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DVD Burning speed problem...(SOLVED!)
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 21:20:19
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
Posts: 2348
From: Perugia, ITALY

I've bought a DVD writer from one week and got some problems on writing speed...
I can write at more than 2x speed...
I tryed from FFS2 and from SFS partition getting same maximum 2x speed...
Any idea on why?
On U-BOOT prefs I set all "automatic" on sil680 config for drive pio mode recognition...
That's right?
I'm using AmigaOS4.1.

Last edited by Tuxedo on 06-Dec-2008 at 05:43 PM.
Last edited by Tuxedo on 01-Dec-2008 at 10:02 PM.
Last edited by Tuxedo on 01-Dec-2008 at 09:20 PM.

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 21:40:08
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
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From: the french side


which burning software are you using ?

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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 22:02:12
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
Posts: 2348
From: Perugia, ITALY


Same result on AmiDVD and FryingPan...
I dunno why...
I've set burner as slave mabe that give problems? I dont think...

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 22:06:41
#4 ]
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Joined: 16-Jun-2003
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From: Croatia


You need to set dvd on slave only if you dont using it on same channel wiht HDD! but this is not your problem..


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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 22:10:40
#5 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden


automatic will just use best PIO mode. If the both drives has UDMA then please use them. Youll have to test too see which UDMA mode your drives/burner can use.

Use the tool to check. Then you can either in uboot prefs change to that value or use the idetool for it in startup-sequence. I use it in uboot prefs.

Here is the tool to check what your drive is set too and what it can do.
You just specify your device like me the sii0680 controller and which unit.
c:idetool -u sii0680ide.device 0

When you set all things and you have problems unstability, freezes or such then try a lower value for UDMA and test.

EDIT: Having the harddisk on primary master and the burner on secondary master would be good for best performance.

Last edited by Kicko on 01-Dec-2008 at 10:12 PM.
Last edited by Kicko on 01-Dec-2008 at 10:12 PM.

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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 22:13:24
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY


I set it on slave because it was togheter with cdr that was master on same channel...
On the other channel I have the 2 HDD.
Another weird thing was that when I put a data DVD on the recorder copying the files around was ok... But if I want to play a music and see an image at the saem time I got REALLY WEIRD locks...
Maybe fult of A1SE?

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 22:55:03
#7 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 2-Aug-2007
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From: Unknown


You have to change your drives to UDMA mode through UBoot. The default is PIO mode, maybe that's the problem you can't write in fastest speeds.


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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 23:12:56
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
Posts: 2348
From: Perugia, ITALY


Have changed the udma mode but nothing changed...same write speed...

It seems that my DVD recorder was rather incompatible with some driver on AmigaOS4.1...
The only things I've to do now was to try change my philips recorder with the HP from my girl-friend computer a see how it works here....
Anyone with problems like that?

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 1-Dec-2008 23:17:42
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 2-Aug-2007
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From: Unknown


I use a NEC Optiarc DVD-RW drive in both AmigaOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.1 systems. I don't have this problem. Maybe it's the incompatibility of your drive.


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Re: Burning speed problem...
Posted on 6-Dec-2008 17:43:29
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
Posts: 2348
From: Perugia, ITALY



See on that topic:

from post #29 and more...

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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