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Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 6:52:27
#1 ]
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Only $81 left to 50% of the bounty! Can we make it before this day is at an end?

Odyssey Bounty

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 7:46:00
#2 ]
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From: Karlstad, Sweden


I think we can do it today =)
OnyxSoft just added 20 more now!

Someone else who think we can do it ? ;-P

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 9:07:50
#3 ]
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From: Italia

In this new Crisis era..7500$ are too many money..
i think it's better to lower this bounty..

Last edited by Seiya on 13-Dec-2013 at 09:09 AM.
Last edited by Seiya on 13-Dec-2013 at 09:08 AM.


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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 10:36:34
#4 ]
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it is not possible to change the bounty. The only way would be that Fab says it is enough money and bounty is completed.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 12:34:01
#5 ]
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We did it! We reached 50% before this day came to an end. Good job everyone! Now we can reset our minds and think that the bounty is only $3750 ;)

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 16:44:47
#6 ]
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I wonder if he would be open to doing maybe something like $5000 for open source of just the current version and additional $2,500 more for all future release.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 13-Dec-2013 23:32:48
#7 ]
Joined: 16-Jul-2011
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From: Germany


I make my donation and if my employer give me the Christmas bonus I would donate once more.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 3:29:52
#8 ]
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From: Victoria, Australia


After the bounty is paid for, who will port the software and how much will it cost the community to pay the developer? Seriously if the $7500 included the port it would be more reasonable.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 12:50:12
#9 ]
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I hope that people realise what they are (not) getting for their bounty money...

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 13:08:22
#10 ]
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I think people are quite clear what they are getting with this bountty, (Edited by Moderator: Portion of content removed due to being Off Topic and/or Trolling)

Last edited by amigadave on 18-Dec-2013 at 02:48 PM.

"ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM!" - Speedball 2.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 14:36:00
#11 ]
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After the bounty is paid for, who will port the software and how much will it cost the community to pay the developer?

In a worst-case scenario, the talented members of the AROS development team will do all the heavy lifting, and someone else will have a chance to collect donations for doing little more than a straight recompile of the AROS port...

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 15:28:43
#12 ]
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AmigaOS 4.1 is my favorite OS but I don't understand AmigaOS 4.1 users.
There are over 550 registered users on the Official Hyperion Support forums.
$15.00 x 500= $7,500. Should be Easy to fulfill the bounty.
Then maybe an Equal amount for those who do the port to AmigaOS 4.1 .
so $30.00 each for a updated port for a browser most OS 4.1 users use .

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:00:57
#13 ]
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I am tempted to jump on board and help this bounty. However having used your programs, you seem to know what you are talking about and you opinion carries some weight for me.
So before I donate money, Can you explain what it is that concerns you with this bounty?


Last edited by Xmas87 on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:03 PM.
Last edited by Xmas87 on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:03 PM.
Last edited by Xmas87 on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:03 PM.
Last edited by Xmas87 on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:02 PM.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:10:48
#14 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



Spectre660 wrote:

AmigaOS 4.1 is my favorite OS but I don't understand AmigaOS 4.1 users.
There are over 550 registered users on the Official Hyperion Support forums.
$15.00 x 500= $7,500. Should be Easy to fulfill the bounty.
Then maybe an Equal amount for those who do the port to AmigaOS 4.1 .
so $30.00 each for a updated port for a browser most OS 4.1 users use .

Thank you! I totally agree with what you wrote above. It really baffles me when so many AmigaOS4.x users pay a premium price for any of the systems that are available for running AmigaOS4.x on (as there is no CHEAP alternative hardware to run AmigaOS4.x on, since even used A-1, Pegasos2 and SAM440ep systems cost much more than the lowest cost alternatives for running MorphOS, or AROS). But those same users (who are also probably complaining about a shortage of good software to run on their, in my mind, expensive AmigaOS4.x compatible systems) are unwilling to donate toward bounties for good software, or in this case, a project to release source code for a GREAT web browser!

I don't remember exactly how many years Fab has spent working on and perfecting the Odyssey web browser, but 4+ years seems to pop up in the back of my head. I believe that ALL programmers deserve to be paid for their hard work. The Odyssey web browser, based on the WebKit engine, works better than many "Mainstream" web browsers for Windows, Mac and Linux.

I have donated a little to this bounty, but as soon as I have more money available to me, I will gladly donate again. Come on AmigaOS4.x users, give yourself a Christmas present and donate toward this bounty and also to any developer(s) who choose to take the source code and update the existing AmigaOS4.x version of the OWB browser, so it will be comparable to the latest MorphOS Odyssey web browser.

Given how important it is to have a good web browser for any operating system, and seeing the current limitations and stability problems that exist in the Timberwolf project, plus the apparent lack of resources to improve Timberwolf, or keep it up-to-date, I personally think that getting a current version of the Odyssey web browser ported to AmigaOS4.x is a MUST HAVE application.

Yes, I know that this bounty does not guarantee that a port will be done for AmigaOS4.x, but I will gladly donate again to this bounty and also to any other developer(s) who take up the project to complete the porting of Fab's source code to make a current version of Odyssey for AmigaOS4.x.

I want that excellent browser for my X1000 system.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:21:47
#15 ]
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Read this thread .

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:21:50
#16 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
Posts: 3551
From: Russia


In a worst-case scenario, the talented members of the AROS development team will do all the heavy lifting, and someone else will have a chance to collect donations for doing little more than a straight recompile of the AROS port...

You may not know that, but its we who do first port to os4 and show that it possible to port at all (before by some reassons no one do it). So, we are bunch of suggots, and aros team are talented one, right , just by some reasons they do it only after us ?

You may not know that Thore give for free all his classes to AROS devs , such as process.mui, aboutbox and co ? And it was me who ask to do so, to help aros devs to have a port ? So, its talanted aros devs who do heavy lifting and we are bunch of suggots ?

You may not know, that its me , who help at begining in forums to explain how and what to do in easy way, so "talanted aros developers" do it after we do it ? But lately you all again does not matter what continue your sucking fight over anything os4 related ?

You may not know, that for porting owb to aros, talanted aros-team make a bounty for, while, for aos4 we make no bounties , and for 2 years Thore works on mui , and me with deniil spend all my free time to make it all works (that included bug reports, bug reports and milion of bug reports to anything to make it all works on our os of choice) ?

You may not know, its we, who spend a lot of time for some bugs, which wasn't notices on morphos before (strings problems, unclosed locales bases which cause freezes on aos4, not on morphos, but bugs was here and was fixed by Fab after i report them). So, after all of this , aros port was easy in compare with our one, but still, its we suggots and aros-talanted-devs ? Right ! (Portion of content edited by Moderator for foul language and Trolling)

You may not remember, how polite i was, when i send you mail with bounty text, where i want to collect money for Fab , for Thore (as he do a lot of work on os4's mui), and a bit for myself just to see ppls want to see it ported on os4 and you just don't answer me. While to make a bounty for making aros port, you have no problems with seems so. Right ?

You may not know, to (Portion of content edited by Moderator for being Off Topic and/or Trolling) make os4 port, mui was update a loooot, and new classes was written (which, was giving for free to aros team, by us, (Portion of content edited by Moderator for being Off Topic and/or Trolling)

You may not know, that aos4 is not only (Portion of content edited by Moderator for foul language, or being Off Topic and/or Trolling) but also adequate ppls ? Or you want to think that aos4 full of (Portion of content edited by Moderator for foul language, being Off Topic and/or Trolling) and does not matter what ? (Portion of content edited by Moderator for being Off Topic and/or Trolling)

And now you said after all of this "and someone else will have a chance to collect donations for doing little more than a straight recompile of the AROS port..." , what is kind of rubbish is it ? Ater all of what i wrote below ? You even didn't see code, you just listen for fab who keep repeat "its very easy", and you even didn't know that "plain straigh port" is unpossible at all just because some parts like threading, processes, findtasks, casting of some parts, hooks, macroses, mui macroses and co should be rewriten ? Damn, you even didn't know what you talk about !

That start to be really annnoing , "talanted morphos developers", "talanted aros developers", blah, aos4 full of untalanted developers, and them all live in grave and have only (Portion of content edited by Moderator for foul language, being Off Topic and/or Trolling) in heads. Don't you found it funny yourself ?

Why none of you remember that its those non-talanted aos4 developer AFXGroup start to works FIRST on owb at all, while aros and morphos have nothing , and after that, ppls realize what can be done, and fab start to make his work on top of this ?

Why you really want to see aos4 like bunch of (Portion of content edited by Moderator for foul language, being Off Topic and/or Trolling) ? Because of Ben ? We not Ben, some of us not Ben, i not Ben. Because of old problems ? Or what ? Joerg non-talanted dev ? Colin non talanted dev ? Salas00 no talanted dev ? I really don't get why some of you really hate os4. Damn , just childrish.

Plz, stop that sucking (Portion of content edited by Moderator for fould language, being Off Topic and/or Trolling) attach on anything aos4 related. Most of us don't give a (Portion of content edited by Moderator for being Off Topic and/or Trolling) about how things done , but some of you want like a monkey repeat any (Portion of content edited by Moderator for being Off Topic and/or Trolling) someone somewhere said.

There is ready to release port of 1.16 version (should be released around christmas), with bucnh of fixes and co.

So to add, my 1.16 port don't based on "talanted aros devs heavy lifting", its based on our first works done from scratch, and on class Thore give to talanted aros devs , so they will make that "heavy lifting" .

(Edit by Moderator: When A_Siegel wrote "Worst case", in this context that usually mean "If no one else from any of the other Amiga camps steps forward to do the heavy lifting work", so his complete quote IMHO would have looked more like this:

In a scenario where none of the other remaining Amiga platforms steps forward first, the talented members of the AROS development team will do all the heavy lifting, and someone else will have a chance to collect donations for doing little more than a straight recompile of the AROS port...

I don't see any intentional attempt to insult anyone with his post, but it could have been worded differently so some people would not have mistaken his words. No part of A_Siegel's post stated, or implied that the AmigaOS4.x programmers were less talented than the MorphOS, or AROS programmers, or attacked any of the AmigaOS4.x users, programmers, or Hyperion.)

Last edited by amigadave on 18-Dec-2013 at 03:27 PM.
Last edited by amigadave on 18-Dec-2013 at 03:24 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:32 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:28 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:26 PM.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:37:54
#17 ]
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So there is a fear that dependencies for Odyssey are not included in the bounty? If this is true, how hard could it be to clarify the situation?
This uncertainty may be holding back a steady supply lf potential backers.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:41:12
#18 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales

I thought the bounty was supposed to be about bringing about a greater cohesion within the Amiga community but it seems that a few people are just using it to take swipes at OS4 users.

I was going to check my finances after Christmas and most likely donate then but after all the negative vibes over the last few days I don't really feel that I want to now.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:47:47
#19 ]
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From: Russia


Port can be done without 3d party morphos dependnces, its just will take a bit more time for non-interesting and boring things.

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Re: Odyssey Bounty
Posted on 15-Dec-2013 16:54:12
#20 ]
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You may want to read again what I actually wrote. It has been argued several times that people should not donate to the Odyssey funding campaign because there is a high risk that there will be no developers who either have the necessary time or skill set to port the application to Hyperion Entertainment's operating system.

If that premise were to be true, which I do not believe is the case but nobody can say for sure, that still leaves the AROS development team to solve many of the technical challenges that you yourself have pointed out on another forum. So, the question becomes whether the AROS development team has the necessary skills to be successful at porting Odyssey. In my opinion, AROS features such as Gallium do prove that the team does have the necessary talent to do so.

Feel free to disagree with my assessment, but getting offended by what I wrote seems utterly inappropriate.

You may not remember, how polite i was, when i send you mail with bounty text, where i want to collect money for Fab , for Thore (as he do a lot of work on os4's mui), and a bit for myself just to see ppls want to see it ported on os4 and you just don't answer me. While to make a bounty for making aros port, you have no problems with seems so.

Your feelings are clouding your memory.

I did reply to your proposal informing you that Power2People does only accept open source projects. You answered to my email on February 27, 2013, as follows:
Ah.. if it only for open source projects, then we can be out of luck

So, it appears that I remember our past polite email discussions better than you do, which is why I am surprised by your recent emotional outbursts. It is unfortunate that somebody who is clearly very interested to see Odyssey run on his operating system of choice ended up being aligned with people who would like to prevent this.

Last edited by ASiegel on 15-Dec-2013 at 04:55 PM.

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