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Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 0:52:02
#1 ]
Team Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
Posts: 11694
From: Kristianstad, Sweden

The story on OSNews.

A chance to get something cutting edge for OS4.

Skip USB2, after all, how long has that been out for the general masses, 6 years?
And when OS4 gets it, it will likely be obsoleted by USB 3 anyway.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 0:56:45
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Apr-2004
Posts: 3404
From: Sweden


But OS4 was demoed with USB2 working in Pianeta 2009?!? So why skip it???


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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 1:01:04
#3 ]
Team Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden


So why skip it???

Because it is obsolete.

Anyway, a demo means nothing regarding the timeline.
OS4 was first demoed several years before it was released as dev-PR.

Last edited by tomazkid on 11-Oct-2009 at 01:02 AM.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 1:11:09
#4 ]
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From: Sweden


Doemoed fully working I meant!
It will be released in the next update as I understood it..

But why skip it? Support for as many standards as possible is only a good thing.
USB2 will btw be here to stay for quite a while yet..


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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 1:20:55
#5 ]
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Joined: 2-Aug-2007
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If we will wait for the same time for USB3 as with USB2, then I don't see any reason to skip USB2 for the time being. Eh?


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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 1:47:14
#6 ]
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From: New Zealand



tomazkid wrote:
The story on OSNews.

A chance to get something cutting edge for OS4.

Skip USB2, after all, how long has that been out for the general masses, 6 years?
And when OS4 gets it, it will likely be obsoleted by USB 3 anyway.

That depends on how the xHCI specification was written. The EHCI specification for USB 2.0 controllers requires a working UHCI/OHCI driver to be used in parallel. If xHCI also does this, then we're going to need working USB 2.0 drivers anyway.

The USB 2 drivers have already been demo'd publicly, so it would be a waste to dump them now.


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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 8:28:55
#7 ]
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Eh whats the point ?

5GBit/s ? Or 600MByte ?? Try finding an (potential) Amiga-HW capable of handling these transfer-rate (even if we ignore the SW-overhead in the stack). Even in the PC-world it won't be really usefull for quite awhile.

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 10:03:50
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden

No skipping here. I dont want to wait a couple of more years for usb3 and keep on using 1.1. I rather go usb2.0 first and then usb3 whenever it comes

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 11:41:07
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2009
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From: Italy

Look, the Sam440EP Acube had at Pianeta Amiga 2009 already had USB2.0 fully working.

Skip something that is already working and about to get out (in the next Update) for something that's a godzillion months away

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 11:51:36
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY


If you dont want to copy file of *many* GB USB2 was really usefull for all you like to do...
It works fast enough IMHO...

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 11:58:43
#11 ]
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A chance to get something cutting edge for OS4.

If you want something 'cutting edge for AOS4' you should ask Hyperion for I2c and ZigBee drivers ... the hardware is already available on some of the Sam boards ( like USB2 ) there are just some drivers missing ...

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 12:03:43
#12 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Jan-2007
Posts: 1989
From: Unknown



tomazkid wrote:

So why skip it???

Anyway, a demo means nothing regarding the timeline.
OS4 was first demoed several years before it was released as dev-PR.

[irony]you bad evil blue troll ...[/irony] you may know that I am not at the side of the AOS4 fans, from my point of view I would say "yes skip USB2 go for USB3" that will leave AOS4 without a working USB2 Stack for the next 2 years, nice idea to damage the AOS4 development. The idea is as good as 'Stop OWB and go for FF3' hehehe

Last edited by Arko on 11-Oct-2009 at 12:08 PM.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: Since we don't have USB 2, better go directly to USB 3
Posted on 11-Oct-2009 12:56:26
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2009
Posts: 2790
From: Italy

OWB has seen no newer releases for months and clearly stopped on its own accounts.

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