From: Germany, somewhere West

Hey folks!

Over at apex posted this rather interesting topic:

Click Me

He is trying to get in contact with the developers of Ibrowse, because he already found over 30 People from Germany asking for new license keys. Since you cannot buy Ibrowse anymore, we are looking for support and more buyes to encourage the developers to resell it.

Otherwise he fears that people start cracking Ibrowse, or using pirated keys, hence not supporting the Ibrowse team allthough they would like to.


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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 17:13:01
#2 ]
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Note that one of the IB devs has already posted in that thread, lest your incomplete 'summary' be taken as gospel.

I do agree, they need to provide a means to purchase keys; it's been far too long. A web site update saying they're (still?) alive, would be nice, but the inability to purchase a key is a real issue for some, apparently as well as others with 2.x keys having issues and claiming they can't get responses or help.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 17:15:54
#3 ]
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From: Athens


Have you read the whole post before post it here too? Because if you did, you would see that developers of the IBrowse answered and said that as soon as possible the IBrowse will be available.

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 17:50:00
#4 ]
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From: Germany


that say the developers the last 12 months....

Andreas Magerl
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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 22:24:15
#5 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

I think they already called it upon themselves their program is being cracked.

I still think the software copyright law needs to be changed. If you don't actively sell your software you have no rights to complain about piracy and copying. I think thats too easy.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 22:39:17
#6 ]
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From: Unknown

You can't blame people wanting IBrowse and
you can't blame developers being fed up about
anything Amiga.

It think pure motivation is lacking. Fully understandable.

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 23:07:04
#7 ]
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From: Athens


If a program like IBrowse was yours would you have this kind of thoughts?

My opinion is that for Amiga the only thing that might help the further software implementations would be only the open sourcing of every program. By these methods newer programmers could learn things by that and contribute to future programs. Also, the older programmers could find some help by newer ones.

unfortunately, we still make utilities and programs without releasing the source. So, when someone goes away from the Amiga platform, the program stays back with no updates. Think about it.

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 11-Apr-2008 23:16:58
#8 ]
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From: Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, England, UK, Europe, Earth, The Milky Way, The Universe


IBrowse development continues. Motivation is not lacking, and the developers have said that they intend to fix the dealer problem.

Playstation Network ID: xeron6

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 9:41:57
#9 ]
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From: Finland



I still think the software copyright law needs to be changed. If you don't actively sell your software you have no rights to complain about piracy and copying. I think thats too easy.

That is some very weird reasoning. People have no more right to pirate ibrowse than they have a right to any unreleased software I may have on my harddrive IMO.

Anyway why bother when there is already AWeb which does most if not all what IBrowse does and it's free and opensource? Or why not use a decent browser like FireFox on another OS?

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 11:55:25
#10 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

That's complete and utter ####.

It's as easy as peas these days to sell software. When you release software you have a responsibility to market the software if you want to keep earning money from it.

It's just way too easy to say 'yeah, well, I don't feel like selling it so all you out there that don't have it can't have it'. That's ####.

You can't bring software to a certain platform and then stop selling it even though there are a lot of people that still want it. You released the software, now you have a responsibility to continue to sell it.

Previously I said I would like see a transition time between 2-3 years before the copyright is of it but with the interwebs these days it's as easy as peas to sell your software. So I think the transition time should now be 6 months.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 12:01:35
#11 ]
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Well, the authors decide and we should respect it. If you don't like it become an author, create your own software and make your own decision. That's it.

I think this thread should be locked sooner than later.

Modern Retro Experience

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 12:17:34
#12 ]
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


You can't bring software to a certain platform and then stop selling it even though there are a lot of people that still want it. You released the software, now you have a responsibility to continue to sell it.


Of course you can stop selling it if you so desire, authors don't have any responsibility AT ALL to continue to do anything to please anyone, nevermind a minority bunch of enthusiasts who think they deserve everything done at their command.

Whether or not iBrowse continues or not, it certainly doesn't give anyone any right to rip off the authors by cracking their software.

It's simple, I propose you get off your #### and write something yourself, spend years writing it and then watch, and get annoyed, as people take the #### and bitch and moan that this doesn't work, and that doesn't do that and I want updates and I want this, and that.


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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 14:40:19
#13 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden


I want your update :)

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 15:02:39
#14 ]
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No, you don't, it doesn't work.


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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 15:33:02
#15 ]
Joined: 18-Jul-2007
Posts: 71
From: Unknown


The point is if it isn't being actively developed and updated, then open it to others. There's not much more profit to be made without keeping it fresh and current, and yes I love it as my amiga browser, but the technology should get a well deserved update. Other options are fast approaching!

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 16:10:38
#16 ]
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


When I get time, I will release an update but just to prove my point made earlier, you tend to get pricks like meega there above who comes out with a statement like he did, yet doesn't say why it doesn't work, doesn't send crash logs, doesn't try to help or be generally helpful.

Is it any wonder people get unmotivated to work on theirsoftware.


All I can say is that it works fine for me, and others, and quite frankly I couldn't give a monkey's toss whether it works for you or not.

This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 12-Apr-2008 23:21:46
#17 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2004
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From: Athens


As the previous people said, it's up to the developer to choose if they will sell it or not and by which method. It's up to them to have it in this state as it is now. They have all the rights.

You would be right to demand things by a developer if he said that "Buy this product with this amount of money and you will get support from us for a year" for example. If you pay for support you would be right to demand things. But, for the specific product, noone told something like that. So, stop talking with first thing of what you are saying.

I paied for Vapor Voyager, but they stopped it. I also want a key for AmIRC. They don't sell it anymore. So what should I do. Start a flaming conversation on that? It's up to them. I surely would like to see those projects alive again, but they are not. So, life still goes on. Try to learn programming, as I do, and bring software to Amiga platform, like many others do. And stop complain.

I have faith on IBrowse team and I'm glad they exist. Keep up the good work guys.

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 13-Apr-2008 2:18:25
#18 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: Suomi-Finland

Right on, good work on IB3-PPC OS4 and hopefully I get the third time to buy & upgrade.

The last upgrade (2,4) was for free for no "demand" after nine years from paying the last upgrade 1 to 2.

I didn't think anything is avail anymore. Even the banking etc. works still here but very ugly now sadly. I even got the bank to insert recommendations for IBrowse-Amiga at those times at their website when all worked well and it is not the smallest bank in the world. That's kind of support too, no;)

The best usable browser still and yes, using Firefox now just to get the other sites working.
Hate to use it still.

For this pulsatorthingie: There is no obligation in no way even at Your narcotic/red lights country
(as understood from outside, sorry....) to gain anyones property for free.

If I'd have a nice car for sale but then changed my mind after painting it again really cool for a years time at evenings, how could that be obtained for free as it WAS for sale for say, nine years? Get a life man/ girlie!

Ok, I can sell my IB2,4 Key for 100¤ as writing in Firefox now. The boxed version and the printed manual+disks in "new" condition +20¤. + p&p. Interested?

No? Then be quiet.

Edit: typos & nonsence;)

Last edited by PR on 13-Apr-2008 at 02:37 AM.

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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 13-Apr-2008 9:44:32
#19 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 550
From: The Netherlands, Europe


Well, then we just agree to disagree.

And write something myself? If you don't know what you are talking about then just STFU.

I did some older game ports for OS 4 and I'm also a contributor in some open source Windows software but I don't ask for tips with a Paypal button.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
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Re: Ibrowse 2.4: Open for cracking season?
Posted on 13-Apr-2008 18:24:13
#20 ]
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From: Norrköping, Sweden


Either they have the responsibility to sell the software and people have the responsibility to pay for using it or they have no responsibility to sell it and people have no responsibility to pay for using it. You can't eat the cookie and have it at the same time.

Sammy Nordström, A.K.A. "Samface" - The Non-Commercial Network of Digital Arts.

Samworks D & C - Professional Web Development (in Swedish)

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