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Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 13:38:40
#1 ]
Elite Member
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From: S.Wales

I recently noticed this link on the DiscreetFX website.

I'd previously been, as I suspect many others are, under the impression that it hadn't been available for a number of years now.
I didn't know how long ago this link was from so I PM'd Bill Panagouleas last night and he confirmed that you can indeed still by it via the link.

I myself bought it in 2001 and have used it quite a lot over the years because of its many useful and fun features. Although there are a few bugs I can easily recommend it anyone who wants a good paint/image processing application.

I have run it on and A1200 060, Amithlon and OS4, it probably also works on MorphOS too.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 14:04:13
#2 ]
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Any idea which version of Photogenics it is, and hold old it is?

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 14:10:06
#3 ]
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From: S.Wales


It's version 5, which I think was released early 2001.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 14:12:03
#4 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK


Nice, but £48.33 is a bit much for my wallet comnsidering the age of the program and no chance of upgrades / bug fixes / native version. Face it, it's a discontinued product £50 is far too much.

Last edited by Severin on 11-Aug-2007 at 02:17 PM.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 14:55:30
#5 ]
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From: S.Wales


From the DiscreetFX site.

Photogenics 5. Not a product from DiscreetFX but instead from a long time friend of ours Paul Nolan at Idruna Software Inc. This great application has seen no updates on Amiga due to lack of sales. If you would like to see an Amiga OS 4.0 version or MorphOS version please support this great developer and order a copy to encourage further development. There are also versions for Linux, Windows and PocketPC.

I've sent Bill a few more messages about the possibility of a bug fixed OS4 version and also if there would be any chance of getting Paul Nolan to drop the price to encourage more people to try the software.

It doesn't guarantee anything but I think we can rest assured that Bill will make he best efforts to see if the situation can be changed.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 14:56:20
#6 ]
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And the fact remains that as nice as the feature set of PG5 was, it was reportedly the most buggy of all the series and in dire need of some fixes.

I have played around with a copy I had of V5, and on the whole it was pretty nice, but did have some serious stability problems on the machines I tried.

As I recall, future developments of PG moved on to either Linux or Windows.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 15:24:32
#7 ]
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This is such a typical community response, instead of saying "wow" this program is STILL available for sale, when a lot of other companies have failed or just totally left behind, some people here are negative about it.

As a community we don't have many options as far as real live for sale software anymore. Instead of talking about how buggy it is. We don't actually know until someone buys it which version it really is. We all should be downloading the heck out of it especially at that price. If we want to show that the community is still alive and will buy software we should support software companies that make the effort to make something available.

I can't believe the response on this. I can tell you I have been to idruna's site a number of times before this thread became active and that link wasn't there. They mentioned the software but you couldn't buy it from them.

Shame on you guys for trashing software when there is so little of it out there and available. On principle I am going to BUY a copy of it just to show that the community is alive and wants to stay alive.

Will anyone do this with me, to start showing companies that make Amiga products available that they should be supported? I don't care what the Admin here says, I am buying it, just because I want Amiga software to live in an ever shrinking community. I remember using this product back in 1996 (I believe). It wasn't that buggy and it worked great with a high color graphics card.

Attitudes about products like the one above is why the community is *DYING*

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 16:24:10
#8 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK



DonnieA2 wrote:

Shame on you guys for trashing software when there is so little of it out there and available. On principle I am going to BUY a copy of it just to show that the community is alive and wants to stay alive.

Will anyone do this with me, to start showing companies that make Amiga products available that they should be supported? I don't care what the Admin here says, I am buying it, just because I want Amiga software to live in an ever shrinking community. I remember using this product back in 1996 (I believe). It wasn't that buggy and it worked great with a high color graphics card.

As I said, I would if I could afford it, I can't, it's well over half a weeks income for me. If it was half the price I'd be using it now...

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 16:40:05
#9 ]
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From: Surrey


but what Amiga paint package isn't discontinued?
£48'd spend more than that taking a young lady out for the evening and still may not get an upgrade but cheaper would be better

Well I use Photogenics 5 on my MicroA1 and its not bad at all, the odd little glitch sometimes but not often

Yes it would be nice if Paul would let someone else develop it further, even up to the Windows version ( yes on the laptop) which has a few extra features than the Amiga version, maybe Discreet FX could ask?

As you said Steve , Paul develops mainly for Windows Now, actually Pocket PC with his Pocket Phojo which is mainly aimed at photojournalists

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 16:52:04
#10 ]
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From: Lisbon, Portugal


Sorry, but that is not the reason this community is dying. If a program is buggy, it should be reported as buggy. What good does a program do to a platform if the buyer is unhappy with the purchase?
If someone wants to SUPPORT the community, it will buy it regardless, if that person thinks it will help. And I'm not even sure it helps, in this case. Even then, I had no feedback on any of my attempts to contact the author.

I bought Photogenics5 many years ago and was disappointed with it. Great features, yes, but extremely unstable. It wasn't cheap (more than twice as much as the current price) and I thought "why did I buy this?". I dabbled with it a few times and only return from time to time, usually when I upgrade my OS, to see if it magically cures the bugs. Surprisingly, some are indeed cured, but it's not enough, especially for a program that (back then) cost me a good portion of my salary...

Sure, it's good to know it's still available, but that doesn't mean I will tell everyone "Hey, go buy it now. It's perfect!".
Blindly defending faulty/buggy programs just because they exist could do more harm than good.

Last edited by BrandonLee on 11-Aug-2007 at 04:53 PM.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 17:30:28
#11 ]
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From: Unknown


I'd rather pay for something still in development, but guess there's not much of an alternative to Photogenics. Never really got into it myself even though I have an old version somewhere.

Anyway I welcome the availability of all software able to run on OS4


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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 17:51:24
#12 ]
Elite Member
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ArtEffects was/is a pretty awesome program (and stable) - and I got it free with Amithlon...

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 18:04:01
#13 ]
Elite Member
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From: Gloucestershire UK


ArtEffect for OS4 is in development so mip along to alinea and grab the 68k version which works very well on OS4 :)


I hope you've bought a copy to show your support :)

Last edited by Severin on 11-Aug-2007 at 06:04 PM.

OS4 Rocks
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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 18:35:22
#14 ]
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I did.. I own over 300 pieces of bought Amiga software. You should see my PC collection. I used to work for a dealer for many years (yeah I got an employee discount).

Art Effect is more like an "Illustration tool". This does a couple things I can't find in Photoshop CS3.. I am a professional developer and designer. I believe whole heartedly in supporting the platforms I use and the toolsets that get it done..

@ others on the thread
By the way the version being sold, seems solid on WinUAE (wow it's fast) and great on my 1200HD/030... I haven't tried it on the A3000D, but I'd have to buy another copy, which if I end up using it I probably will.

It's really obvious and I have been to the Idruna site more than a few times that they brought this back based on a DEMAND or people asking to buy it. It wasn't available for a seriously long period of time. It's nice to see someone try to come back to enter the market, and have someone trash the effort.

It wasn't just sitting out there for sale. If they make money on it and there is a demand, how do you know they won't rework it and re-issue the product?? Just because an admin user says it isn't the case.

I really think that this whole negativity thing needs to stop. Let's bring back the platform, not put it in the early grave. To do that we need to support community members who might wanna bring back there products..

$75 is not a lot of money for what it does compared to a $200 product like photoshop elements..

You say you want the platform succeed so go out and buy it and anything else that comes along.

Need I remind you we lost IO spirit and their great paint and video and scanning products this last year. What are you guys thinking..

Last edited by DonnieA2 on 11-Aug-2007 at 06:46 PM.
Last edited by DonnieA2 on 11-Aug-2007 at 06:43 PM.
Last edited by DonnieA2 on 11-Aug-2007 at 06:38 PM.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 19:33:36
#15 ]
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count me in, I agree with you, the response to this thread is disappointing and if I was a software developer I would be thinking twice about porting anything to this platform based on the comments here. Why not buy the software and try it out first and bugreport as necessary. It certainly was never designed for OS4 so I would expect to see some bugs/problems anyway, and they will never get ironed out if nobody uses it.

Swisso Bournemouth A1XEG4 1.3Ghz 7457 CPU


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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 19:35:07
#16 ]
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Severin wrote:

ArtEffect for OS4 is in development so mip along to alinea and grab the 68k version which works very well on OS4 :)


I hope you've bought a copy to show your support :)

I'll have to dig ArtEffect out I have that somewhere from when it was released only problem I seem to remember is the printed Manual is only in German and my German is about as good as my Betelgeuseion

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 19:47:42
#17 ]
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$75 is not a lot of money for what it does compared to a $200 product like photoshop elements..

keep up to date, I can buy Photoshop elements for $89 direct from adobe.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 19:48:46
#18 ]
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have a look round that link I gave, there should be some 'workshops' lurking there somewhere.

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 19:57:19
#19 ]
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Cheers I will have a look , if not I'll have to drag my little nephew down, currently working near youish (cheltenham),as he speaks reads German

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen

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Re: Photogenics still available to buy new!
Posted on 11-Aug-2007 20:46:06
#20 ]
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From: S.Wales


By the way the version being sold, seems solid on WinUAE (wow it's fast) and great on my 1200HD/030.

What does it say in the .info file, mine says last changed Sunday 18 March 2001 22:51, I bought it at WOAse 2001 instead of Amiga Inc "on schedule and rockin" OS4 which turned out not to exist.

It's really obvious and I have been to the Idruna site more than a few times that they brought this back based on a DEMAND or people asking to buy it.

Apparently that page has been there all along it just hasn't been linked to the Idruna site for some time. Bill Panagouleas made a link to the page to show Paul Nolan that people would still by the software.
When I spotted it I thought that it would be a good idea to post it on the various Amiga sites I use so that others may know too.

I think the main reason that Paul stopped developing the Amiga version was due to a lack of sales. There are now already already a few extra sales because of my posts but there a many more sites I don't know and many Amiga users who are not English speakers and don't come here. Try and spread the word even if you are not personally interested, because others may be.

It seems that Bill Panagouleus is a friend of Paul Nolan so it could lead to something more if there is enough interest generated by this effort, I don't want to speculate too much about it though. Hopefully Bill will join this thread at some point.

Anyway I'm glad I've got people talking about it again even if some people are a bit gloomy about it.

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