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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 9:41:40
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 7629
From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


CC-Rider is waiting with money in Purse to buy the M2 Mobo & Chip .. Any info when it's gonna be available ?

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 12:10:54
#62 ]
Joined: 16-May-2003
Posts: 75
From: Unknown


I'm surprised no one has pick up on this plan B Rogue mentioned.

I noticed it, but unless plan B is an x86 port (which seems VERY unlikely given previous statements by Hyperion), my hopes for this new plan isn't very high..


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 12:24:22
#63 ]
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@Rogue who said Quote:
As to "licensed" hardware and Pegasos versions, I think this topic has been discussed ad nauseam. Live with it, I can't change it either, and no, I don't like the situation much either.

My understanding is that your stance is basically "We won't port OS4 to Pegasos unless someone pays us to do it". Now, thats a commercially sensible stance *if* your OS is in demand, because you can pick & choose the highest & most competant bidders...

...But when you are relying on some small fish (Troika, et al) to produce a mobo, so that you can actually start making some money by selling your OS, and they don't seem to be delivering on their promises (delays, excuses, more delays???), then you are in a completely different situation - one where you potentially won't be able to sell the OS you've spent years on, at least not until long after most of your customers have gone.

By this point the Pegasos mobo (which exists & is known to work) ought to be looking like a nice solution, even with all the strings that Bill Buck will want to attach. The only reason for continuing to ignore it is political or personal, which doesn't have any place in business. Or, of course, I'm completely wrong, and your Plan B is awesome & will be ready very soon.

Last edited by ChrisH on 12-Mar-2006 at 12:26 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 12:53:58
#64 ]
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I'm feeling so lucky I bought my A1-XE-G4 when it became available, initially I was going to wait but then had some money to spend.

My only problem with the whole situation is that we get no new users and no more developers when no hardware is available. Also Hyperion get no income from their work which is certainly not good for further development of OS4.

I'm also certain (from the problems already experienced) that my A1 wont last as long as my trustfull A1200, so what do I do when it brakes down, is not repairable and no new hardware is available? I guess i will just leave the community, check AW once in a while and then MAYBE return if hardware becomes available again.. Not really an ideal situation

I feel sorry for Hyperion that after all the work they put into the OS, they have no way to resell it.

Even I have come to the conclusion (from the few facts I know about ACK and Troika) that a port to Genesi hardware is the best and only soloution if we really want to stay PPC. And please keep in mind that BBRV (although having nice discussions with them in the past) is really not my cup of tea. But it's business and there's no need to get involved at a personal level.

Best of luck to all involved... Those wanting hardware, those wanting to build or sell hardware, those wanting to sell OS4 and especially those wanting to code for it


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 14:37:37
#65 ]
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If you are equating "plan 'b'" with BPlan

Nope im not doing that.

but Rogue already said to forget Peg.

Yes I agree that OS4 will not be on the Peg although I recall that atleast one of the reasons why is because of funding to port it is not forth coming. I am just interested to know what plan B could be.

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 16:26:48
#66 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


Lifted from the IRC session on 27-DEC-2005.

[20:40:51] Rogue Pegasos 2 is a potential hardware platform for OS 4.
[20:41:11] Rogue There is an initial "cost" involved for a port, in fact, for any port of OS 4 to a different hardware platform.
[20:41:44] Rogue On some occasions (like the hardware platforms mentioned in our introduction) we'Re working on that with the hardware manufacturer.
[20:42:03] Rogue For the Pegasos 2, we would need to do that ourselves. We're currently not ready to do that.
[20:42:16] Rogue That is the reason why there is no OS4 on the peg yet.

What I read into this is that either no one is willing to pay for an OS4 licence for Pegasos hardware or that Hyperion are the only ones who Amiga Inc would grant a licence.

We know that Acill tried to get a licence and that Amiga Inc refused, so the latter could be correct. This is purely speculation on my part of course.

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 12-Mar-2006 16:49:47
#67 ]
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ChrisH wrote:
@Rogue who said Quote:
As to "licensed" hardware and Pegasos versions, I think this topic has been discussed ad nauseam. Live with it, I can't change it either, and no, I don't like the situation much either.

My understanding is that your stance is basically "We won't port OS4 to Pegasos unless someone pays us to do it". Now, thats a commercially sensible stance *if* your OS is in demand, because you can pick & choose the highest & most competant bidders...

...But when you are relying on some small fish (Troika, et al) to produce a mobo, so that you can actually start making some money by selling your OS, and they don't seem to be delivering on their promises (delays, excuses, more delays???), then you are in a completely different situation - one where you potentially won't be able to sell the OS you've spent years on, at least not until long after most of your customers have gone.

By this point the Pegasos mobo (which exists & is known to work) ought to be looking like a nice solution, even with all the strings that Bill Buck will want to attach. The only reason for continuing to ignore it is political or personal, which doesn't have any place in business. Or, of course, I'm completely wrong, and your Plan B is awesome & will be ready very soon.

I sadly have to agree on most of what you said. I doubt we will ever see os4 on pegasos, but it would be a positive thing for the amiga community if it did.
It seems to me like this licensing scheme is what is killing the Amiga today. But that can be blamed on no one but Amiga INC
It seems to me like Amiga INC is doing its best to sabotaging our classic and OS in favor of AA.

And people have been trying to get a license for their hardware earlier without getting any response from Amiga INC.

Last edited by Tomas on 12-Mar-2006 at 04:51 PM.

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 9:29:19
# ]


Troika wrote:

and so far the whole scheme has encountered the predictable slippage.

The Troika team has a great deal invested in the project, and we continue to progress past the problems. Don't read more into this post and let this get yourself down, things are progressing!

more to come as soon as we can

Hi Troika,

That's good to hear. Can't wait for a faster Amy '06! 1.4+ GHz!! (Hope to get money enough to buy one soon, and add to my A1-XE.)

Hi kindergip!

Hi Rob,

Don't want to open that can of worms again, so, all I'll say is, Acill's offer of $20,000 USD falls far short of what Amiga Inc. wanted (whatever that is, I don't know, $250,000 might not be too far off though), and there is NO evidence that genesi would reveal hard sales figures of the MBs sold, and maintain a one-to-one ratio of MB to AOS4.0, license fees to Hyperion/Amiga Inc.

After all, he said there was one such request for ODW+MOS in 1+ years, and someone said it wasn't so.


Patience! Wait, and wait some more....what else can I say??

This IS a grassroots effort to actually get what WE want, in a computer.... How often does THAT happen in ANY product offering, let alone one as expensive R&D wise as this one is????

And my next favourite project... where's those Fantasies???? !!!

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 9:47:15
#69 ]
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Joined: 26-Sep-2005
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From: Unknown


We need a serious company. Now it's the time, before it's too late.

What about a petition?


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 9:59:58
#70 ]
Super Member
Joined: 13-Oct-2005
Posts: 1820
From: Tortuga


There is the possibility that someone (a big name of the IT) really get the Amiga in all his facets (the past, the present and the future) holding alive the dream?

What about a petition?

A petition to force IBM to buy Amiga Inc. and release hardware within 2 months? Now that would be funny.

Anyway, there is already a petition:

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:15:36
#71 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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From: Unknown

@Rob who said Quote:

Lifted from the IRC session on 27-DEC-2005.
[20:40:51] Rogue Pegasos 2 is a potential hardware platform for OS 4.
[20:41:11] Rogue There is an initial "cost" involved for a port, in fact, for any port of OS 4 to a different hardware platform.

I'm glad to see that my memory didn't fail me! But to re-iterate what I said: There has been a BIG initial "cost" in writing OS4, and if the only way to start paying that back is to port to Pegasos, which has it's own smaller "cost", then that is what Hyperion should do. (Assuming they don't have some BIG ace up their sleeve, which they can use well before any Pegasos port would be finished).

What I read into this is that either no one is willing to pay for an OS4 licence for Pegasos hardware or ...

Correct, Bill Buck 'aint interested in paying Hyperion a cent (gawd, I'm going all American) - and Hyperion *appear* to be in a corner without any other choices. "Beggars can't be choosers" as they say.

I think that we have to make it VERY clear to Hyperion that if there is no hardware available to BUY (not just promised!) by the end of 2006, that most of us will have moved on. Hell, I suspect a lot of us already have, but some still hang-around out of habit & nostalgia. How many of those who leave can be tempted back, I wouldn't care to guess, and I sincerely hope that Hyperion don't have to take the risk of finding out.

If Hyperion wait until they are CERTAIN that Troika et al won't deliver, it will be too late. By all rights, they should have done something already, even if only in secret.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:21:06
#72 ]
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Joined: 12-Mar-2003
Posts: 2209
From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


Alan Redhouse. The only person to bring new hardware to the
Amiga scene in a decade.

What about bPlan? They released Pegasos1&2 and are going to release Efika, 4U2 and QuadG5 boards...

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:24:41
#73 ]
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From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


any news about the ami05? it should be already available...

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:26:50
#74 ]
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Don't want to open that can of worms again, so, all I'll say is, Acill's offer of $20,000 USD falls far short of what Amiga Inc. wanted (whatever that is, I don't know, $250,000 might not be too far off though), and there is NO evidence that genesi would reveal hard sales figures of the MBs sold, and maintain a one-to-one ratio of MB to AOS4.0, license fees to Hyperion/Amiga Inc.

For the n-th time, that one-one ratio b0ll0cks is irrelevant, as Hyperion themselves have already stated. OS4 can be locked to the Pegasos serial number, so it's irrelevant.


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:28:56
#75 ]
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Any action or petition will be useless unless we don't really believe on it.


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:39:06
#76 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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This begs a certain question.

Believe me when I say I don't like the answer to that question either.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:41:58
#77 ]
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We need a serious company. Now it's the time, before it's too late.

Nonoby can't start with a real proposal?
Is there someone able to prepare a Draft document with a concrete proposal?

Last edited by AmigaBlitter on 13-Mar-2006 at 10:45 AM.
Last edited by AmigaBlitter on 13-Mar-2006 at 10:42 AM.


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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:47:28
#78 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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My understanding is that your stance is basically "We won't port OS4 to Pegasos unless someone pays us to do it".

No. Our stance is we won't port OS 4 to the Pegasos unless someone pays us to do it AND it is legally possible.

But when you are relying on some small fish

By this point the Pegasos mobo (which exists & is known to work) ought to be looking like a nice solution

Why do you think bPlan/Genesi is a bigger fish? Marketoids things aside, how much reliable data do you actually have about the number of Pegasos II sold?

even with all the strings that Bill Buck will want to attach.

I'm not quite sure where BBRV enters this picture to be honest. I can buy a Pegasos mobo at e.g. Vesalia, and get the specs at That wouldn't need BBRV, matter of fact if I wanted to go to the company that produces the Pegasos I would go to bPlan not Genesi (which, as I have been repeatedly told, are two different companies)

The only reason for continuing to ignore it is political or personal, which doesn't have any place in business


There is no political or personal reason involved, see the beginning of my posting. I personally don't give a *beep* about what the so-called experts say, the reasons have been stated at least a million times already, and I am not going to go over them again.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:50:53
#79 ]
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What about a petition?

Beg your pardon, but a petition for what? Divine intervention?

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: 1/4 of the way through the year, H/W?
Posted on 13-Mar-2006 10:53:09
#80 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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Anyway, there is already a petition:

You must be kidding. This "petition" completely ignores the fact that any port to wonderous new hardware needs to be performed by somebody who needs to be paid for that.

Mod Note: Just fixed up quote tags.

Last edited by Bodie_CI5 on 13-Mar-2006 at 10:59 AM.
Last edited by Bodie_CI5 on 13-Mar-2006 at 10:58 AM.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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