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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 12-Nov-2007 20:51:45
#21 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 935
From: Ontario, Canada


Hi Rob, I know of this but at the moment I think it is only providing anti-aliased fonts? What other benefit could you get from re-compiling AROS libraries and running them on OS 3.9?

I don't see much "work" being done in that area unfortunately, but that seems like a good path to take if alot of the work has already been done...but I don't know what features you would gain other than anti-alias fonts...?

AmigaOS 4.x Beta Tester - Classic Amiga enthusiast - is my Amiga Blog, check it out!

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 12-Nov-2007 21:55:15
#22 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 3263
From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


Just focus! Instead of pointing nowhere (OS3.*) focus your drive on AROS. Why? Because those who might have anything to say aren't one bit interested in strengthen the 68k AmigaOS, just look why there's no software Warp3D*. I think you've got something here, but let it be free trough AROS. UAE core is being integrated, in the future we may have kickstart freed, and there's when AROS 68k might reach a similar level that of x86.

*There's some works to implement it freely on AROS now

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 12-Nov-2007 22:19:42
#23 ]
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From: Unknown



HammerD wrote:

Hi Rob, I know of this but at the moment I think it is only providing anti-aliased fonts? What other benefit could you get from re-compiling AROS libraries and running them on OS 3.9?

I don't see much "work" being done in that area unfortunately, but that seems like a good path to take if alot of the work has already been done...but I don't know what features you would gain other than anti-alias fonts...?

Well, read the "featurelist.txt" in the archive ...

Bernd is doing a lot of work here.
He is replacing AmigaOS Funcitions with their AROS counterparts to add new functionality and fix Bugs.
(NOTE: replacing not patching!)

One Example is the support of 32bit OS4 Icons for OS 3.1

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 6:38:16
#24 ]
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Joined: 5-Sep-2007
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From: Germany



You can not have fork() on Amiga.

The SAS C/C++ compiler provided a fork() implementation, but it can be done generally by copying the process segment table and then using CreateProcess() with the new segment table. SAS C/C++ optimized its fork() implementation by sharing code segments.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 8:20:51
#25 ]
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From: Germany



The SAS C/C++ compiler provided a fork() implementation, but it can be done
generally by copying the process segment table and then using CreateProcess()
with the new segment table. SAS C/C++ optimized its fork() implementation by
sharing code segments.

This description looks to me like a description how to start a resident program
a second time. I'm not an expert in this area, but IIRC the real experts normally
argue that ixemul.library has the best implementation of fork(). Which may still
not be exactly the same as in Unix.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 9:25:56
#26 ]
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From: Germany


I've developed software on AmigaOS for over 10 years, so I guess you can call me a "real expert". You've gotta clone the segment list and file descriptors if they are to be inheritable. That's what the SAS C/C++ runtime library did, and probably what ixemul is doing. Of course that requires that you use the POSIX API thruout your application, which would be the case when porting POSIX compatible software.

Last edited by voyager2007 on 13-Nov-2007 at 09:26 AM.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 9:53:59
#27 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2005
Posts: 585
From: Germany


Ok, when we assume that SAS/C fork() works, this

And in order to get things like Bash and a x11 terminal, and heaps of other
good stuff from the open source world running without a major rewrite,

can be answered with "You already have it in both SAS/C and gcc/ixemul,
why do you need it in an OS 3.9.1 68k kernel?"

BTW, instead of asking about adding Unix functions to OS3.9 it would make
more sense IMHO to ask about adding the OS4 functions to OS3.9

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 10:59:14
#28 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Dec-2003
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I would be very interested in an OS3.9.1 aslong as people dont go over board with new/updated features.

But what I really would like to see would be updated ROM's, I would love to have some OS3.5/3.9 ROM's so that we wouldnt have to update the ROM's through a reboot after loading Setpatch & ROM update.

Live Long and keep Amigaing!

A1200, Power Tower, TF1260 128MB RAM, 68060 Rev 6, OS3.9 BB2, HD-Floppy, Mediator TX+ PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Soundblaster 4.1, TV Card, Spider USB, 100MBit Ethernet, 16GB CF HD, 52xCDRom.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 20:19:02
#29 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Dec-2004
Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world



I'm not an expert in this area, but IIRC the real experts normally
argue that ixemul.library has the best implementation of fork(). Which may still
not be exactly the same as in Unix.

ixemul.library implements vfork() which is not same as fork() but sometimes you can replace fork() by vfork().

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 20:21:42
#30 ]
Elite Member
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From: Freedom world



The SAS C/C++ compiler provided a fork() implementation, but it can be done generally by copying the process segment table and then using CreateProcess() with the new segment table. SAS C/C++ optimized its fork() implementation by sharing code segments.

I dont think it was called fork() in SAS/C. If it was then it was not real fork().

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 21:25:59
#31 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
Posts: 7368
From: UK


I'd love it if I could continue to support the Amiga OS! However, it just 'aint happening is it!!!!

Q: Have I got a Blizzard PPC? Ans: nope

Q. Would I buy a $%@ board from Ack Controls/Adam? Ans:Nope

Q. Am I going to let the dodgy Amiga Inc/Hyperion court case ruin my day? Ans: No, life is too short

Q. Am I more interested in Leopard for my Apple iBook than Amiga OS news right now? Ans: You bet your bottom I am!

Soz, hope your Blizzard boards serve you well. Apple is the only other option to Windoze these days. 'Miggy Speedball 2 (on the classic 'miggy) will always rock my world however

Last edited by BigD on 13-Nov-2007 at 09:27 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 21:53:28
#32 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 5-Sep-2007
Posts: 432
From: Germany



I dont think it was called fork() in SAS/C. If it was then it was not real fork().

All that fork() does is split a process in two processes, and that's what the implementations on AmigaOS did. They worked quite well.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 13-Nov-2007 22:16:12
#33 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 935
From: Ontario, Canada


Hi, I think you missed my point. The whole crux of this thread is that PPC boards are few and far between, and yet we still have thousands of people using classic 68k Amigas, UAE, Amithlon, Amiga Forever, AmiKit, Amigasys 3, X-Amiga, etc...

So, I wasn't talking about a PPC Amiga OS at all. Rather an update to OS 3.x 68k.

AmigaOS 4.x Beta Tester - Classic Amiga enthusiast - is my Amiga Blog, check it out!

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 15-Nov-2007 18:24:33
#34 ]
Elite Member
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From: UK


Seeing as Hyperion never managed to get hold of the OS3.9 source off H&P or Amiga Inc back when they started developing OS4, I really doubt that Hyperion (the only people who would realistically do the upgrade programming) would be able to obtain it for re-release/re-development! OS4.0 was produced miraculously with reference to Workbench 3.0 not 3.9! H&P aren't interested in the Amiga any more and so their OS3.9 source is forever locked away in their posession (I guess). Amiga Inc. were bad business partners, who can blame H&P?

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 15-Nov-2007 19:19:10
#35 ]
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From: Germany



OS4.0 was produced miraculously with reference to Workbench 3.0 not 3.9!

IIRC it was mentioned already that its not based on OS3.1 only and its
also not based on the complete OS3.9. H&P did not hand over the sources
where they did major changes to 3.1 but Hyperion got some 3.9 sources
from individual developers, dont know if some were also from H&P.

AFAIK in the meantime most parts of OS3.9 are reimplemented in OS4,
e.g. the ReAction prefs editors and commodities, the printer.device additions.
Whats misssing are e.g. the sources for the OS3.9 IconEdit, PRINTERS:File,
the skinnable PlayCD and Installer V44. And less important (no offense...)
contributions like BenchTrash, the Io(Mega)Tools or AmigaMail.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 15-Nov-2007 22:11:11
#36 ]
Joined: 1-Oct-2003
Posts: 64
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Is it possible to create a new kickstart ROM which has more features and some add-ons to Workbench to utilize those? or is that pretty much a waste of time?

Last edited by TheMagicM on 15-Nov-2007 at 10:14 PM.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 16-Nov-2007 0:42:37
#37 ]
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And how would this be possible when Amiga INC is still around? You still need permission from them, and we all know how much they like the amiga community.
Does even Amiga INC have the source code for it? You cannot really do much unless you have the source code.

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 16-Nov-2007 8:42:23
#38 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world



All that fork() does is split a process in two processes, and that's what the implementations on AmigaOS did. They worked quite well.

That is not what Unix fork() does. It also clones the process. Just creting new thread is not enough, CreateNewProc() already does that.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 16-Nov-2007 9:19:32
#39 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 23-Mar-2004
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From: Peterborough, UK, Planet Earth (I think...)


If any problem with fork, just use spoon...

// Well I should really go back to bed now !


- AOS has been ported to ex-86 ! It's called AROS and WinUAE... Or E-UAE on Linux !

- A1XE-G4 up and runing with:
512MB Ram / 200GB and 80GB HardDisks on Sii0680.
AOS4 Final Update / AmiZilla 0.1 Alpha

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Re: Demand for OS 3.9.1?
Posted on 16-Nov-2007 9:33:28
#40 ]
Elite Member
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


mmm... there is no spoon

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