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Software News   Software News : RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now available
   posted by HammerD on 29-Mar-2007 5:05:25 (3534 reads)
As a follow up to my prior news article on the release of the Remote Desktop Client for OS4 which you can read here, I am now pleased to offer ports for AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MorphOS users.

Read more

Users who have already donated may send me an E-mail to receive this new version. If you have not donated yet you may do so by using the PayPal link on HD-Zone. You will receive the latest version via E-mail (please specify which OS you are running) as soon as your donation is processed. If you do not have access to PayPal please E-mail me and we can make alternate arrangements.

If you wish to try out the client you may download a fully functional but older version from the above website.

You may use the excellent GUI that was written by AmigaZeux for the AmigaOS 3.x version and the MorphOS version. It can be downloaded here. The GUI requires MUI.

Just as a reminder, the features of the Remote Desktop client are:

Connect to NT/2000 Server/2003 Server/XP Pro
Window or Full Screen
Audio re-direction
Clipboard support
Full Featured GUI
Connect to Multiple remote machines
16-bit Colour Support
Faster than VNC!

The full featured 2007-1 version, available to users who have donated, include all of the above features plus:

Windows Vista connectivity
Automatic Stack checking
Persistant Cache (upto 20 mb)
Connection Bar
Mouse Adjustments
Performance Increases
Many bug fixes

Thank you for your continued support!

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 29-Mar-2007 8:46:47
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 1-Jun-2006
Posts: 1249
From: Unknown

Great news!

Any screen shot from the MorphOS version?

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 29-Mar-2007 15:00:55
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 935
From: Ontario, Canada

Not yet...I will make a new one and reply back :)

AmigaOS 4.x Beta Tester - Classic Amiga enthusiast - is my Amiga Blog, check it out!

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 29-Mar-2007 17:56:27
#3 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Nov-2003
Posts: 574
From: UK

Anyone got any feedback on how well the OS3.x version might run on an A4000/040/40?

Is it near enough "real-time" for basic tasks (not graphics intensive stuff of course) or do you have to watch the screen re-draw? Would be with a Cybervision64 and Ethernet card.

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 29-Mar-2007 19:19:14
#4 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 13-Sep-2006
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From: US of A, New Jersey

Oooh ooh, can the Amiga 3.x or MOS port work on AROS!?

Last edited by ReverseGTR on 29-Mar-2007 at 07:20 PM.

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 29-Mar-2007 22:04:21
#5 ]
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Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 935
From: Ontario, Canada

I run it on an A4000/060/66 with Cybervision PPC and it runs at good speed. I think the speed will heavily depend on your graphics card and network bandwidth/latency.

I think a 040/40, given sufficiently good memory speed, should be enough cpu power.

AmigaOS 4.x Beta Tester - Classic Amiga enthusiast - is my Amiga Blog, check it out!

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 29-Mar-2007 22:05:17
#6 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 935
From: Ontario, Canada

If you have the technical ability to compile an AROS version then please contact me privately. Our current setup is not supporting AROS, so you will probably have to make changes to the compile environment.

AmigaOS 4.x Beta Tester - Classic Amiga enthusiast - is my Amiga Blog, check it out!

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Re: RDesktop 2007-1 AmigaOS 3.x 68k and MOS versions now ava
Posted on 30-Mar-2007 13:58:35
#7 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Nov-2003
Posts: 574
From: UK

Well if anyone wants to make a VPN client to go with this then I am all set!

Last edited by Benji on 30-Mar-2007 at 01:58 PM.

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