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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 13:02:42
#21 ]
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Joined: 20-Jun-2003
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From: Italy

Slightly OT maybe, but IMHO worth asking: is the Morphos 2.0 key somehow "linked" to the motherboard?

I mean, should I buy, *then* sell an Efika, upgrading (for example) to a Pegasos, would the key still be legally valid?

Is there any scheduled release date for Efika audio support?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 13:43:03
#22 ]
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Joined: 5-Sep-2007
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From: Germany


How about some detailed installation instructions?

By experimenting, I found out that a USB stick with FAT16/VFAT containing both the EFIKA installer file and the CD-ROM contents works in principle.

I replaced my mouse with a Microsoft mouse, and voila, that one works on the hub in MOS 2.0.

After installing, what's the name of the boot image file for OpenFirmware?

p.s.: And which filing system to use on MOS 2.0? (SFS is displayed corrupted in the OF "ls" command)

p.p.s: Double-clicking the wizard icon hangs the entire machine, single-clicking works.

p.p.p.s: About half of the times, the EFIKA installer image doesn't boot up properly.

Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 01:52 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 01:52 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 01:51 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 01:45 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 01:44 PM.

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 14:24:50
#23 ]
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Joined: 20-Nov-2007
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From: Canada


is the Morphos 2.0 key somehow "linked" to the motherboard?

Yes, it is.

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 14:26:04
#24 ]
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From: Queensland, Australia


People are reporting different results with their attempts to install MorphOS. I didn't have any trouble but, like you, I didn't know straight away how to boot the newly installed system. However, once the iso contents have been installed there should by a file on the target partition called boot.img

At the SmartFirmware prompt type:

boot {device}:{partition #} boot.img

In my case, it's:

boot hd:0 boot.img

I truely cut my teeth with this stuff installing various linux distributions so I can say, don't be afraid to experiment.

Last edited by peroxidechicken on 02-Jul-2008 at 02:29 PM.


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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 14:43:36
#25 ]
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From: Germany

OK, so I can give y'all a detailed installation description for EFIKA, for a harddisk-based system, via USB stick:

1. Make sure you have a harddisk that you don't need otherwise attached to the internal harddisk connector. The installer sports a harddisk partition tool.
2. Hardware support: EFIKA supports some types of keyboards and mice. The keyboard can be tested by booting up EFIKA and trying to type some things. Normal USB keyboards should work. As I found out myself, Microsoft mice might work, Logitech mice might not work.
3. Get a USB stick with at least 250 MB, format it with FAT16/VFAT (on Linux, use "parted" with "fat16" and "vfat" in "/etc/fstab" entries), and copy over all files from the CD or the CD ROM image itself. Also copy the file "morphos-2.0-efikainstall.img" onto the stick. Remove the stick cleanly (!) from the computer (in Windows use the "safely remove hardware" function, on Linux, type "sync" and "umount ...").
4. Get a USB hub and connect mouse and keyboard to it. Connect the hub to the EFIKA. Connect the USB stick to the EFIKA. Boot the EFIKA and type some things to see if the keyboard still works.
5. If the keyboard works, type "boot scsi:0 morphos-2.0-efikainstall.img" to boot the installer. If you're too quick, an error message is displayed; OpenFirmware loads a driver in the background, which takes some time. If booting the installer begins, don't worry, this might take a couple of minutes. If the screen goes black for a long time, hit the reset button and try again. Eventually, the installation environment for MOS 2.0 will boot up.
4. Click on the wizard icon in the lower left corner (single click! a double click crashes the machine). Follow directions. If the wizard crashes and is restarted, try again. Eventually you'll get to the point where you can partition the disk and select the installation source. Select the stick directory as installation source and click "install". Wait until all files are copied and a success message is displayed. Use SFS as filing system or any other that might work. (It worked for me with both SFS and FFS)
5. The boot image file is named "boot.img". Don't attempt to list the disk contents since it will crash OpenFirmware shortly after.
6. Boot the EFIKA into the OF prompt, then type "setenv auto-boot? true", then "setenv boot-device hd:0" (if not already set, type "getenv boot-device" to verify), then "setenv boot-file boot.img". Type "boot" to boot it for the first time. It doesn't work any other way (manually typing "boot" with parameters fails because OF corrupts itself when reading the filing system).
7. After rebooting, EFIKA will boot automatically into MOS 2.0. You can press ESC during boot time (a couple of seconds time) to enter the OF prompt, if you need it again.
8. The CD contains a folder "Docs" with a "SFUserManual.pdf" file that contains information about OpenFirmware.
9. If everything seems okay, try enabling 3D (thanks, Zylesea!! ) by using "setenv boot-file boot.img 3d" in OF.
10. Enjoy!

That's a more thorough explanation than that in the README file!

Last edited by voyager2007 on 03-Jul-2008 at 12:37 AM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:08 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 02:46 PM.

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 15:22:52
#26 ]
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Joined: 5-Sep-2007
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From: Germany


What filing system did you use?

OF crashes after listing SFS or FFS directories for me. Also, on my system it can boot only with a zero-arguments "boot" command (using parameters set with setenv).

BTW, here are some more images:

booting the installer (after a "ls scsi:0" command on the USB stick)
during installation (earlier attempt)
after booting the installed system

My first impressions:
1. The installation process could use some improvement. But it was easy enough, only a couple of hours to figure it out. My description might help people to install it more quickly.
2. Moving a window over a file manager window results in frequent disk accesses. What for?
3. Performance, speed-wise, is poor sometimes (in 2D mode, or with MUI apps). Resizing the MUIProcCalc window shows how slow MOS 2.0 can be. Why is it so slow? (MUI doesn't get any faster when 3D is enabled, BTW)
4. On the demo version (and sometimes in the full version), the system hangs occasionally on GUI events (moving, resizing, scrolling).
5. Contains web browser!

p.s.: I've registered it now and paid for it. That's after all why I bought the EFIKA in the first place!
p.p.s.: And after installing the key file, it gets better by the minute!!

Last edited by voyager2007 on 03-Jul-2008 at 10:15 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 03-Jul-2008 at 02:51 AM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:53 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:23 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:22 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:19 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:02 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 03:28 PM.

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 15:24:47
#27 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


The lack of the audio driver is a major drawback, but i am sure it'll be released soon. As far as what the speed regards, I feel quite the opposite. It is clear that teh Efika is no full featured desktop system, but a small rather special system. IMO it feels much faster than did 68k Amiga ever felt. Enable 3d, and gfx operations get pretty awsome fast! Have you seen the speed of the thumbnail preview in Ambient? It is fast, pretty fast. I have the impression it feels even more fast than my UAE system on the 2,4 GHz maschine feels.
I thinks it's rather amazing and I registered it already, but Audio must be delivered ASAP.

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MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 15:29:43
#28 ]
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Joined: 20-Jan-2004
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From: Germany

Maybe someone can make a video to see how the current MOS2.0 release performs on EFIKA?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 15:50:05
#29 ]
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How do I enable 3D?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 15:52:50
#30 ]
Joined: 18-Jul-2007
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Fab wrote:

I once made some io tests. It reached about 3/4MB/s, but it's PIO mode, so using quite some cpu time.

About mplayer, i answered somewhere else, already, but as audio driver is not present, it may pick filesave audio or so. Please add -ao null as long as audio driver is not available. I had no issues playing about 640x480 xvid/divx stuff here.

Explain abit more when you get a chance.

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 16:15:36
#31 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


boot [your boot device] boot.img 3d

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 16:59:34
#32 ]
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Thank you!

I'll test it.

p.s.: Yup, that's much better!

p.p.s: I edited this post using MOS 2.0 on EFIKA. It works!! Sputnik is really a good browser!

Last edited by voyager2007 on 03-Jul-2008 at 02:55 AM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 06:07 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 06:06 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 06:03 PM.
Last edited by voyager2007 on 02-Jul-2008 at 05:05 PM.

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 18:30:00
#33 ]
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From: Fargo, ND, USA


We can always release 3.0 Missing audio is least problems and more interesting features like video playback support in Multiview and videoicons in Ambient were left out.

Given the hardware limitations I wouldn't be too worried about video icons and playback of demanding video formats unless decoding were offloaded to the GPU, but I consider web and audio "must haves."

So do the two video functions work on the Pegs? Also, what is the ETA on sound for the Efika?

Last edited by Legion on 02-Jul-2008 at 06:30 PM.

...wait... what?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 22:05:12
#34 ]
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Nice tool for MorphOS 2.0 :)

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 22:26:16
#35 ]
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...wait... what?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 23:12:01
#36 ]
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Links to other websites and forums are generally ok here on
And this particular one leads to a news item.

I agree that the comment to the news item there would have been considered as trolling/flaming here, but that is up to the amigazeux staff to deal with, not staff.

Last edited by tomazkid on 02-Jul-2008 at 11:12 PM.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 2-Jul-2008 23:35:59
#37 ]
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I really, really think you should reconsider. Does "Pandora's Box" mean anything to you?

...wait... what?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 3-Jul-2008 0:23:58
#38 ]
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Legion wrote:

I really, really think you should reconsider. Does "Pandora's Box" mean anything to you?

IMHO, it's just some childish anonymous person who is best ignored by all. If I were the admin for the site I would delete it, but that's just me.


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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 3-Jul-2008 0:26:25
#39 ]
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How much free memory after Ambient is loaded?

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Re: Morph2.0 and efika
Posted on 3-Jul-2008 0:32:40
#40 ]
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From memory (pardon the pun) it's about 105MB.


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