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FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 9:28:21
#1 ]
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From: Inside the mind of a cow on a planet that's flying through space at 242.334765 miles per second.

I've brought this up many times in my (serious) posts about Amiga. I've mentioned how I was lucky enough to have avoided the bulk of the FUD by my absense and how that has left me with perhaps a clearer view to whats going on than some of you.

Well I'd just like to point out to the vocal minority and their followers that the 20 threads talking about OS5/AA2 and your moral outrage within are based entirely on FUD.

Very little has been spoken of AA2, most of which has come from the words of reporters talking about a very slight glimpse of AA2 and an unofficial chat.

In other words, bugger all.

Until such time as the capabilities of OS5/AA2 are revealed, you are all talking FUD.

Thank you for your time.

"Anyone with a modicum of reasonableness may realize that it is like comparing the ride in the world to descend the stairs to catch the milk in the house."

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 10:32:40
#2 ]
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From: Dallas, Texas


I like your hat!


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 10:37:16
#3 ]
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Joined: 2-Mar-2005
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From: Poland


I like your hat!

I wonder if Druid will eat it after we all learn how much AA2 rocks.


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:07:52
#4 ]
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opi wrote:

I like your hat!

I wonder if Druid will eat it after we all learn how much AA2 rocks.


I forsee the next version "Space Invaders - On Asteroids"
It will win the" best game of 2008 awards"

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:08:44
#5 ]
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who would let facts get in the way of another excuse to have a go at

im still confused about how the whole OS5 == AA2 thing happened...


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:09:09
#6 ]
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From: Quattro Stelle


What people don't seem to grasp is how IMPORTANT this new version of Space Invaders is.

This is going to make Crysis look very silly indeed!


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:09:22
#7 ]
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i dont think he cares if it does or does not rock heh


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:11:16
#8 ]
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Thing is - he has a point. A valid point.

I would also bet that tasty hat that AA sales are many times higher than OS4

Its about time that people realise that OS4 isnt the be-all-and-end-all of everything. (And come to think of it a 64-bit version of anything doesnt make a flying ****s difference to anything in the world right now).

Things havent worked out for AI as they wanted and there is a lawsuit to prove it - thats about the only fact you can go on these days.

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:12:10
#9 ]
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Derfs wrote:

i dont think he cares if it does or does not rock heh

Asteriods (TM) would rock

I know, I'm full of bad jokes today....

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:28:12
#10 ]
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From: UK


would also bet that tasty hat that AA sales are many times higher than OS4

If they hadn't #####d that up too, that wouldn't be the case!

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 11:41:20
#11 ]
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From: Poland


He has a point, yes. We don't know what AA2 is. What we know they did a demo of it on some mobile device running WinCE and demoed a simple classical game. Nothing I would call 'groundbreaking' or 'better than OSX'.

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 12:03:26
#12 ]
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Yup, but a lot of people seem to have been labouring under false illusions/hopes about OS 5, and now that they are apparently disappointed about reality (not that we really know anything yet), some people (*cough* fairlanefastback *cough*) seem to want to twist what they said, so that they can increase anti-Amiga-Inc sentiment.

I have no problems with anti-Amiga-Inc sentiment per se, as long as it is based on the facts. Indeed, as you well know, I have criticised Amiga Inc many times in the past (and would still do so, if they were actually active.)

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 12:07:20
#13 ]
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From: Dallas, Texas


Ahem, accusation, ahem, suggest you edit


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 12:09:47
#14 ]
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From: Unknown

I don't see any problem, I said they "seem" not a definite "is" or "are". Fairlanefastback is free to defend his behaviour if he wants, I am merely trying to warn people about what seems to be going on (politics).

edit: I have had enough of "bad politics" in the Blue vs Red war, and exactly the same type of thing seems to be going on now. Some people (intentionally or not) are greatly distorting the truth, and then using that truth to paint one side as bad. Amiga Inc has enough failings, without the need to invent more.

Last edited by ChrisH on 08-Jan-2008 at 12:18 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 08-Jan-2008 at 12:16 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 12:11:52
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Nov-2002
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From: Dallas, Texas


Sure thing!

Edit: Right!


Last edited by Rudei on 08-Jan-2008 at 12:52 PM.

2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 12:56:23
#16 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Apr-2003
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


Until such time as the capabilities of OS5/AA2 are revealed, you are all talking FUD.

I see where you are coming from - we should always be fair - but unless you work for Amiga inc. I cannot see how anyone can have expected the response fom the Amiga crowd to have been any different.

How can anyone not take the micky out of what comes forth from BMs mouth when everything for the past 4 years has been nonsense - most of it (like the Kent Centre) ludicrous nonsense.

Then he appears with his 'better than OSX' demo and it turns out to be a smartphone running Space Invaders.

There is a point when FUD turns from being a negative point of ridicule to one where we are all warning anyone who will listen that this is all nonsense.

And all this nonsense about 'MS don't want us to tell anyone that they are using someone elses software layer' - what utter rot. I mean it doesn't even sound plausible.

Yes - you are right that I know nothing about AIncs plans but I have been able to guess the outcome of all their ludicrous announcements for some time now - as have others. I will make a further prediction that AA2 is a resounding failure just as everything else has been that AInc. has touched.

I cannot believe that AInc. is STILL banging on about selling a software layer to smartphone vendors who quite clearly don't want one. I mean at least beofe it was based on TAO so it had sme sort of developmental core to draw on that relied on real and experienced developers. Even that went under. What is AA2 based on? As far as we can tell it is of AIncs own creation. Sensibly - given everything that has past - how well do you think that will fair?

BTW - Nice hat.


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 12:59:24
#17 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


I would also bet that tasty hat that AA sales are many times higher than OS4

Considering that OS4 is crippled from a sales point of view to only those few Amigans left with working PPC classic systems I wouldn't be surprised.

If OS4 was properly released for all hardware then you would have a contest.


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 13:04:11
#18 ]
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From: Peterborough, UK, Planet Earth (I think...)


All people "seems" to be waiting for is the "Killer App"... Well, now they've got the "Killer Game", Space Invaders !


- AOS has been ported to ex-86 ! It's called AROS and WinUAE... Or E-UAE on Linux !

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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 13:12:29
#19 ]
Elite Member
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


Well, now they've got the "Killer Game", Space Invaders !

My fave version has to be the TI99/4A Texas Instruments version on cartridge.


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Re: FUD. And the pointing out of...
Posted on 8-Jan-2008 14:08:06
#20 ]
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opi wrote:

He has a point, yes. We don't know what AA2 is. What we know they did a demo of it on some mobile device running WinCE and demoed a simple classical game. Nothing I would call 'groundbreaking' or 'better than OSX'.

The actual quote was "much better than OS X" I believe. LOL!

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