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How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 0:04:00
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 5-Jul-2012
Posts: 400
From: Pacifica, CA

I hope someone here could please tell me how to contact the web administrator at

I have been trying for over a month now, to complete my registration to the site, but I am always directed by email to site with a broken link, hence I can't complete the registration.

I'm hoping that if I could let them know what is going on, they could instruct me or help me to complete registration.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Amiga 1200 fully loaded. AmigaONE X5000 w/AmigaOS 4.1 FE / MorphOS 3.9 in Mac Mini G4 1.5GHz. Acer Aspire One with AROS Icaros FPGA Replay and MiST

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Re: How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 0:15:39
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jul-2005
Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


Don't feel like they are ignoring you specifically, I had the same problem when trying to register there.

Finally someone who knows the administrators there contacted them on my behalf and I finally was able to register an account there, but I don't remember who that someone was, or exactly how the registration process was finally resolved.

Sorry I am not much help, but keep trying and someone should finally see your pleas for help and get your registration sorted out for you.

I hardly ever visit there, and can't remember if I have posted more than 3 to 5 messages there in the past 6 months, as is the only Amiga forum site I really need.

Good luck getting your account set up there. I have no idea what the problem is and why they have not sorted it out over the last 6 to 12 months, as you and I are not the only people who have had troubles getting an account registered there.

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Re: How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 0:19:23
#3 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Maybe a holiday problem or something, or maybe you have a problem whit SPAM filter.

I can foreword a PM for you if you like.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 10-Aug-2012 at 12:20 AM.

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Re: How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 0:20:27
#4 ]
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All I can find is a tip or two on registration to circumvent their spambot issues:

Registration problem?


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Re: How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 0:49:24
#5 ]
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Joined: 5-Jul-2012
Posts: 400
From: Pacifica, CA


PM sent to you with my registration information. Thanks.

Amiga 1200 fully loaded. AmigaONE X5000 w/AmigaOS 4.1 FE / MorphOS 3.9 in Mac Mini G4 1.5GHz. Acer Aspire One with AROS Icaros FPGA Replay and MiST

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Re: How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 6:22:03
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown


You have a PM here from me.

Sorry about the hassle, I just remember the contact email on used to go to my OLD email address. That's now been closed. I will have to have that changed.

If anyone else is having problems, PM me here. Thanks

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Re: How to contact Amigans.Net?
Posted on 10-Aug-2012 6:46:29
#7 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


Same problem, PM sent
Thanks you !


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