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      /  PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 29-Sep-2009 11:04:59
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 25-Feb-2004
Posts: 1141
From: Italy


Strange people you know.
I myself own a Wii and I'm a proud owner of Red-Steel, Force Unleashed, Zelda Twilight Princess, Resident Evil4 and Victorious Boxers. Only party games I do have are Sports (cometh with the Wii itself), Wii Play (bought it with second controller) and Wii Fit.

My friends all have a Wii and own games like Lego Batman, Lego StarWars, Metroid Prime, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, House of the Dead overkill, Guitar Hero, No more Heroes, Dysaster days of Crisis, Mario Galaxy, Dragon Sword and others.

I am also playing Quake1 and several classic point&click adventures through Homebrew.

I can count tons of hard core titles here and very few kiddy party games.
Add to that we are all waiting for RedSteel2, Monster Hunter Tri, Silent Hill and Fragile to come out in Italy for buying them
As for Okami I've not got it due to GameStop's short storages (and my not perfect timing on buying it).
Ah, as soon as I've some spare money I'll sureli give Mad World a go.

So, as you can see, an hard core gaming group has even too much money to spend if can pick good games from the ####ty Wii gaming library (I give it to you, 90% of Wii games are complete rubbish...)

But the thing that most upsets me is that you (and with you lots of other blind people) are giving all the guilt of those kiddy games to the new and innovative controllers Nintendo created for it's new console.
If you want to point out a good cause for this, please point at Software Houses that see evolution only in GFX and CPU technical departments.

Some of you defined Wii as 6.5 generation console. Basing on which scale? DirectX complaint level? GPU uber powerness?
Aren't we becoming a bit boring here discussing how many zillions pixels per second a GPU+CPU combo manages to render?
Or are we willing to talk about REAL evolution?

I mean: look at X360 and PS3. How come you can call them a true evolution from Xbox and PS2. Yes, they've more brute force, RAM and better media devices than previous gen and that's ALL!
Where is the innovation? Cell CPU? C'mon! Blue Ray? Please...

I'm not telling the Wii is a perfect machine, sometimes I myself blame Nintendo for not giving it a little bit more power and RAM... but then I play RE4 or Force Unleashed and I recall that GFX is not what makes a good game.

But I know my words will probably be eaten by your GPU war... and THAT is the second real cause of Wii having a weak hardcore market. Because the majority of so called hardcore games fear innovation, most of them schum Wiimote because it is different from a Joypad and you even have to move your whole arm in order to play!!! How come?
Oh and it is different from a mouse aswell, because it can feel 3 axis instead of just 2 and also feels ROTATIONS!

I'm just glad Sony created this new controller, bringing the idea from Nintendo. This alone shows me that someone still can recognize an excellent new idea when he sees it.

God created Paula so that Allister Brimble and Dave Whittaker could do music

Check my Amiga gameplays (ITA)!

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