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CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 21:51:20
#1 ]
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Joined: 12-Nov-2007
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From: Unknown

Title says it all.

I've seen people getting the two mixed up frequently in recent threads. I've made a similar mistake in a discussion here too. It's clearly happening because Commodore USA is pretty much an unknown quantity, and people want to judge them as quickly as they can, so they transfer their distrust for Amiga Inc onto Commodore USA so they can make an easier decision.

I don't think that is fair.

Here's what we know about Commodore USA so far (assuming it's not a hoax):

1. They plan to sell Commodore Amiga branded PCs.
2. AROS will be one of the pre-installed operating system options.
3. Amiga Inc aren't involved, apart from licensing the Amiga name.
4. Their website needs work.
5. Their skill in PR needs work.

There are some other minor details, but not much else beyond the list above.

If you see someone on AW mix up CommodoreUSA and Amiga Inc, you might as well point them to this thread to save yourself the bother of writing it out.


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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:04:59
#2 ]
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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:05:12
#3 ]
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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:09:54
#4 ]
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This is important as well, since it clearly states that AI was approached as more or less a "last resort":


Maybe Hyperion or A-Eon can get a hold of Commodore USA and buy Commodore Amiga cases for their products.

We not only invite them to do so, we even contacted them regarding this well before the Amiga Inc deal.
We wouldn't have gone for the Amiga trademark if we could have come to an arrangement.
I'd like to think working with them is still an option.
Communication lines are open.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
The opinions expressed in this forum are my own and are not those of Commodore USA.

Source: Post #79


Last edited by number6 on 03-Sep-2010 at 10:16 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:20:34
#5 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

Covered by point 5.


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

Hyperion's actions are irrelevant with this topic.

This is important as well, since it clearly states that AI was approached as more or less a "last resort":

Does it really matter? The purpose of this topic is to make it clear that Commodore USA and Amiga Inc are not the same company. There's plenty of existing topics for discussing everything else.

The point I am making is they are not the same company, therefore we should judge them on their own separate merits.

Last edited by HenryCase on 03-Sep-2010 at 10:23 PM.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:21:25
#6 ]
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You forgot to mention the role of Asiarim Corp, the company that gave the license to Commodore USA. Their site has a couple of product leaflets, all branded Commodore. The products seem nice enough but are not extremely ground breaking and look a lot like they have been bought via Chinavasion (there is another site with stuff like this but can't remember it) with a pre-printed Commodore logo.

With that in mind, it looks to me as if Commodore USA is just another re-seller of the Asiarim products, just like CommodoreCorpUSA and CommodoreWorld. I could be proven wrong tho..

Should the real Amiga enthusiast be too concerned? Don't think so. The CommodoreUSA products I see as 'nice to haves' and the products from Hyperion, ACube and A-Eon I see as products for the die-hard Amiga fans still wanting to break away from anything Microsoft, Apple and/or Linux.

My 1 cent.

Back home...

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:23:01
#7 ]
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I don't understand why anyone is giving this kerfuffle any attention.

All of this news is clearly anecdotal and merely contributes to longstanding beliefs that the Amiga market is an absolute joke.

Here's a thought: ignore it and it will go away.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 22:26:10
#8 ]
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All of this news is clearly anecdotal and merely contributes to longstanding beliefs that the Amiga market is an absolute joke.

This thread isn't news, it's purpose is a clarification.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 23:28:57
#9 ]
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The purpose of this topic is to make it clear that Commodore USA and Amiga Inc are not the same company.

Topic "CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc"

Shouldn't that be "CommodoreUSA Amiga Inc" then?

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 23:35:15
#10 ]
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!= means 'does not equal'.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 3-Sep-2010 23:44:08
#11 ]
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Yes, figured that out after almost missing it, just wanted to point out its not exactly obvious to everyone.

edit: I see my symbols were wiped out, 2 arrows pointing in opposite directions

Last edited by sundown on 03-Sep-2010 at 11:48 PM.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 0:04:55
#12 ]
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Sorry if this one has been posted before...

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 1:08:03
#13 ]
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Those PCs are plain ugly. The last thing I would want built-in to my desktop PC (or Mac) is a trackpad!


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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 2:56:57
#14 ]
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My unproven theory is that Commodore USA is allegedly a shell company, they are using AROS because it is cheaper than creating an operating system (hint hint) and it is an alleged smack in the face to Hyperion.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 3:10:12
#15 ]
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In terms of 'all-in-one' case designs, it will be competing against multimedia/gaming laptops.

For example,

ASUS's ROG (Republic of Gamers) G73

Dell Studio XPS 1645 (my laptop)

The pure-desktop version has should look like an up-market product without the built-in screen.

I don't think Cybernet's "all-in-one" case designs can compete with the above examples.

Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 04:08 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 03:30 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 03:26 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 03:23 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 03:23 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 03:20 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 04-Sep-2010 at 03:19 AM.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 4:40:21
#16 ]
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This is pretty nice if you ask me.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 4:53:59
#17 ]
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The day Commodore starts making computers based on real processors and not crap that has been upgraded and patched since the beginning of the seventies I might start to care.

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 5:25:21
#18 ]
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Niolator wrote:
The day Commodore starts making computers based on real processors and not crap that has been upgraded and patched since the beginning of the seventies I might start to care.

What is a real processor in your eyes?

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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 6:07:37
#19 ]
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cant speak for him but I bet it's NOT an X86 variant/evolution and something new.


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Re: CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
Posted on 4-Sep-2010 6:30:38
#20 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


"The day Commodore starts making computers based on real processors and not crap that has been upgraded and patched since the beginning of the seventies I might start to care."

I wonder if we see the day when better technologies really start to beat those that are only developed to get $$$$$. Annoying that with good marketing, you can sell sh*t to people (the Winx86 success story).

Also I like to see other than x86 CPUs as one Amigalike option. PPC is still capable to be "enough" for the desktop. It just is not able to compete with price & high performance desktops.

Last edited by KimmoK on 04-Sep-2010 at 06:33 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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