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The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 8:28:37
# ]


Getting closer to a complete new Update 4-setup, the things i believe i need to have
it the way i had in Update 3, are the following :

*MUI Key (I have mailed the author again, so hopefully he can help me again)
*AmiSSL (The new version in order to make internet work correctly)
*AWeb 3 (A member here sent me a mail with AWeb 3-datas that are needed...)
*TheMaestrix (So that i can use OctaMED SoundStudio V1.03c, now with Petunia!)
*MUIrx (Might have some advanced and necessary features, along with Classes.)

There might be some more, but can't remember at the moment. It won't be much
that is needed to have it fully running and going like it did in Update 3, luckily

Just wanted you to know. I'm currently hooked to a PC in a library, writing down the
web-addresses to the places where i should find these things

See you guys soon

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 8:36:08
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 12-Nov-2004
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From: Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany



I thought it was already included in Update #4??

Last edited by cHaOs667 on 16-Feb-2006 at 08:41 AM.

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 8:52:33
#3 ]
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


*MUI Key (I have mailed the author again, so hopefully he can help me again)

Why not just copy the key from your backuped S: to the new S: ? Or did you install the key in all kinds of funny places?

Joachim Birging

Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 9:15:54
#4 ]
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it is already included, Aweb/Ibrowse and Rdesktop already work (and use AmiSSL of one version or another).



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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 9:31:25
# ]



Noted I lost the Update 3-backup by a mistake, so there won't be much i need
to run most of the programs again. Only the MUI libraries/classes and some other
small goodies

Should work very well

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 9:56:58
# ]



Seeing that Update 4 contains AmiSSL V3. How do i assign it so that
it can be used in AWeb and Ibrowse? Stupid question, i know, but
would like to know. Even that it's there, it has not yet been assigned.

I know it has to be assigned in the User_Startup file in S:

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 10:19:58
# ]



Seeing i got a mail from the author of MUI with the MUI key, i'll be ready to just
install all the MUI classes (in form of MUI Classes Libraries), and the MUI key,
and go straight ahead customizing the MUI thing. Then to assign AmiSSL and
do some settings in IBrowse and AWebPPC (will need AWeb 3 ordinary datas
to get it fully working. Remember that was the case, as a member here was
so kind providing me some datas through mails.)

So there won't be much for me to get it fully ongoing again The last things will
be to set up the Subdocks, and customizing AmiDock, then it will be time for new
screenshots testing out a few things

God, this is DAMN fun!

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 12:23:22
# ]



Seeing that Update 4 contains AmiSSL V3. How do i assign it so that
it can be used in AWeb and Ibrowse?

With AWeb you can't, at least, not now. (IBrowse dunno)

Aweb has to be adapted to AmiSSL3 and compiled to use the new version.

This is done atm and a new version of AWeb will have support of AmiSSL3 already.
At least, that's how i understand it from the post on the AWeb ml.

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 12:31:45
#9 ]
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I absolutely knew it was you that started this thread before I evenr ead it

2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 12:43:09
#10 ]
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It`s because he capitalises every word in the topic.


- insert profound text here -

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 12:43:58
#11 ]
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From: The Netherlands


I absolutely knew it was you that started this thread before I evenr ead it

If it contains in the end of the topic a smiley "" or some "!!!" it's a safe bet. He did not mention (in the other thread he did) Zami or screenshot yet.


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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 12:45:03
#12 ]
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It`s because he capitalises every word in the topic.

Ha! Did not even notice that.


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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 12:58:00
#13 ]
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- insert profound text here -

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:06:59
# ]


@Frags and all

The AmiSSL issue in Update 4 might be confusing now that it's a new version,
being AmiSSL V3. I know i would have to assign it in User_Startup, but then again,
how to make AWeb getting into most sites without problems, and being able to
type messages here in AmigaWorld and even P.M people?

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:14:07
# ]



The AmiSSL issue in Update 4 might be confusing now that it's a new version,
being AmiSSL V3. I know i would have to assign it in User_Startup, but then again,
how to make AWeb getting into most sites without problems, and being able to
type messages here in AmigaWorld and even P.M people?


Did you even bother to read my post?


very well...

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:18:24
#16 ]
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From: The Netherlands


Did you even bother to read my post?

He did not.


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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:22:04
#17 ]
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From: Dallas, Texas



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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:24:54
# ]


@Rudei and Coder

First of all, i would like to say i'm sick and tired of being blamed for not reading.
I DID read it, but it could be that i misunderstood it a little...

I'm sure i'll figure things out anyway...

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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:35:26
#19 ]
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You did not read some tips in another thread also.


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Re: The Missing Things I Need For My Pre4 OS4.0
Posted on 16-Feb-2006 13:39:52
# ]



Shame on you, because i really did. I don't have the possibility to P.M you
about some issues on the AmigaOS4 because there are still some things
that need to be set up.

Don't be so quick judging people. That would mean you would loose influence
on people...

Be aware of what you say, my friend...

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