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Poll : Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
[Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 1:12:32
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6370
From: S.Wales

I started these 3 threads about the availability of Photogenics 5 on Saturday.

There has been quite a lot interest over 900 views here 400+ on and 150+ on Amigans. I have not posted this to the MorpOS forums or an non English speaking forums.

It seems that despite the fact that this software hasn't been developed people are still very much interested in it, there have even been a few more sales generated because of my posts. I hope their satisfied with it, I know DonnieA2.

Elwood had this to say on Amigans, which shows that further development hasn't been completely ruled out.

I talked with Paul several months ago. He is very busy with the programs he ...sells.
He is not against the idea of an OS4 version of Photogenics but not until the market is commercially interesting again.

In the link that I found on the DiscreetFX website was put there by Bill Panagouleas to so that people might buy it and encourage further development. I PM'd bill who confirmed the link still worked and he said he is good friends with Paul Nolan.

Bill has started several initiatives for the Amiga including getting the Video Toaster source opened up, the Amizilla bounty and the retro game creation contest, so this could lean in our favour too.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 4:42:16
#2 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 21-Dec-2003
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From: Oregon


I have not seen Paul since AmiWest 1 but still email him once in awhile
about the Linux port he did.I would love it if anybody has the key for
Amiga/Photogenics to contact me as I lost mine and it won't run without
it :(

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 9:45:00
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
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From: UK


Got Photogenics 5 for Amiga, but bit limited on 030 50Mhz with AGA. Can see its potential on a faster system, but it's pretty much resigned to an expensive IFF to JPEG convertor on my system!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 12:25:44
#4 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
Posts: 233
From: United Kingdom.


Perhaps the positive results from this poll, will encourage idruna software to make a "30 day trial" downloadable version, similar to their other products.
For those of us who either, don`t have the money right now or are not sure if it`s what they`re looking for.


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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 14:10:12
#5 ]
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Joined: 19-Aug-2003
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From: Gloucestershire UK


Yes, depending on the price of course.

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It may be that your sole purpose is to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 23:33:05
#6 ]
Elite Member
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From: S.Wales


It would certainly be nice if something positive came out of this. We certainly need more positivity around here.

Last edited by Rob on 13-Aug-2007 at 11:33 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 13-Aug-2007 23:54:38
#7 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Aug-2003
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From: Under The Moon - Howling in the Blue Grass


Sales might get boosted if OS4 & Hardware or MorphOS & hardware were readily available . . .

Avatar babe - Monica Bellucci.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 14-Aug-2007 2:43:31
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas


You should have left another option in the poll for 'no, I already bought it'. I feel like I supported this product and I only received a beta quality program. I wouldn't pay for a newer version until I get a more stable (and hopefully faster) version of what I paid for. I have nothing against Paul or this program, which I like, but I feel that there are better places to put the money with high quality products from companies that have been unrelenting in their support of the Amiga like ImageFX and Pagestream. Lets support the good products from good companies we still have first.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 20-Aug-2007 21:44:24
#9 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Oct-2003
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From: I'm actually flying into a bug!

This is coded in (Amiga) E?

: AmigaOneXE (unmod.) 750FX/512 MB +stuff & AmigaOS 4.(0|1)
: A1200/68060&96MB/SCSI/EM1200-Voodoo3 & OS 3.5
: A500/1MB
: Pegasos (ff) 512 MB & MorphOS
Praise seitan.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 21-Aug-2007 0:04:33
#10 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 15-Nov-2003
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From: Hunstanton, Norfolk, UK


I voted yes! I bought version 5 a few years ago from Kicksoft (I think) at the Huddersfield Amiga show. I`d love an OS4 native version or even just a few more enhancements.

It works great on my A1 XE G4 and I often demonstrate it at my local camera club (well the bits I know) and it does run on a PC under Amiga Forever so there is a potentially large userbase out there if only we can ween people off pirated copies of Photoshop.

Photogenics + Amiga Forever costs less than Photoshop Elements 5 here in the UK at the moment anyway.


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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 21-Aug-2007 6:07:19
#11 ]
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Joined: 31-May-2006
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From: Unknown

I voted yes but that IS dependant on me geting OS4 capable hardware DAMN IT!!!


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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 21-Aug-2007 7:19:46
#12 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12873
From: Norway


Voted yes, but the answer is really maybe.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 21-Aug-2007 13:50:59
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2843
From: Essex, UK


This is still my all time favorite graphic program..... on any platform!

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.

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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 21-Aug-2007 13:58:13
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 7629
From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni



I bought Pg 2 years ago ( the one where you got the manual and free T-shirt) and Pg for Windows as well... Which still gets extensive use.

I'd definitely buy an updated version for Os4

Last edited by The_Editor on 21-Aug-2007 at 01:58 PM.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: [Poll] Would you buy an updated version of Photogenics 5 for OS4/MorphOS?
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 20:21:46
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6370
From: S.Wales

This weeks Micro Mart features Photogenics in the Amiga section. Thanks go out to Sven for keeping Amiga on news stands across the UK.

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