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Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:28:14
# ]


As I wrote in the thread:
EFIKA and the "not publicly know OS"

I just love how all coloured trolls are allowed to come and go as they please on AmigaWorld.Net

This really stinks, and has gone on for waaaaaayyy too. long.

From messages in their sigs, to their avatars, to their nicks, to their "From:"s, etc. etc.

When is AmigaWorld.Net going to quit allowing deliberately controversial and provocative statements to be placed into all of the above????

Go to morphzone. Do WE behave like that????????????????????????????????????


AOS4.x's is HERE!

If not here, then where? Give me an URL please.

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:45:10
#2 ]
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Joined: 12-Mar-2003
Posts: 146
From: Stockholm/Sweden


I agree.

AOS4.x's is HERE!
If not here, then where? Give me an URL please.

I think is in the same situation as was a couple of years ago. When I found out about I left But now I feel the same as I did a couple of years ago and now I’m hoping to find a new “” that has the same philosophy as had when it was fresh. If I find it I will probably leave

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" - Albert Einstein

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:47:12
#3 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


And you're going to clean the house now? Is this now?

BTW you wrote:
just love how all coloured trolls are allowed to come and go as they please on AmigaWorld.Net

This really stinks, and has gone on for waaaaaayyy too. long.

From messages in their sigs, to their avatars, to their nicks, to their "From:"s, etc. etc.

I'm NOT a "masochist".

Just to put light on what you really said...

(Removed part of the quote from other thread /Tomazkid)

Last edited by tomazkid on 06-Oct-2006 at 10:36 PM.
Last edited by pixie on 06-Oct-2006 at 06:47 PM.

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:47:47
#4 ]
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From: Sofia

Absolutely true. The site currently is overcrowded with unrelated topics, something which made me visit less and now I visit much less than before as well.

Games, programs, reviews

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:52:37
#5 ]
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From: The Netherlands


The majority voted on this long ago when one of the mods put up a poll. Guess what.. The "Trolls" won that poll. Where were all the people who are so against MOS talk then ?

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:55:19
#6 ]
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada


Any sensible person would disagree with what you just asked for. If you want to ban a very small number of people for their misbehavior, then why don't you talk to the moderators instead of starting your own trolling thread, which is what THIS is. You are no better than them and any fair moderator would ban you along with them.

Five for fighting!

ps: I'm sending drHirudo to the penauly box as well.

Last edited by Darth_X on 06-Oct-2006 at 06:59 PM.

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 18:58:42
# ]


Hi pixie,

Uuuhhh, yeah. I suppose that it's just hilarious that at least 2 people have avatars that read "Blue Troll" (and they are splashed across moderators' backdrops), and Darth_X who openly insulted Bill McEwen in his signature for a loooonnnggg spell?

Whhheeee.... come to AmigaWorld, anything goes!!!

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:02:29
#8 ]
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From: Stockholm/Sweden


The majority voted on this long ago when one of the mods put up a poll. Guess what.. The "Trolls" won that poll. Where were all the people who are so against MOS talk then ?

That’s why Atheist is asking for an URL

AOS4.x's is HERE!

If not here, then where? Give me an URL please.

That goes for me too. If we are the only OS4 people left here then where is the OS4 site.

URL please!

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" - Albert Einstein

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:02:42
#9 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal

Do you know what sarcasm, irony is?

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:09:07
#10 ]
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From: The Netherlands


I have a bigger problem with most of Atheist postings as they seem far more aggressive and red vs blue warmongering then anything the blue side is doing.

Claim that the blue side is doing that on purpose fine. Don't take the bait.
Don't want to see MOS threads on the front page ? Don't post in them. No post no active topic no MOS topic on the front page. Easy huh ?

And don't respond to remarks you find trolling/offensive. PM a moderator. Submit a Abuse repport. Let them deal with it. If they agree whippee. If not bummer, better luck next time.

This thread is just as bad as what it's supposed to get rid of. Trolling. Fire with fire eh..

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:10:24
#11 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


You don't know, but... 'trolling a troll isn't trolling'... in Atheist world that is...

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:11:11
#12 ]
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From: The Netherlands


Just like murdering a murderer isn't murder ?

Last edited by Seer on 06-Oct-2006 at 07:11 PM.

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:11:14
# ]


pixie wrote:
Do you know what sarcasm, irony is?

Hi pixie,

No, I'm sorry pixie, but because of the way things are between our 2 groups, I see the moderator like avatars as insults.

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:13:36
#14 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


And you can be wrong can't you? Are you grown up enough to assume that *sometimes* you can be wrong?

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
The Illusion of Choice | Am*ga

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:14:13
#15 ]
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Joined: 22-Nov-2003
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From: Birmingham, England


Some of the polls you may be referring to.

One in April 2004 here

One in July 2005 here

and one in February 2006 here

Each poll seems to show that moderation is generally seen as good here, but the July 2005 poll seemed to be pretty spread across the board, leaning slightly towards 'happy families'.

Personally, I can see where Athiest is coming from. I for one, don't go to MOS sites, AROS sites, or any other sites for that matter. I come here because I want to see OS4 news. If I did go to a site for any of the above OS's, or any others for that matter, I certainly wouldn't use my time up causing unnecessary friction. My 2 stamps.


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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:16:39
# ]


Seer wrote:


Just like murdering a murderer isn't murder ?

Hi Seer,

And if the state doesn't have the facilities to hold all the miscreants?

Execution, murder, almost the same thing. As long as it is real "justice" being delivered, good.

"Just like murdering a murderer isn't murder ?"
Yes, not necessarily.

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:17:45
#17 ]
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada


Do you see AROS, UAE and MOS as part of the "amiga community" or not?

Last edited by Darth_X on 06-Oct-2006 at 07:24 PM.
Last edited by Darth_X on 06-Oct-2006 at 07:23 PM.

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:18:19
#18 ]
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada


Seer wrote:

The majority voted on this long ago when one of the mods put up a poll. Guess what.. The "Trolls" won that poll. Where were all the people who are so against MOS talk then ?

Seems to me you guys won the polls, so if the trolls are winning the polls.. who are the trolls?

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:20:36
#19 ]
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From: The Netherlands


Personally, I can see where Athiest is coming from. I for one, don't go to MOS sites, AROS sites, or any other sites for that matter. I come here because I want to see OS4 news. If I did go to a site for any of the above OS's, or any others for that matter, I certainly wouldn't use my time up causing unnecessary friction. My 2 stamps.

I can agree to that. But.

I think that if you went to morhpzone and posted your opinion on OS4 vs MOS or about A1 hardware people there would be far more polite towards you then the level of politeness Atheist is showing them here. Even if you post the "Same" stuff there in every thread related to Peg hardware or MOS questions. (And that's the "real" problem I suppose, the "fact" that "blue" trolls show up posting "their" sollution to "our" problem)

Call it spammig the site with "unrelated" hardware like Pegasos and Efika, call it trolling. Attacking isn't the way to deal with that.

With that said. I should have ignored this thread in the first place.

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Some Changes Need to be Made Here
Posted on 6-Oct-2006 19:21:29
#20 ]
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Joined: 19-May-2003
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From: Munich, Germany


so if the trolls are winning the polls.. who are the trolls?

"Trolls" do'nt have to be necessarilly a minority...

Last edited by Giovanni on 06-Oct-2006 at 07:22 PM.


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