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How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 9:41:29
#1 ]
Joined: 22-Aug-2005
Posts: 30
From: Germany


Can i using a POWERCOLOR Radeon 9250PCI in my microAONE?


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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 9:44:33
#2 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 302
From: Denmark


I havent tried it myself, so can't really speak from experience here. But i don't se why not?.. Radeon9250 is supported, and i don't think the difference between AGP and PCI should matter.

so my qualified guess is Yes yu can use a Radeon9250 PCI in a mA1


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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 9:47:21
#3 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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Right now it will not work, because the BIOS will hang when you have a second graphics card inserted into the PCI slot. However, the good news is that I finally fixed this bug yesterday, and the next firmware update will make it possible to use a PCI graphics card in the Micro. We're still betatesting the firmware, though.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 10:17:26
#4 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 302
From: Denmark


Sound nice.

when you say Second adaptor, does that mean you will be able to use the Internal graphics of the mA1 and a PCI based card at the same time, or will the internal graphics of the mA1 be disabled when you put a PCI graphics card in the PCI slot?.

btw: did you ever get my mail about WarpTest?


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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 15:30:57
#5 ]
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Joined: 20-Nov-2002
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From: Dallas, Texas


Good work Rogue, as per usual.


2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 15:59:46
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 2076
From: Canada


Thanks for the update. This is good news indeed. Several people have been wondering if it is possible to use graphics cards on the MicroA1.


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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 19:30:07
#7 ]
Joined: 22-Aug-2005
Posts: 30
From: Germany


thanks....i will play heretic2 with more frames and have buy this card. iam happy to hear this great news...

can you answer me to another question?

my P880 Sailtek controller is not working. one time after plugin, i can calibrate the controller.
but after the save is the controller not in amigainput avaible. its ab bug?


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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 19:57:46
#8 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe


You tease .

That's not the only thing that has been fixed. Some other things are possible now too.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
A1200 PPC

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 20:30:01
#9 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
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From: Ilvesheim, Germany


We're still betatesting the firmware, though.

hi rogue.

how about a short summary of about what else has been improved? this would be appreciated.

thanks and

Michael Merkel
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Member of Amiga-Freunde Pfalz, OS4 Welt

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 20:51:57
#10 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 7-Feb-2004
Posts: 132
From: Poland

I use my PCI Radeon 9250 card (HIS 128 MB 64 bit) with AmigaOS 4! Great news Rogue!

Now, I have only one problem - can i using a Radeon 9250 PCI with my Debian Linux and MOL? Old Ross Vumbaca kernel (2.4.26) supported PCI Radeon9250?

micro Amiga One (AmigaOS 4.1) & Amiga 1200 68k+Mediator PCI (AmigaOS 3.x)

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 20:52:17
#11 ]
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the good news is that I finally fixed this bug yesterday, and the next firmware update will make it possible to use a PCI graphics card in the Micro.

Music to my ears as my PCI slot has always been reserved for a better gfx card.

Now if only we could get/find a riser card to work in the micro.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 17-Mar-2006 21:02:01
#12 ]
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Posts: 132
From: Poland


P880 Sailtek:

micro Amiga One (AmigaOS 4.1) & Amiga 1200 68k+Mediator PCI (AmigaOS 3.x)

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 7-Jul-2006 18:14:14
#13 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Jan-2005
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From: Satellite Beach, FL USA



Rogue wrote:

Right now it will not work, because the BIOS will hang when you have a second graphics card inserted into the PCI slot. However, the good news is that I finally fixed this bug yesterday, and the next firmware update will make it possible to use a PCI graphics card in the Micro. We're still betatesting the firmware, though. this a Uboot firmware update then.....can we expect to see it anytime soon?

I would love to use a 128 or 256M graphics card in my ua1!



AmigaOne uA1-c 512M RAM - Only Amiga Makes It Possible!
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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 8-Jul-2006 13:13:57
#14 ]
Super Member
Joined: 23-Jun-2005
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From: Bradford, West Yorkshire


I must admit I am intrgued by this firmware update and would like more information.

If it's a new UBoot update, what does it fix?

1 AmigaOne G4XE (OS4 Pre-Release Update4)
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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 8-Jul-2006 13:16:45
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington


Good work! Keep it up.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 8-Jul-2006 17:45:28
#16 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 7-Aug-2004
Posts: 312
From: Canada


You are my sunshine.....

I have an ATI 9250 256M PCI card waiting here too.

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 8-Jul-2006 18:23:57
#17 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


I have an X700 waiting to go into next gen hardware.

Two more weeks ?

Good news though Rogue. Nice one !

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 8-Jul-2006 18:38:12
#18 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
Posts: 3428
From: Lyon, France

@scabit + 1Mouse

...the next firmware update will make it possible to use a PCI graphics card in the Micro.

is this a Uboot firmware update

Hmm, you're probably drinking too much beer
Read again Rogue's sentence.

If it's a new UBoot update, what does it fix?

You're probably drinking with scabit
Read again Rogue's sentence, especially the end.

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
Amiga Translator Organisation

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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 10-Jul-2006 1:29:56
#19 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Jan-2005
Posts: 1667
From: Satellite Beach, FL USA


You wrote
"Rogue: Quote:
...the next firmware update will make it possible to use a PCI graphics card in the Micro.

is this a Uboot firmware update

Hmm, you're probably drinking too much beer
Read again Rogue's sentence.

If it's a new UBoot update, what does it fix?

You're probably drinking with scabit
Read again Rogue's sentence, especially the end." Rogue wrote that a firmware update will allow the micro to use a
PCI graphics card. What did I miss? I already updated my firmware once...don't
mind doing it again on my uA1-c. Not sure what you are saying here....


AmigaOne uA1-c 512M RAM - Only Amiga Makes It Possible!
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Re: How to using a R9250 in a mAONE?
Posted on 10-Jul-2006 4:10:35
#20 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
Posts: 5120
From: Right here...


Read again Rogue's sentence, especially the end.

Rogue: We're still betatesting the firmware, though.

This thread started in Mar. of this year, so its not new information, but it would be nice to know if the next firmware update will allow a newer gfx card to work.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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