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      /  PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 30-Mar-2009 17:11:43
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2003
Posts: 6487
From: Europe


Technically, you can't do HDR FP + MSAA on the PS3.

Why care about its naming? The end result is what matters or not?

"As already stated many time on these boards HDR rendering can be done in many different ways.

Most games use FP16 render targets: this is the most straightforward and simple way to do it, quality is also very good, though unfortunately FP16 render targets require a lot of memory and bandwidth: every pixel needs 8 bytes in video ram to store its color data.
On the other hand colors can be represented (different color spaces) and encoded (different layout in memory) in many different ways.

We use a 4 bytes per pixel format that has the same luminance range of a default FP16 format, though it's completely scalable changing some costants in a fragment shader.
The quality is outstanding, I was never been able to reproduce a single case where FP16 had a better quality than our funky color space.

I silently ran the game over a week using FP16 on the upper half of the screen and funky colors on the lower half..and I was randomly asking question about the image quality to people in the office that were occassionaly standing close to my desk: no one has ever noticed any difference.

It's also very easy to bring FP16 on its knee on night light scenes, very low luminance (close to zero!) produced noticeable banding (but this effect can also be a function of a particular tone mapping operator), the 4 bytes per pixel version was much better, banding was still present though.

Also we don't use YUV or HSV color spaces, we went for a custom CIE Luv space."

"in fact we support a VERY broad (and accurate!) range , thousand times broader than FP10 on Xenos."

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB30-Mar-2009 17:29:33
      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Hammer31-Mar-2009 3:43:31

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