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Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 9:33:35
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 10-Sep-2007
Posts: 1937
From: Somewhere in Spain

Simple question here:

Is it worth to kickstart OS4.1+OS4.0 Final+Update 4+Update 1?

I have all this iterations installed but I only can boot on OS4.1.

Does any of the previous versions has any advantage in relation with OS4.1?

I ask because with 3 of the 4 OSes I have installed they are occupying space on my HD without really doing nothing.

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 9:36:48
#2 ]
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Joined: 30-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown


As 4.1 contains all of the functionality of the previous releases, I see little point in keeping old installations.

Some users will tell you that "xyz" works better with update blah, but personally I see no benefit.

As they say, "your mileage may vary".



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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 9:41:16
#3 ]
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From: Somewhere in Spain


So I can pleasurely delete it and use only Amiga OS 4.1?

Last edited by newlight on 06-May-2009 at 09:41 AM.

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 10:19:12
#4 ]
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Well, I certainly wouldn't bother keeping old installations.



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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 11:13:56
#5 ]
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From: Norway


Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?


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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 11:15:24
#6 ]
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From: The Netherlands


I ask because with 3 of the 4 OSes I have installed they are occupying space on my HD without really doing nothing.

Kinda answers your own question. If you don't use the other installations then why keep them if you need the space ?

Apparently you have no reason to boot the other installation for programs that don't work as well in OS4.1. Some people do.

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 11:49:06
#7 ]
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From: Somewhere in Spain


The only program I believe it runs under OS4.1 but doesn't work is Tubexx.
It seems that doesn't download thje videos.

Months ago I was trying to boot 4 iterations with the help of the members of this forum but I failed and now I am thinking to delete these partitions and use them for games,emulators or whatever I like.

The real multiboot I want to do is the AmigaOS4.1+Linux+MOL but this may be on another thread.Maybe I will go for it in the next weeks/months.

AMIGA 500 1.5 MB ACA500/ACA1232 accelerators
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AMIGA 1300 030/50 Mhz/32 MB WB 3.9 with lots of games&demos

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 12:17:21
#8 ]
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If you don't use the other installations then why keep them if you need the space ?
Apparently you have no reason to boot the other installation for programs that don't work as well in OS4.1. Some people do.

Well, I DO have "OS_4.0 Final", OS_$.0 Final + Update" and "OS_4.1" installed on their own partitions. They are all bootable and are all fully functional.
Do i use them? NO!
They are just there because they MIGHT come in handy at any time. The precious diskspace they require is minimal: about a 200Mb per partition on a total of 80Gb diskspace which is partitioned for about 60% (IIRC).
Another reason for being there is showing off the capabillity of the Amiga to boot from more then one partition, without much ado.

Generally speaking (in consensus with the gist of this thread): there is no need to!


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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 13:06:53
#9 ]
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From: Sofia


When installing AmigaOS 4.1, I have kept the OS 4.0 install on the old hard drive. I can boot it and I do from time to time, to test if some software works under AmigaOS 4.0. If you AmigaOS 4.1 install breaks for some reason, you can always boot from the CD, so there is really no need for keeping several instances of AmigaOS 4 for multiboot.

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 15:59:25
#10 ]
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From: Belgium


When i installed OS4.1 i had troubles with my network (internet) so
i was happy to switch back to one of the OS4.0's on the same HD.
They are still there in case of trouble, but like it looks now maybe
i will not use them anymore. For me they can stay aslong as i do
not realy need the space or partitions from the harddisk.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 17:14:13
#11 ]
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From: Michigan, USA

Simple question here:
To keep or not to keep 'previous versions'?
Does any of the previous versions has any advantage in relation with OS4.1?
I don't know, but can you make bootable CDs of your versions before you recycle the space?


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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 20:04:32
#12 ]
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From: UK

I did rather enjoy having a OS4.1/MorphOS/Debian/SUSE KDE multiple boot. But a AMiga OS4.0/4.1? Point escapes me..

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 21:50:26
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I think OS4.0 update 4 is special because I think this version support NallePuh
(The Paula audio chip emulation).

I can't think of any other advantage any of older versions have at this point in time.

AmigaOS4.1 has less bugs, runs WarpUP software, and every thing new.

The only good argument I can see in having 4.0 is for testing and compatibility whit AmigaOS4.0 classic (A1200/A4000 whit CyberstormPPC/BlizzrdPPC).

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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 6-May-2009 23:14:49
#14 ]
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Joined: 30-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown



NutsAboutAmiga wrote:
I think OS4.0 update 4 is special because I think this version support NallePuh
(The Paula audio chip emulation).

This isn't 100% correct. OS4 Final does NOT support it, it just happens to work.

As each OS revision has been released more and more work has gone into "improving" the system as a whole. Sometimes this means that some OS3 compatibilty has been sacrificed to ensure that OS4 moves forward.

As there are two schools of thought, my advice is:
1) If you want classic support, stick to your antiquated hardware running a dated OS.
2) If you want to ride the bus into AmigaOS' future, then you have to pay the fare.

This decision ideally should be made when embarking on contemplating buying OS4 to start with. It is an evolution of the old OS3 system, and lots of software written for that old system made use of undocumented features that were never guaranteed to work in the future (ie: Now). There have already been lots of instances where hacks have been included to ensure that older software ran on the new system, but this has to stop. Some classic software was classed as "a must have" in order to further the OS, but most old software that relies on these features will not continue to work as these "features" are removed from the system.

So, first and foremost, decide what you want from your AmigaOS4 system: A system that is compatible with older software? Go with MorphOS (which makes big bones about its legacy compatibility), or do you want an AmigaOS system that is prepared to look forward into the future and prepare itself for what lies ahead?

As each release of AmigaOS come out, it will undoubtedly include less and less cludges for this old software to work, that is the price of moving the system forward. So those that need 25 year old software to work are better off looking to another system, or be prepared to use E-UAE on AmigaOS to gain that compatibilty.

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Last edited by rigo on 06-May-2009 at 11:19 PM.


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Re: Multiple boot:Is it worth the effort?
Posted on 7-May-2009 9:43:45
#15 ]
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Joined: 22-Jan-2004
Posts: 1301
From: City of Lost Angels, California.


If you didn't reconfigure your kickstart and kicklayout to allow booting from the previous versions they aren't really serving any purpose.

Like snuffy says you might as well just create bootable CDs from the older installations so that you can always boot off of them later or recover a file if needed.

I do keep earlier versions of the OS but it's mainly to check when some program that I haven't used in a long time doesn't work anymore.

Trying to boot older versions of the OS with the current kickstart is bound to cause some version problems and crashes.

To be able to boot e.g. update4, in short you have to copy the update4:kickstart drawer to e.g. SYS:Kickstart/update4/, add a SYS:Kickstart/kicklayout config pointing to all the modules in that update4 drawer, and add a MODULE entry pointing to Kickstart/update4/BootDevice, BootDevice being a text file with the name of the device the rest of the OS should be loaded from, like: "DH3" without the quotes.
That way after the kickstart is loaded it automatically boots off DH3: (your update4 partition) without having to open the bootmenu nor mess with the bootpri flag.

Or you could just burn a CD

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