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What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 10:26:10
#1 ]
Joined: 27-Mar-2006
Posts: 12
From: Malmoe, Sweden

I have been contemplating the thought of what makes something feel like when I was using Amiga at my younger years (I am not an Amiga user at the moment). So I thought I would ask the people here what you think?

I haven't used AROS, AOS 4.0 or MorphOS so for me to say if they feel Amiga or not wouldn't be right. At least of what I have read and seen they all seem to look like an Amiga Operating System.

But what is wrong with other OS's? What have they failed in when they don't give me the same feeling of ease when I used my Amiga?

At some point I can't say exactly what it was, maybe it was only that at the time I was very curious and liked that I was able to configure so much myself that I couldn't do with Windows 3.11 that was available at the time. And Workbench was very responsive and felt very fast. And filemanagers like Directory Opus felt lightyears better than what was offered at PC at the time.

To sum it up it was alot about being able to configure your own system how you wanted it to function and how you wanted it to look like. Also the fast boot up time to Workbench and the repsonsive GUI and fast 2d Graphics. A lightweight OS, that's responsive and configurable.

What characteristics does an OS have to have for you to feel like it is an Amiga OS?


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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 10:32:03
#2 ]
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From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


To be based on the Amiga programs, including the operating system that we have all come to love.

Whizkid wrote:
Iliked that I was able to configure so much myself that I couldn't do with Windows 3.11 that was available at the time. And Workbench was very responsive and felt very fast. And filemanagers like Directory Opus felt lightyears better than what was offered at PC at the time.

To sum it up it was alot about being able to configure your own system how you wanted it to function and how you wanted it to look like. Also the fast boot up time to Workbench and the repsonsive GUI and fast 2d Graphics. A lightweight OS, that's responsive and configurable.

Sum's it up exactly

If we could define what it was, Windoze would only copy it.

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 10:48:37
#3 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


If it works on AmigaOS whit out emulation then it is AmigaOS software.

QNX software runs on QNX OS
BeOS software runs on BeOS
Linux Software runs on Linux OS
Unix software works on Unix.
Windows software runs on Windows
AmigaAnyware software runs on AmigaAnyware.
AROS software runs on AROS.

Some software titles will work on mix of platform when they are recompiled, this makes this programs multi platform compatible, (same whit script based programs like Java), How the software acts or what it can do not make any difference, take SDL for example it's multi platform graphics library, any thing using it will act the same on lots of platforms.

How you work whit the OS depends on gadget library's and classes installed on the system, if you have GTK, QT, programs will be the same on windows as on Linux, if that library is used, the same whit MUI, or what ever, supporting gadtools or MUI do not automaticly qualify it as AmigaOS software it need to work on AmigaOS too.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 31-Mar-2006 at 10:50 AM.

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 10:59:52
#4 ]
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From: Norway


there are many things that is common AmigaOS

1. Assigns
2. Mount lists / file system
3. icon system
4. screen dragging
5. Dynamic Ram disk
6. Directory naming
7. Datatype system
8. Reaction / Gadtools
9. devices and volume naming
10. Window front / back
11. ARexx

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 12:05:04
#5 ]
Joined: 27-Mar-2006
Posts: 12
From: Malmoe, Sweden


You get into alot of technical descriptions of what should be seen as amiga programs etc. What I was looking for was more what is it that makes you want to use Amiga OS over other OS's. In exact what are other OS's missing?

Sorry if I wasn't more exact in what I was after :)

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 12:08:50
#6 ]
Joined: 27-Mar-2006
Posts: 12
From: Malmoe, Sweden


Now this might be technical but this is concrete things which I miss in other operating systems. But of course they might have 3rd party products that can do the same thing.


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

there are many things that is common AmigaOS

1. Assigns
2. Mount lists / file system
3. icon system
4. screen dragging
5. Dynamic Ram disk
6. Directory naming
7. Datatype system
8. Reaction / Gadtools
9. devices and volume naming
10. Window front / back
11. ARexx

From this list things like a Ram Disk, Datatype system, devices and arexx seem like somthing I remember much about Amiga OS. I always liked the way Amiga worked using .library and datatypes that could be used by all programs. It felt like a good design for an OS.

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 12:13:34
#7 ]
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Can you do that (see img below with AminetRadio, WookieChat, dnetc,...) without any slowdown of the machine or crash on other OS (like Windblows for example) ?

And all what you said already.


- AOS has been ported to ex-86 ! It's called AROS and WinUAE... Or E-UAE on Linux !

- A1XE-G4 up and runing with:
512MB Ram / 200GB and 80GB HardDisks on Sii0680.
AOS4 Final Update / AmiZilla 0.1 Alpha

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 12:46:48
#8 ]
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From: Tortuga


Can you do that (see img below with AminetRadio, WookieChat, dnetc,...) without any slowdown of the machine or crash on other OS (like Windblows for example) ?


However, the programs do have different names.

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 14:26:48
#9 ]
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What makes someone an Amigan?

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 14:28:47
#10 ]
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From: Tortuga


What makes someone an Amigan?

Endless patience?

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 14:52:21
#11 ]
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Bobsonsirjonny wrote:
What makes someone an Amigan?

legal roms :)

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 15:14:06
#12 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
Posts: 3428
From: Lyon, France


Speed ! Or better responsiveness. The fact that you can open a window an close it in half a second. On Win, you need to wait until it is opened, especially when the system is running other softwares in the background.

The fact that you are never limited. A rather silly example is that you can, under AmigaOS, format and reinstall your whole system while it is running !

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
Amiga Translator Organisation

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 15:17:49
#13 ]
Cult Member
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From: Murcia (Spain)


Yes, i can do it too under win. As polka said, programs are called somewhat different....

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 15:19:29
#14 ]
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From: Tortuga

The fact that you can open a window an close it in half a second.


On Win, you need to wait until it is opened, especially when the system is running other softwares in the background.

I must have a strange Windows-version then where that never happens. Can't remember the last time I had to wait for a window to open.

The fact that you are never limited.

Except that you usually even can't log on to your bank account or visit some slightly more complex websites.

Last edited by polka. on 31-Mar-2006 at 03:22 PM.

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 15:34:23
#15 ]
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From: Winston-Salem, NC


What makes someone an Amigan?

Followers of the cult religion of "When its done"

C Snyder

"Space Mountain might be the oldest ride in the park, but it still has one of the longest lines!" - Ric Flair

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 15:48:43
#16 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


A long wait.

Reminds me of my first proper job. Got sent to the stores for a Long Stand and a tin of striped paint.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 16:53:26
#17 ]
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From: Lyon, France


you usually even can't log on to your bank account

I can with IB

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
Amiga Translator Organisation

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 17:04:54
#18 ]
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The_Editor wrote:

A long wait.

Reminds me of my first proper job. Got sent to the stores for a Long Stand and a tin of striped paint.

Striped paint?

Is that like the boy scout tradition of sending the tenderfoots over the mountain to the quartermaster's for a left-handed smoke shifter?

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 17:08:10
#19 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


After I had stood waiting in the stores for half hour I asked if he had forgot the Long Stand .. He replied "haven't you stood there Long enough yet then ?"

Clunk .. Penny dropped !!

Raucous laughter on my return !!

Well .. I was only 16

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: What makes something Amiga?
Posted on 31-Mar-2006 17:35:14
#20 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


The fealing makes something amiga. I got the fealing from AOS 4 upd #4 when I installed AOS 4 upd #4. I don't think that anything else could've given me the same fealing (AROS didn't, WinUAE didn't...).

You just can't belive that it is a G4 800MHz with 512MB RAM you got. It just so FAAST. My AMD 3200+ with 1GB RAM doesn't feal that fast (Windows XP offcourse).

Dragable screens... screens in itself... the catalog structure... settings in envarc that are easy to understans... really... it is so much fun and closer to perfect than the others.

It's great with multiuser if you need it but as a homeuser you don't. Things are lacking in AOS but it makes me choose it over other OS's so... that speaks for itself...

I use Windows for a few things but the fact that it feals slower is a bit of a turn off. Makes me feal anoyed and that is just crazy with the fast CPU and fast bus that it has. Sure it packs MP3s faster but that's about it. I don't notice the speed for every day use, it just feals slower.

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