Hello!The problem here is when opening OWB and gives me:-ELF Library-"Required Object is missing"Anyone knows why this behaviour?I have 256 MB of RAM on my A1.Thanks in advance.
Last edited by newlight on 13-Feb-2008 at 12:56 PM.
_________________AMIGA 500 1.5 MB ACA500/ACA1232 acceleratorsAMIGA 500 GermanCD32 unexpandedAmiga 1200 Tower on AmigaKit since yearsAMIGA 1300 030/50 Mhz/32 MB WB 3.9 with lots of games&demosAMIGA ONE XE G3 PPC 800 Mhz/1 GB RAM/RADEON 9250 128 MB/SATA CONTROLLER
@newlightYou need to install libicu*-3.4 and libSDL-1.2. The links are to the very right of the OWD download link at http://strohmayer.org/.
@AmiDogWhat is the libSDL I may download?There are more or less 4 different versions...
@newlightSDL-1.2.11-20080130-AmigaOS4_shared.lha 2008-01-30 Shared object
_________________http://lifeofliveforit.blogspot.no/Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS
@newlightYou want the OS4 shared object version.HansEDIT: Link
Last edited by Hans on 13-Feb-2008 at 03:22 PM.
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@NutsAboutAmiga&HansThanks both!!!You are great collaborators!
@HansWhat is the place to put the libs?Is there on libs,OWB drawer or other?I am really happy to be able to test OWB 1.9 on my Amiga One.
@newlight.so files should go in sys:SObjs/
@HansThat's all?
@AmiDogThat was exactly my problem too. Thanks AmiDog.