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      /  PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 3-Sep-2009 22:59:02
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Feb-2003
Posts: 2531
From: Chicago, IL


Zune & keeping Jobs on his toes. You like to make jokes sometimes.


I don't use the XBox 360, my son does. At least the XBox 360 has some sales. Zune installed base is way smaller than classic Amiga. You can't even buy a Zune unless you live in North America. The opinions I share here have nothing to do with DFX corporate policy. Notice my sig? Everyone is free believe what they like about MS or even (LOL) Zune.


I do feel it is ethically and morally very wrong for B Gates & S Ballmer to prop up Xbox sales by having millions of them stashed at their respective houses but they will not extend the same courtesy to poor Zune. What a double standard!!!

Last edited by DiscreetFX on 03-Sep-2009 at 11:45 PM.
Last edited by DiscreetFX on 03-Sep-2009 at 11:44 PM.
Last edited by DiscreetFX on 03-Sep-2009 at 11:02 PM.
Last edited by DiscreetFX on 03-Sep-2009 at 11:00 PM.
Last edited by DiscreetFX on 03-Sep-2009 at 11:00 PM.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5fairlanefastback4-Sep-2009 4:36:13
          Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5DiscreetFX4-Sep-2009 4:58:46
              Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5fairlanefastback4-Sep-2009 15:36:15

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