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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 4-Sep-2009 15:36:15
#1 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA



DiscreetFX wrote:

Why do you continue to defend a faceless billion dollar company on a Amiga fan site?

That would be you actually with your Google does no evil, DiscreetFX likes Google thing.

I am trying to understand how your Microsoft position works. Twisting it on me is not going to work. You have issue with some members here when they defend something MS if its first attacked (usually by you). *But*, then Xbox is ok because you bought it for your son (how convienient). Being a Windows developer is ok (we'll make the disclaimer to try to excuse that one).

I'm not the one lacking a "live and let live" attitude. You are the one who goes on the offensive against MS. Personally I think it would be more productive and less childish if you put that energy to promoting Amiga, instead of bashing a company that has nothing to do with us. I'm honestly trying to understand how you justify that someone who defends Silverlight and Windows 7 after its attacked should not be here, yet you have your own fingers in the MS pie, just different technologies of theirs.

Instead of taking a step back and maybe admitting that you are not being equitable, you've dug in. I'm merely trying to logically get to the bottom of how you justify certain MS customer/user support as fine and dandy and others worthy of you bashing here. I find the pyschology of it so far quite fascinating.

You do know that forum posts and press releases come from different people and are not the same right?

Ah yes the multiple personas of this account. The rash one (I think thats the one posting lately). And then the more business-like one that shows up every once and a while to excuse the rash one. Problem is you never sign which persona is supposedly speaking and both use the same account. And this account has already gone back on its word from 08/20/2009:

I have requested the following of my staff.

>- Focus on product development (important since we have several new products approaching completion).

>- Refrain from posing opinions on internet forums.

***Now back to your regularly scheduled***

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 04-Sep-2009 at 03:43 PM.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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