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AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 16:10:26
#1 ]
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Joined: 20-Sep-2003
Posts: 189
From: Germany

As can be read from a chat log of Bill McEwen and a representative of ACube Systems,
AmigaOS 4 has been ported and runs on MacMini:


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 16:40:44
#2 ]
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Joined: 26-Sep-2003
Posts: 453
From: Unknown


So we were lied to. Not really all that suprising.

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 16:53:17
#3 ]
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Joined: 21-Nov-2003
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From: San remo -Italy-


But also it is written that amiga os could be ported on cpu like XBOX 360 PS3.. and others ppc systems..


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 16:55:10
#4 ]
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stew wrote:

So we were lied to. Not really all that suprising.

im interested in who has lied to us, what they have lied about, and who *us* is. care to elaborate?

Last edited by Derfs on 27-May-2007 at 05:00 PM.


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 16:59:03
#5 ]
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From: Tinytown


This was actually quite interesting. Seems like A Inc also been in contact with the italians. Oh and Mac Miniport would have been sweet.

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 17:20:20
#6 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


That was a bloody interesting read.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 17:34:57
#7 ]
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Can anyone prove this ?

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 17:40:41
#8 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

Have you all forgot about the MacMini rumours from last year?

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 17:44:24
#9 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


Interesting about UD-Tech too.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 17:46:00
#10 ]
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From: Germany


Well, the document clearly states that the MacMini port was put on hold unfinished.

And I really wonder why Amiga Inc. issued some of the new documents into the case
since they are partly in favour of Hyperion.

Exhibit 'M' is ridiculous.
To me it's only an example that Hyperion follows the licence strictly.

Exhibit 'N' and 'O' only document the failure to get a licence for the Sam440
and the MacMini-Port from Amiga Inc. due to Amiga Inc. not responding.
And it states: "Hyperion can not give us permission to publish the final product
since their licence with you only permit an hardware+OS4 bundle."

Honestly, I have no idea, what the current company known as Amiga Inc. is up to.

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 17:58:35
#11 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


Probably BrinkManShip

You only give clues to the opposition what aces you MIGHT hold.

When you up before the beak (if it goes that far) THEN they will both try their trump card

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:13:24
#12 ]
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From: Space Coast

im interested in who has lied to us, what they have lied about, and who *us* is. care to elaborate?

I assume the person who said that is referring to the many, many times Rogue stated that a Mac port was impossible because there was no way Hyperion could get ahold of the s00per sekrit Mac mobo documentation - despite the fact that several variants of Linux and other OSes had been ported to the Mac over the years. Then there were also the times various Hyperion people posted here saying that porting to the Mac was ridiculous since Apple stopped using PPC, so why bother porting to a "dead" platform?

That covers the who and the what in your question. Most likely the who was all the people who were asking the obvious: why not port OS4 to the Mac?

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:17:42
#13 ]
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Exhibit 'N' and 'O' only document the failure to get a licence for the Sam440
and the MacMini-Port from Amiga Inc. due to Amiga Inc. not responding.
And it states: "Hyperion can not give us permission to publish the final product
since their licence with you only permit an hardware+OS4 bundle."

You're not considering things from Amiga Inc's perspective. They aren't prepared to grant a license for Hyperion to sell OS4 on new hardware, because they believe they have paid, in full, for the right to own OS4, and thus they should profit from any sales of OS4 on new hardware. However, since they do not physically have the code, they cannot follow through on those rights, but since they believe Hyperion are ransoming OS4 they aren't going to give in even though this obviously harms the Amiga market.

The latest documents have really helped me to understand Amiga Inc's position. Hyperion's position I must speculate on, since they have revealed less of their motives so far, but I believe they expected Amiga Inc to allow them licenses to sell OS4 on other hardware after the demise of the AmigaOne, and when Amiga Inc denied this they realised they would never be able to recoup their investment.

I think they expected to remain in control of development of all OS4.x products, but Amiga Inc decided for whatever reason to bring it in-house. Since Hyperion have nothing in writing that guarantees them future development rights they are in a corner. The whole situation over the "buy-back" clause seems rather murky, and it seems that Hyperion and Amiga Inc may have had conflicting views over what this clause meant. (And also Hyperion signed the buy-back in desperation, since they badly needed the money - at least according to McEwen, so they may not have been thinking about the longer term at the time)

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:21:04
#14 ]
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From: Unknown


Then there were also the times various Hyperion people posted here saying that porting to the Mac was ridiculous since Apple stopped using PPC, so why bother porting to a "dead" platform?

ACube do cite the lack of hardware availability for one of their reasons for discontinuing work on the port.

It certainly never sounded like a viable future path for Amiga OS, since even when PPC Macs were still in production it would be a little odd to have to buy a competing OS to be able to run OS4, but it might have allowed people who already had compatible hardware to get OS4 more cost-effectively and could certainly have earned ACube more than it cost to port.

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:43:04
#15 ]
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jorkany wrote:
im interested in who has lied to us, what they have lied about, and who *us* is. care to elaborate?

I assume the person who said that is referring to the many, many times Rogue stated that a Mac port was impossible because there was no way Hyperion could get ahold of the s00per sekrit Mac mobo documentation - despite the fact that several variants of Linux and other OSes had been ported to the Mac over the years. Then there were also the times various Hyperion people posted here saying that porting to the Mac was ridiculous since Apple stopped using PPC, so why bother porting to a "dead" platform?

That covers the who and the what in your question. Most likely the who was all the people who were asking the obvious: why not port OS4 to the Mac?

Give the man a cookie (or beer)! I thought that the answers were obvious. THe question was raised repeatedly, esp. in light of the rumours, and shot down repeatedly. Makes for repeatedly lieing by someone.

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:43:12
#16 ]
Elite Member
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We have been so close to (quite a lot of) new hardware without even knowing about half of it.

-Mac port would have been cool with lots of cheap HW available!
-SAM would have been cool for embedded projects
-PS3 would have been sweet as it would let a lot on non-amigans give OS4 a try relatively cheap.
-The portable (UD-tech board from is just what I wanted next to my A1, a nice little gadget that could present OS4 to people outside of the community.
-The stuff from ACK would also be a welcome addition.

Now it is just interesting to see what will happen when everything get settled once and for all. Will the Friedens work with Amiga, will ACK deliver and will Amiga work with Acube or is it all just a complete waste?

I hope this lawsuit is finished soon, but don't dare to believe it will be so.


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:44:37
#17 ]
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From: Tinytown


Well AFAIR they were started by Helgis so why would anyone belive them?

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 18:46:55
#18 ]
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In simple terms, it looks like Hyperion locked themselves into a narrow hardware range. When those went south and it looks like new hardware is going to be the future they have to hold the OS hostage or be out in the cold.

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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 19:01:34
#19 ]
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well, i don't quite understand how Amiga ic has burned out all this possibilities. The Moana project is ready since at least one year. Why amiga inc. has refused to launch this incredible project to the public considering that there are hundred of thousand (or millions) of mac mini ppc based around the world, and many of the mac mini users are ex amigans? Could you imagine the possibility of this big affair? Could you smell the money business?

I don't really understand.


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Re: AmigaOS4 runs on MacMini
Posted on 27-May-2007 19:11:44
#20 ]
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From: Germany

If the company now known as Amiga Inc. has the right to do so
it is up to them issuing licences to use AmigaOS4 with.
Hyperion never said anything else.

Apparently this has not happened the past five years and I find
no real evidence from before that lawsuit that there is a genuine
interest in AmigaOS.

And to the Mac lovers, can anyone here please point me to detailed
hardware documentation for the MacMini?
Or a G4 desktop modell? Or a G3 or G4 MacBook?
Seems to me that Apple always was very strict with their hardware.

And next the discussion moves to as why OS4 does not support NVidia cards?

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