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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 11:28:37
#21 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



Fair point, maybe files which are binaries or have no matching datatype could be grey/unselectable in the list instead?

This is unfortunatly not very easy to do. There is no mechanism (that I know of, and when I asked on os4coding no one came up with an idea) to detrmine whether a class for a spscific datatype is installed. The datatype of an object can be detected, ie System binary System fon, but not whether you have a binary.datatype installed or not. I technique I ried to pre open and close the #?.datatype lib caused odd crashes in the datatype next time it was refereneced.

However what you *can* do is go to the Menu->Settings->Filter by sub menu, and choose which groupsd you want included, then enebale Filter By Group at the top of that sub menu. Then objects that do not match your criteria wil be rejected.

Thus you might only load text documents and pictures ignoring al the rest ....

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 11:30:22
#22 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



page up/down is not working in text display (like amigaguide).
please enable this.

These keys are used for navigating through the filelist.

You can use the standard amiga keys shift up / down arow for going up and down a page.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 11:38:46
#23 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
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From: Portsmouth England



why is there a multiviewer assign required?
appdir:multiviewer should work to start it and smth like progdir: should work to find the installation path?
every additional assign within the system is one assign too much (imho).

It's not required just suggested. Using an assign to locate an applications data files has been a standard amiga tecnique for as long as I have used amiga. It's myth that PROGDIR: can replace it completely, though it's often useful.

PROGDIR: does not work when laucnhng arexx scripts for example as PROGDIR: in that case becomes arexx's progdir: PROGDIR: does not work if the executable is not in the datat dir, say you moved MultiViewer to C: or after testing you like it enough to want to replace MultiView with it, so that programs hardcoded to use MultiView worked with it too.

If you want to hand install your own custom setup without an assign that's up to you, but it it's then your own responsibilty to set script paths correctly etc.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 11:41:47
#24 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



It would be cool if MultiView could have some image fx processing added to it, just simple one-click effects with minimal settings, e.g. Grayscale, Chalk, Negative, Sepia that kind of thing - not looking for a complete package just some of the more readily used effects.

Probably not going to happen in the short term. There are types of data that need attention first (sound animation etc) The edit button exists to pass the object to your favourite editor and would be best used if you want to start editing the image.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 11:47:47
#25 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England



First I viewed some small text file, then added/selected/loaded a bunch of (13 or so) pics of various sizes to show and pressed OK.. then everything froze. Had to use the power button...

My test system is identical but I cannot reproduce this. If you are getting it repeatedly, and can capture a serial debug log, please can you post the the first section of that log, (uptp and includeing the stacktrace).

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 18:13:24
#26 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France

"this is the first I have seen an AmigaOS application with AISS icons in the intuition menus."

not true, see my signature.


Installed, it works well but :

-when I drag a drawer in Multiviewer (in a Dock), nothing happens. Is it planned to implement drawer scan ?

-tested to drag a PDF => crash in Datatypes.library.

No more problem with and your store, well done !


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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 18:23:14
#27 ]
Super Member
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Have you enabled the drawer scan option in the menu?

This works when opening a draw, but I haven't tried dragging and dropping a drawer

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 18:26:38
#28 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


Thank you, it was not enabled but it doesn't work better when dragging a drawer.
Even in CLI, "Multiviewer RAM:", open a requester instead of scanning RAM: drawer.


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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 18:53:41
#29 ]
Cult Member
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From: United Kingdom


Thanks for pointing out PgUp/PgDn, handy!

Last edited by dan.hutch on 14-Jun-2015 at 07:02 PM.

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 19:03:30
#30 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2574


It would also help to use text & icon colors that have more contrast with the background. The dark grey on darker grey stuff makes it difficult to distinguish text etc. I didn't even see the Xs until you pointed them out.

Following your feedback, I have today changed the colour of the X icon to make it more visible to the user. Changes will be made in the next AMIStore update. Thanks.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 20:26:40
#31 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


As I have another picture viewer in my picture deficons, is it possible that the installer ask for file type deficons ?

For example, "Use MultiViewer for Pictures ?" ""Use MultiViewer for Text files ?"


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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 14-Jun-2015 21:10:37
#32 ]
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Joined: 2-Feb-2004
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From: Pennsylvania, USA

After some help from AmigaKit I was able to purchase MultiViewer. Overall I like it. I do have some minor issues/requests:

1. When I opened Multiviewer for the first time, I got endless requesters for the Multiviewer assignment. Displaying the requester 1 or 2 times should be enough. It wouldn't hurt to check for the Multiviewer assignment (in the code) and it it's not present, check for PROGDIR:TBImages and assign Multiviewer: to PROGDIR:TBImages (in the code). If that fails look for the toobar images in the TBImages: assignment which most (if not all) users will have. If all attempts to load toolbar images, throw up a notification requester and shut down the program. I solved the problem by changing the GUIIMAGES tooltype to PROGDIR:TBImages but would hope for a more elegant solution that will make a better first-time-use impression of a good program.

2. When I open Multiviewer from a script or shell on a PUBSCREEN other than the front one, I'm left on the front screen wondering if the Multiviewer window opened. A SCREENTOFRONT argument and tooltype would be greatly appreciated.

3. So far I've had 2 system freezes when running Multiviewer. Unfortunately, I wasn't keeping track of what I was doing in the program and can't reproduce the freezes yet. Do you have a specific place for reporting problems if I am able to reliably reproduce the a problem or get a Grim Reaper report??

X1000 with 2GB memory & OS4.1FE

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 0:16:07
#33 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



"this is the first I have seen an AmigaOS application with AISS icons in the intuition menus."

not true, see my signature.

I believe NetSurf has had then for a while actually.

The significance of MultiViewer is that it uses menuclass.



Installed, it works well but :

-when I drag a drawer in Multiviewer (in a Dock), nothing happens. Is it planned to implement drawer scan ?

Enable directory scanning in the tooltypes and drop a file on the dock and MultiViewer will display that file and scan the direcory it's in.


-tested to drag a PDF => crash in Datatypes.library.

I heard on other report of this, but have not yet reproduced any such crash. I 'opened' a number of PDFs and most were rejected, 1 was opened as text. which indicates that the ascii descriptor got it wrong, happens occasionally with postscript files too.

If you can reproduce please post the crashlog.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 0:19:12
#34 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England




As I have another picture viewer in my picture deficons, is it possible that the installer ask for file type deficons ?

For example, "Use MultiViewer for Pictures ?" ""Use MultiViewer for Text files ?"

The installer will only replace MultiView in def_icon automatically so if your image viewer is already setup it wont be replaced.

Replacing default tools per datatype group would need away to determine which goup the defison was representing, not sure how easy that is to find out, in a script.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 0:34:31
#35 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



After some help from AmigaKit I was able to purchase MultiViewer. Overall I like it. I do have some minor issues/requests:

Thanks for persevering.


1. When I opened Multiviewer for the first time, I got endless requesters for the Multiviewer assignment. Displaying the requester 1 or 2 times should be enough.

It shouldn't display them ever, the toolbar loading code set the processwindow to -1 I need to chack where else that path is being access from.

But if you don;t want the MultiViewer assign then just chnage the tooltypes in the main icon.


It wouldn't hurt to check for the Multiviewer assignment (in the code)

MultiViewer itself never checks for the MultiViewer: assign directly, it's quire deliberatly not hard coded in.


and it it's not present, check for PROGDIR:TBImages and assign Multiviewer: to PROGDIR:TBImages (in the code).

The primary purpose of the MultiViewer: assign is actually for the MultiViewer:Rexx directory.

The internal default for toolbar images is actually TBIMAGES: strangely enough. But the tool type option is there as for most of the developement period, many images providied by Mason were not yet public. It's also abit faster to load from the local directory.


2. When I open Multiviewer from a script or shell on a PUBSCREEN other than the front one, I'm left on the front screen wondering if the Multiviewer window opened. A SCREENTOFRONT argument and tooltype would be greatly appreciated.

Hmm I'll think about the best way to handle that, there is a SCREENTOFRONT arexx command if that is any use.

3. So far I've had 2 system freezes when running Multiviewer. Unfortunately, I wasn't keeping track of what I was doing in the program and can't reproduce the freezes yet. Do you have a specific place for reporting problems if I am able to reliably reproduce the a problem or get a Grim Reaper report??

Here is as good as anywhere, or email me. There's a debug build in the archive though it's not installed by default.

I've not seen any freezes for long time, but that doesn't mean there isn't some combination of filesize / datatoe /etc that might trigger some low level crash.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 4:40:32
#36 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Jan-2010
Posts: 663
From: Isselburg,Germany


Iconify during slideshow gives a crash. (using MultiviewSlideshow and not FullscreenSlideshow)

FullscreenSlideshow script freeze after a few seconds (loading 2-4 pictures)
I set SLIDESHOW ON DELAY time from 1 sec to 4 sec. Now it works a little bit better but sometomes it freeze.The resolution of the images does not matter.


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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 6:58:48
#37 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


"Enable directory scanning in the tooltypes and drop a file on the dock and MultiViewer will display that file and scan the direcory it's in."

Yes, drawer scanning works but I asked if it's possible to drag a drawer in Multiview and to scan the drawer automatically ?

Mail sent with the crashlog and a PDF that crashs Datatype.library.


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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 7:37:06
#38 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
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From: Finland



PROGDIR: does not work when laucnhng arexx scripts for example as PROGDIR: in that case becomes arexx's progdir:

I don't have much experience with ARexx but one possible solution that I can think of would be to have MultiViewer export to the script a function that returns the path of the program directory (it could be called GETPROGRAMDIR() f.e.).

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 8:24:57
#39 ]
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Joined: 23-Feb-2004
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From: Somewhere in Northern Italy


Compliments for this useful piece of software Andy!
I bought it instantaneously!

Here some observations, take it constructively:
1) no way to physically delete or rename a file in the list, please implement it in the toolbar and/or by pressing the "delete" key
2) the text zooming function is "hidden" in the menus, could it be possible to implement it as a button in the toolbar?
3) could it possible to implement the zooming text function using the CTRL+wheel? (I know, it is a Windows like function, but that is useful!)
4) to me it is not totally clear the usage of tabs, is it only used with the clipboard or am I missing something?
5) if Multiviewer is already open, I would appreciate that *any* other file I open, will open up in the very same window adding the file clicked file to the existing filelist, instead of firing up another Multiviewer instance
6) when I save a file could it be possible to save to a new format? e.g. source is a PNG file but I want to save it as a JPG file (a bit like the tool DTconvert by Fredrik Wikstrom on OS4Depot)

At the moment Multiviewer is a bit slower than Multiview on my Sam460 Multiviewer: it tends to take 1 to 2 sec to open for example a guide file, meanwhile multiview open it up instantaneously. Not that much, but I don't like to wait ;)

In my view I would replace Multiview with Multiviewer with this loss of performance only if I am able to do a bit more than the present Multiviewer implementation (e.g. DTconvert like feature, one instance only instead of multiple windows).

Anyway, I really enjoy Multiviewer!

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Re: MultiViewer User Feedback Thread
Posted on 15-Jun-2015 11:22:29
#40 ]
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The multitab option can be used on demand.
So you could open a picture on one tab and a text document on another tab for example.

The Save Image as option already exists, to save as another format.

I haven't noticed Multiview being slower than Multiview.
I am using a Sam460, so I wonder if something else is happening here.

I would also like the same open Multiviewer to be used when clicking on a new file.


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