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software Classic   software Classic : Polybios 1.1 released
   posted by softwarefailure on 23-Jun-2019 15:04:28 (1625 reads)

Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to present a major update for one of the most popular plugins for Hollywood: Polybios. This plugin can be used to create and view PDF documents from Hollywood scripts and contains the most advanced PDF rendering engine available on Amiga systems.

Version 1.1 is a major update which adds support for lots of functionality required by people who would like to write a PDF viewer with Polybios. It is now possible to get text, bookmarks, and links from PDF pages. It is also possible to search PDF pages for a given string and it is also possible to get the position of text inside PDF pages (needed for implementing highlighting). Finally, it's also possible to get metadata from PDF pages. On top of that, there are also some important bug fixes.

Polybios 1.1 is provided free of charge for all existing Hollywood users. Please consider buying Hollywood to show your support for our massive development efforts.

The plugin is now available for download from the official Hollywood portal. Thanks to Hollywood's cross-platform plugin system versions for AmigaOS3 (m68k, m881), AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS (x86), Linux (ppc, arm, x86, x64), macOS (ppc, x86, x64), Windows (x86, x64) and Android (arm, arm64) are provided.

WinUAE users please note that you need at least version 4.2.1 because previous versions have a bug in the emulation of Motorola's 68020 CPU which makes Polybios crash.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.

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Re: Polybios 1.1 released
Posted on 24-Jun-2019 13:10:38
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2004
Posts: 3670
From: Unknown

Thank you, Andreas for this new update.

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Re: Polybios 1.1 released
Posted on 24-Jun-2019 15:57:00
#2 ]
Joined: 16-Feb-2004
Posts: 88
From: Germany

By the way, the original post misses the link to the Hollywood portal... here it is:

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Re: Polybios 1.1 released
Posted on 30-Jun-2019 8:18:16
#3 ]
Super Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2012
Posts: 1628
From: Norway

Very nice!

A updated and good PDF reader for AOS 3.x is sorely missing, so efforts in that regard is appriciated

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