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YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 14:44:59
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-May-2005
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From: Space Coast

Pretty awesome that an OS4 browser works with YouTube now!


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:02:50
#2 ]
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From: Växjö, Sweden


This Is an Outrage!!


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:09:16
#3 ]
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Joined: 20-Nov-2008
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From: Marston Moretaine, England

I would be more than happy to have youtube work like this, even if they were a bit sneaky moving the window over the area. However, they did not disguise the window.

However, more to the point, where do you get this "Odyssey" browser and is it a work in progress of Fab's Odyssey browser ?

Should have read the Authors names, looks like it is unless there are two.

Last edited by clusteruk on 17-Jan-2012 at 03:12 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:09:24
#4 ]
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


I think you should get djrikki to explain that one, everyone knows there's isn't any flash or html5 support in any of the browsers available on AmigaOS 4.x.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:16:56
#5 ]
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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:36:08
#6 ]
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besides the fake youtube video, I think the best thing about that screenshot is that somebody went thru the trouble of blackening the Commodore c64x links


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:40:59
#7 ]
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More likely that they did not want to grant CUSA free publicity...again.


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:51:32
#8 ]
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Can you explain that plz ?

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 15:59:49
#9 ]
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I use (on my WinUAE box) IBrowse with the help of GetVideo and FFplay. All is integrated in context menu. Fast and efficient way to play youtube videos without flash plugin.

I must admire your hatred towards OS4. Such passion!

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 16:04:14
#10 ]
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It's not "Odyssey", and this is just MPlayer window running over OWB, running the related Youtube clip. Which is ok, but there's not much point in positioning the window exactly over the Youtube video area. :)

On MorphOS, the HTML5 media player is of course integrated in the browser window itself, and there's no need for MPlayer (though it can still be used if wanted).

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 16:05:19
#11 ]
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From: Russia


I use (on my WinUAE box) IBrowse with the help of GetVideo and FFplay. All is integrated in context menu. Fast and efficient way to play youtube videos without flash plugin.

His point not about can we play youtube or not (everyone know that we can), but just that on screenshot, mplayer window puts over the youtube window (seems manually), and when any new visitor will check screenshots, he can think like youtube "just works" as on any other browsers (and like it works on morphos), but as topic starter think, in it is not.

Maybe that some smart script , which calculate where to put mplayer window on the screen, and size of it, but dunno, when you will move scroll bar, its anyway will disappear (but again, maybe some smart script).

Will be very intersting to heard about truth. Because if its indeed liar of kind "moving window on", then, its suck very much, because fool any users. And that is unacceptable at all for site which calls like "official amigaos site". Through, when it have "Jack" in utilities together with Filer and Dopus4, i do not know then ..


Btw, i also read: Developer: Fabien Coeurjoly, Roman Kargin

But that is not true, developer is one : Fab. I am only porter, not developer. I.e. or just put Fab here only, and just write that i , deniil and thore port it to os4, or, just put full list from the "about". Sure, when you make some not 100% truth remarks, it will kill motivatoin of Fab, to help us with anything else in future (and he will right).

Last edited by kas1e on 17-Jan-2012 at 04:07 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 16:15:13
#12 ]
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I think you are right.

However, in my point of view it is not lie, but some sort of "manipulation"...

There are some other (even more grave) weak points concerning content of the website. I will send them my concerns and suggestions (and you can too).

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 16:17:57
#13 ]
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However, in my point of view it is not lie, but some sort of "manipulation"...

Its lie, because any users who will check what amigaos is it, will think that he can play youtube vids in the browser window in a modern way. But in reality he can't do that on amigaos. Attracting users by the lie are unacceptable.


There are some other (even more grave) weak points concerning content of the website. I will send them my concerns and suggestions (and you can too).

I alrady send it to waklero, to ssolie and to djrikky, but that is not changes. Expectually, that AMC and Jack stuff, not deserve a place to be on official amigaos site. Just because almost noone use it, as its slow, sluggish and buggy. Not to say that in the "graphics" area, we have "celestia" and "amc" , what is totally nonsence. As well as have "aiss viewer" in the developer tools area. Why not put there strip poker then ? I do not undeststand, its only me who see all of this, or just no one care at all anymore ?

Last edited by kas1e on 17-Jan-2012 at 04:24 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 17-Jan-2012 at 04:23 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 17-Jan-2012 at 04:20 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 17-Jan-2012 at 04:18 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 16:27:55
#14 ]
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From: Italy, Perugia

No good ...


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 16:52:28
#15 ]
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I do not undeststand, its only me who see all of this, or just no one care at all anymore ?

I fully share your opinion. Maybe after few emails they will listen (and add also changelog for Update 4 etc. ).

Its lie, because any users who will check what amigaos is it, will think that he can play youtube vids in the browser window in a modern way. But in reality he can't do that on amigaos.

Borders of intuition window are clearly visible. However, intention of that image on are clear (and not fully honest).

Attracting users by the lie are unacceptable.

Without doubt.

Last edited by pavlor on 17-Jan-2012 at 04:52 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 17:03:59
#16 ]
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


Oh dear... It looks like we handled the truth pretty well after all. Better luck next time.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 17:06:04
#17 ]
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I think you should get djrikki to explain that one, everyone knows there's isn't any flash or html5 support in any of the browsers available on AmigaOS 4.x.

"Copyright © 2012 Hyperion Entertainment CVBA - All Rights Reserved"

We know djrikki created that site but when it is on the official Hyperion website it is misleading marketing.

edit: false -> misleading

edit2: striketrhough not supported here?

Last edited by itix on 17-Jan-2012 at 05:43 PM.
Last edited by itix on 17-Jan-2012 at 05:42 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 17:14:35
#18 ]
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it is false marketing.

Bold words. That image hiddens nothing from the potential customer (except some links of course...), position of windows on the screen can be misleading but not lie.

Informations under image state: Youtube with a video running, which is certainly true (there is youtube page and there is video running).

As I wrote, page has more much bigger problems than some image with "not deep enough commentary".

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 17:18:18
#19 ]
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


We know djrikki created that site but when it is on the official Hyperion website it is false marketing.

Is it really? And even if it is, why are you telling me that? I quite certain no one has mailed Hyperion about it, it is much better to look for a reaction on some forum somewhere.

What makes this interesting though, is that jorkany this time posted that he was going to post this on AmigaWorld.Net. Bully behavior at its best. Normally he has a lot more class than this.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 17-Jan-2012 17:26:02
#20 ]
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Perhaps a better term would be "misleading"

For instance, in the U.S. it's perfectly ok to place in a commercial "doctors agree" to promote product. All they need to do is find 2 doctors in the entire world to agree, whilst giving the impression that it's actually a majority. Heh.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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