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Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 9:36:27
#1 ]
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Joined: 29-Apr-2003
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From: Unknown

Apparently a long-time Amiga Inc. investor, Pentti Kouri, has died at 59 in Los Angeles.

He was Finnish, his death reported here in Finnish:


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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 9:47:47
#2 ]
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Joined: 30-May-2003
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


does that mean Amiga Inc may wind down now?

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 10:28:22
#3 ]
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From: Zoetermeer, Netherlands


Probably not. Pentti was sick for a long time, and probably made sure things would continue after his passing.
Anyway, my condoleances to his family and friends. RIP.

Last edited by Cameraman on 22-Jan-2009 at 10:28 AM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 10:53:12
#4 ]
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Joined: 5-Feb-2007
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From: UK, AUS, US

Rest In Peace...
What a kind man, never knew what he really looked like.
Explains why a lot of people couldn't get in touch with him either.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 10:54:32
#5 ]
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Joined: 18-Apr-2003
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


does that mean Amiga Inc may wind down now?

Time will tell if this makes any difference to the keeness that AInc's investors have to hold on to this almost worthless brand.

About the only people it is not totally worthless to is Hyperion but I see no reason why anyone else would want it.


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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 12:33:05
#6 ]
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RIP anyway PK.


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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 12:35:14
#7 ]
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Time will tell if this makes any difference to the keeness that AInc's investors have to hold on to this almost worthless brand.

Calling the Amiga name totally worthless is far from the truth. A computer that sold millions is always worth something, especially considering what reputation the amiga got as a creative, fun, computer. People loved their amiga at the time, and THAT is worth alot!!

Trust me if a company like say Apple bought Amiga and put some serious muscles and effort into reintroducing the brand to the world, you would see some serious sales figures! - people would gladly pay lot's of money if this was carried through properly with different machines like in the old days. If you look at the entire Mac approach with their iphone, iMac, ipad, iCandy, etc. and imagine the Amiga brand got that kind of attention from a company, i bet you the Amiga would rise to former glory once more!

The brand Amiga's problem is that nobody gave it that chance! - they wanted to but didn't have what it took to relaunch the brand....and the worst is that it really is quite simple to relaunch a once beloved brand....I mean people would buy any Amiga device just because of their fond memoires!

edit: typo

Last edited by Hondo on 22-Jan-2009 at 12:37 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 12:44:37
#8 ]
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From: S.Wales


If Apple bought Amiga they would bury it much more efficiently than Bill Mcewen could ever imagine.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 12:44:38
#9 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


Calling the Amiga name totally worthless is far from the truth. A computer that sold millions is always worth something, especially considering what reputation the amiga got as a creative, fun, computer. People loved their amiga at the time, and THAT is worth alot!!

I'm not saying that the Amiga isn't lovely or anything - just that in the cold light of day a rebirth of the Amiga brand name will cost millions and as such anyone starting out from scratch would be better starting again. Also the reputation it has (or perhaps had) is in the past. Way way in the past. It was 15 years ago this April that CBM died and 17 years since the Amiga had it's all-conquering XMas in 1991 - it's peak in the UK.

and the worst is that it really is quite simple to relaunch

With the greatest of respect you couldn't be more wrong - it would require a great deal of time and money. The Amiga is well beyond a 'simple relaunch' to bring it back.

Virtually anyone under 20 (25?) won't have even heard of the Amiga therefore making the brand worth extremely limited. IMHO

Last edited by -Sam- on 22-Jan-2009 at 12:48 PM.
Last edited by -Sam- on 22-Jan-2009 at 12:48 PM.
Last edited by -Sam- on 22-Jan-2009 at 12:47 PM.


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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 13:26:15
#10 ]
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From: Unknown

So anyone over 25 is worthless? Would have thought they are the ones who are starting to get some disposable income...

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:18:05
#11 ]
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Hondo wrote:


Trust me if a company like say Apple bought Amiga and put some serious muscles and effort into reintroducing the brand to the world, you would see some serious sales figures! - people would gladly pay lot's of money if this was carried through properly with different machines like in the old days. If you look at the entire Mac approach with their iphone, iMac, ipad, iCandy, etc. and imagine the Amiga brand got that kind of attention from a company, i bet you the Amiga would rise to former glory once more!

The only thing any big I.T company will get out of buying amiga is a name. Apple has no use for a name. These big players are not interested in the technology amiga has.
I bet if they were, amiga would have been bought out by now and mcewen would be so stankin' rich he wouldnt be interested in money fraud.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:37:41
#12 ]
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From: MA, USA


What a kind man

No disrepect intended to the dead, but what is the basis for your determing he was kind?

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:40:04
#13 ]
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jtsiren wrote:
Apparently a long-time Amiga Inc. investor, Pentti Kouri, has died at 59 in Los Angeles.


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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:40:11
#14 ]
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removed, off topic

Last edited by Seer on 22-Jan-2009 at 08:00 PM.
Last edited by meet.mrnrg on 22-Jan-2009 at 02:43 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:43:47
#15 ]
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Cameraman wrote:

Probably not. Pentti was sick for a long time, and probably made sure things would continue after his passing.
Anyway, my condoleances to his family and friends. RIP.

Its possibly presumptive to state that though. We don't know how important Amiga was to him vs. his other companies. And we don't know if other investors will stick around with him gone either. Additionally we don't know if others will even feel comfortable running the businesses the same way that he had.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:45:35
#16 ]
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removed - off topic

Last edited by Seer on 22-Jan-2009 at 08:01 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 14:54:02
#17 ]
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From: MA, USA


Calling the Amiga name totally worthless is far from the truth. A computer that sold millions is always worth something

digital (dec) is worth how much then?
How about Commodore??

Its worth more than nothing but probably not worth nearly what you think.

Trust me if a company like say Apple bought Amiga and put some serious muscles and effort into reintroducing the brand to the world, you would see some serious sales figures!

Never would happen. Its called canabilizing your own sales and diluting your main brand by doing something like that.

People loved their amiga at the time, and THAT is worth alot!!

Just remember that we are getting older and that younger folks don't know the brand much, if at all. Every day that passes the brand is worth less. Every time Bill McEwen opens his mouth lately the brand is worth less (IMO).

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 22-Jan-2009 at 03:01 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 16:27:20
#18 ]
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Last edited by Seer on 22-Jan-2009 at 08:02 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 16:42:10
#19 ]
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Last edited by Seer on 22-Jan-2009 at 08:02 PM.

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Re: Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri dies
Posted on 22-Jan-2009 16:44:49
#20 ]
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May he rest in peace.


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