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Recent News Submit News News   REV'n'GE! #165 News posted by Seiya on 25-Dec-2024 9:55:52 (481 reads)
Merry Christmas!
Today December 25, 2024 you can read new Amiga games "Pumpkin" and "Fast Food 2 AGA". Plus the full review of "Cyber Force".

  1 comment | Read more News   Amigatronics Exclusive: Interview with Trevor Dickinson from A-EON News posted by amigatronics on 24-Dec-2024 11:42:00 (291 reads)
Don’t miss this exclusive interview with Trevor Dickinson, the driving force behind A-EON!**
In this video, Trevor shares his insights on the most significant events in the Amiga world over the past few years, reflects on the platform’s current state, and reveals his thoughts and expectations for the future.

Discover how A-EON continues to keep the Amiga legacy alive and foster its growth within the retro community. If you’re an Amiga fan, this conversation is a must-watch.

đŸ“ș Hit play and dive into the Amiga universe with Trevor Dickinson!

Amigatronics (Youtube)
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software Classic   AmiKit 11 is now completely free!
  software Classic posted by AmiKit on 24-Dec-2024 11:10:01 (869 reads)
FREE Modern Retro Amiga Experience on your Windows!

Merry Christmas Everyone! 🎄
Jan, author


software Classic   New driver for Xircom PCMCIA Ethernet cards
  software Classic posted by ncafferkey on 24-Dec-2024 9:31:28 (485 reads)
A new SANA-II driver for Xircom PCMCIA Ethernet cards has been released. This finally allows these fairly common cards to be used in the A1200 and A600.

The new driver, xircomce2.device, is available for download on Aminet. Versions for AmigaOS 2+ and AmigaOS 4 are included.

Documentation included with the driver package includes a list of compatible cards.

software OS4   Dir Me Up 4.10 released for AmigaOS 4
  software OS4 posted by Glames on 21-Dec-2024 12:07:07 (232 reads)
The modern explorer for AmigaOS 4, Dir Me Up, is back in version 4.10 to celebrate Christmas... with the preview of MP3 tags and Unicode text files! MErry Christmas!

The list of new features is available on our dedicated page.

Dir Me Up is, of course, compatible with the brand-new A1222+ from A-EON Technology!

As usual, this update, free for all registered users, has been put online. To install it, just run Dir Me Up.

You can download a demo allowing (only) browsing
here or there.

Dir Me Up, enhance your Amiga!

  1 comment  

News   The Amiga Future magazine Issue 172 - preview is now available to view online
  News posted by AndreasM on 21-Dec-2024 12:07:05 (214 reads)
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 172 preview is now available to view online

These comprise of the full colour preview and excerpts of our Amiga Future issue 172 (January/February 2025) which can also be viewed online on the Amiga Future website.

Some of the interesting articles in this issue are:

Interview Macro System Part 2
Show report Amiga Meeting 2024
Preview AmigaOS 4.1 Update 3
Knowledge 5: Fast scaling of bitmaps
Developer Log: Settle the World
Tales of Evil
Neon Noir
Halloween X
2 Tiny Cowboys
Fast Food Dizzy
Beyond the screen: The history of RPGs on the Amiga
ADF Blitzer
AmiKit for Rasberry
Amiga 600gs

Of course there's actually so MUCH more in the magazine.

Needless to say you will often get other versions of software, some of which were commercially available, as well as some of the latest try-outs or freely released software applications and games for, hopefully, every Amiga variant of Operating system, so that's Amiga 'Classic', OS4, MorphOS, and AROS, including some PD software for these systems, all on the Readers' cover CD.

A detailed description of the varied content and excerpts of our current issue can be found at:

The Amiga Future magazine is available both as an English and German printed magazine - each issue is printed in FULL COLOUR - directly available from our magazine editorial office and from various other Amiga dealers.

Important Notice!

All our Amiga Future subscribers should check that both your current postal and email addresses for you are correct that has been supplied by you to us.
The Amiga Future gets packed and shipped a few days prior to its actual release date. So, we need any change/correction to your address to be passed to us before we dispatch it, and in any case as soon as possible.
Bear in mind that: Usually requests to forward on mail will not be handled with such mail items, i.e. magazines!

We also ask that you check that your subscription fee(s) are current and up to date, i.e. already been paid, as some, in fact quite a few, subscription fees are still not currently fully paid.


  Post comment News   Issue 12/24 of germnan ASM (Current Software Market) published News posted by AndreasM on 18-Dec-2024 10:23:25 (312 reads)
After the great success of the german ASM revival issue 3/23, the editorial team is now upping the ante: this year’s issue of german ASM (“Current Software Market”), number 12/24, has now been published and is now available at the URL https:/ / can be ordered. The current magazine offers a comprehensive overview of the new retro releases from summer 2023 to autumn 2024, taking into account the classic computer systems from A for Amiga to Z for ZX Spectrum, in over 40 tests for a total of 12 different computer systems.

What else is there in the new edition of ASM?

Manfred Kleimann didn’t miss the opportunity to write the foreword again - he also fought the Great London Fire of 1666 again, while Martina Strack helped the lemmings again after 30 years and Klaus ‚Cruiser‘ set sail on the Paradroid deck cleaned up.

Big thanks also go to Torsten Oppermann, who met with Chris HĂŒlsbeck and Julian Eggebrecht for ASM to talk about old and new times and let us share in them.

Clem Chambers, head of the famous software company CRL, talks about what it was like to run a software company in the 80s and what he did afterwards.

Michael Kafke tells us pretty much everything about the ASM adventure, Stefan Vogt chats about the details and introduces us to Hibernated 2 (while we take a closer look at his masterpiece “The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor”).

The reader survey from the last issue will be resolved, there will be a programming competition (again...) and one or two surprises.

And of course all the sections from the last issue are back on board, as is Donald Bug, who is letting go of all his clothes this time...

Order the current german issue now:
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News   Interview of Oliver Roberts
  News posted by Glames on 17-Dec-2024 22:23:18 (321 reads)
An interview published in the ninth issue of our (French) Amiga magazine, BOING, is now online: Oliver Roberts talks (in English) about his internet browser, IBrowse.

Read it here.

Check out the list of our BOING interviews here.

More (French) details about BOING here.

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Announcement   "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS" out now
  Announcement posted by AmigaPapst on 14-Dec-2024 11:50:54 (440 reads)
Great news for Amiga fans and dedicated programmers: Thomas Richter's "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS" has been shipped from the printer earlier than planned and will be sent to all customers who pre-ordered it starting Tuesday, 17 December 2024.

The 400-page English-language reference book in US Letter format of the original reference manuals is the ultimate source of information for programmers who want to fully exploit the potential of the Amiga operating system. It covers the latest features of the AmigaDOS file system, the implementation of handlers, the productive use of the AmigaDOS shell and much more.

There are no plans to reprint the book, so if you order now you will get one of the last copies of the print edition. If you get your order in quickly, you should be able to have the book in time for Christmas.

Price: €29.90 (plus shipping)

Contents of this book:

This volume provides a long missing addendum to the AMIGA ROM Kernel Reference Manual Series and adds a comprehensive description of the AmigaDOS system component. The AmigaDOS Reference Manual presents a detailed description of the central I/O and process subsystem of AmigaOS. This volume covers the latest version of Amiga's operating system. It includes:

- An introduction into elementary components of AmigaDOS such as files and locks
- AmigaDOS handlers and file systems, and how to interface them
- Pattern matching and recursive directory scanning
- A discussion of the AmigaDOS Process management
- A complete breakdown of the Fast File System disk structure
- Direct packet communication and a comprehensive documentation of DosPackets
- A detailed description of the AmigaDOS executable and link file structure
- The documentationof the AmigaDOS ROM Shell, including a tutorial and source code for implementing custom shells
- The AmigaDOS startup mechanism

Preorder and further information:


software OS4   EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
  software OS4 posted by imagodespira on 13-Dec-2024 17:29:23 (426 reads)
AmigaOS4: Super Star Blast - Space Shooter
Super Star Blast has been available on PC and consoles for a while now.
We are pleased to finally be able to release the AmigaOS4 version of the game.
You can get the game as digital download version on your favorite AmigaOS Shop: @AlineaComputer @A-Eon

Super Star Blast is a space based game with challenging levels of increasing difficulty.
All enemies must be shot down to finish a level and go to the next one. A scanner around the player tells roughly where the enemies are located.
The player ship can fly forwards to attack and backwards to fight during the retreat against the opponents.
After clearing a level you can purchase equipment to boost the ship, as well as extra shields and firepower or more ships.

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