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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 31-Dec-2009 20:44:38
#21 ]
Joined: 28-Oct-2009
Posts: 35
From: Unknown

I use to keep my A3000 on 24/7 365 with a reboot about once every two months running 4 phone paks and TCP/IP (EB920) so it would email me voice-mail back in 1996. I ran this for about two years. Pretty stable. I had to run the screen saver spliner or the audio would get choppy on the phonepak. I guess it used enough DMA to fix timing issues that the 3640 had on with the phonepaks. I had buster 11 also.

A500/030 40mhz with A530, Indivision ECS, , KS 3.1, 2 Megs Chip, 8 Megs fast.
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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 31-Dec-2009 20:53:36
#22 ]
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BillE wrote:

I guess comparing uptimes isn't too popular?

To me is just seems very wasteful.

I always turn everything off that I am not using.

My Amiga One has been on about 10 minutes.

It might cost you more in electricity but at the same time it will also increase lifespan of your hardware. Computer hardware in general does not like being switched off/on often and especially the hard drive gets worn out by the spin up/spin down cycles as well as the changing temperatures.

Also some people use their pc for stuff even when not using it. I might for example leave downloads running during the night and i also use my pc for tv viewing and pvr purposes.
Another benefit from having the pc on 24/7 is that i need less heating in my apartment as the computer does a good job in heating my small apartment.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 31-Dec-2009 23:26:59
#23 ]
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From: City of Lost Angels, California.

I too keep my A1 on all the time because it has to assume several full-time responsabilities such as monitoring my servers and controlling the lights/appliances/security in my home.
It also keeps me reachable on IRC 24/7, acts as a web and file server, and as a media center to play music and watch movies.

It's probably more efficient that way than using half a dozen separate devices to perform all these tasks.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 4-Jan-2010 4:32:53
#24 ]
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA


Maybe people aren't impressed. Why waste all that electricity?

Well, I've got 2 PCs and the AmigaOne that are on 24/7 this time of year (helps keep the house warm ). One of those PCs is a server running Linux with a Virtualbox machine running another server inside it. And it's not like they are just sucking sown the electricity all the time, as they are running the client calculating for the OGR project.

Sure, I could have them Folding, but where is the Amiga client for that? I'd rather run the SAME project on all my computers instead. Pretty much the only distributed-style project I've ever seen for the Amiga is the one.

Thing is, I recall seeing the 27 days when I took that first screenshot and was a bit surprised that it was still up. At the time I couldn't recall when was the last time I had gone that far, let alone just getting past a week or two.

Now it's up to 57 days.

Longest I think I've ever had an Amiga stay up without a reboot.

Last edited by DWolfman on 04-Jan-2010 at 04:56 AM.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 4-Jan-2010 4:47:19
#25 ]
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA



Framiga wrote:
are you actually "using" it?

Sorry but i don't beleive to that numbers

Yes, I check email fairly frequently (every other day, at least). Plus it's running the client all the time.

Choose not to believe it if you like, all I can do is show you more screenshots of what I see here every day.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 4-Jan-2010 4:54:31
#26 ]
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA


Really, why so many questions about leaving the computers on 24/7?

I have no problem paying the small increase in my electrical usage. My computers take less electricity to run on a monthly basis than most everything else my family does every month that uses electricity.

Just because you don't leave your computers on 24/7, doesn't mean there is no reason for others to do it.

Now, let's take that discussion elsewhere, keep this one to discussion of uptimes for Amiga OS 4.1.

I had given up on seeing responses to this thread a couple days ago and had not looked at it until tonight, otherwise I would have mentioned this earlier.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 7:25:43
#27 ]
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I had a ca. 75 hour uptime recently with OS 4.1, that included a lot of music playback, web browsing and IRC. And on-topic, since it affects the uptimes I'm likely to see: I tend to turn off (and on) the A1 about once a day.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 7:41:55
#28 ]
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What programs where/are you using then?

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 7:49:51
#29 ]
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From: Haugesund, Norway

I'm lucky if I get 2 days on my SAM. Usually I have to reboot several times when using the damn thing. USB is locking up, buggy programs is crashing the system... Not to mention software development I hope things get a little better with the OS4.1.1 update!

Last edited by RuDeE on 12-Jan-2010 at 07:50 AM.

God is a man with a grey beard. His name is Jay Glenn Miner.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 8:33:33
#30 ]
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From: I'm actually flying into a bug!


At that time, WookieChat 2.12 beta 8, AMuse (w/ TuneNet 0.8666), YAM 2.5, OWB 3.22 or 3.21 and others that I can't name since I do not remember if they were used. I rebooted in the end for whatever reason.

I think many of the programs in use here are buggy but not terribly so (tread carefully, there be dragons).

: AmigaOneXE (unmod.) 750FX/512 MB +stuff & AmigaOS 4.(0|1)
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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 8:34:25
#31 ]
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Your figures seem strange to me, I would not expect a computer to use more than 2 or 3 watts when in "off" mode. Have you tried a different power supply? Or is a high standby consumption typical of Pico PSUs and similar devices, seeing as they act similarly to a laptop charger?

I don't leave any of my computers on overnight unless I need to, though I tend to leave them on for hours rather than turning them on and off when I need them. For some of the reasons mentioned - reducing wear and tear on hard drives for example, but also because of the noise (I have the machines in my bedroom)...

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 13:38:09
#32 ]
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From: Sweden


My currenty uptime is 3 days.
My last uptime was 8 days.
My average uptime is 1 day, 5 hours, 16 minutes, 9 seconds

I keep my A1 running 24/7 for two main reasons:

1. I have servers on it. FTP and VNC. And I also

2. I have lots of programming programs open which would take all free time I have to find my way back into if I were to close everything down everytime. So then you wouldn't get any more freeware software from me.. ;)

I know it's a waste of energy though, but I do shutdown one of my harddisks and the monitor as often as i can.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 16:39:23
#33 ]
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i haven't tested os4.1 yet, but for what i've seen on os4.0 and before on os3.x,
usually the amiga suffer from the "bad morning syndrome ;)
i explain:
you use your amiga for the day, then you go to bed leaving the amiga running and
when you come back in the morning its all frozen.
any download, any tasks open unsaved all lost.

there's exceptions were the amiga would run for few days, but they were exception.
in normal use, 1 day, half the night at best before freeze or complete crash/autoreboot

that's why i have trouble understanding how ppl could come up with such numbers.
they must be very lucky or something .. i'm not calling anyone a liar,
but those numbers are very far from what i'm used to see. month or more of uptime ?... for me its not representative of what happen in real use cases.
ppl will tell you its heat fault or power supply or its bad configuration or this or that..
but for all the amigaS i had, it was alway roughly the same.

i hope things will improve tho..

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 16:56:27
#34 ]
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the situation is the same for all amiga-alike OSes btw..
i tryed morphos up to 1.45 it was the same too (haven't tryed it since.. so dunno about 2.x)
aros .. same (recent builds too)
if you actually use the machine, play games, browse, check mail, edit texts, draw some pics, listen music.. baam ! crash all of sudden.

i could prove it with *any* amiga, classic or ng and a camera if needed.
within 24h the system will just crash. and while 24h may seems cool enough to some, it ain't.
and crash could also happen just few minutes after you've been using it. just any time , any number of crashs .. it will happens in 24h. more than once even ..

this ain't intox i'm not just badmouthing amigaos and alike OSes for the fun..
i'm saying, so something will be done about it at somepoint. eventually.
and on a good note, it seems to me amigaos is moving toward the good direction.
with smp planned and partial mp already implemented ..
i wish amigaos would be a rock stable uncrashable os. but it isn't yet.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 12-Jan-2010 17:23:53
#35 ]
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Daedalus wrote:

Your figures seem strange to me, I would not expect a computer to use more than 2 or 3 watts when in "off" mode. Have you tried a different power supply? Or is a high standby consumption typical of Pico PSUs and similar devices, seeing as they act similarly to a laptop charger?

Yes it did sound a little strange to me too so i had to double check it. But the 23W consumption is a fact with my at that time new 200W ATX PSU.
I have to take my energy meter with me to work tomorrow and measure some of our ATX PSU's there.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 15-Jan-2010 3:02:55
#36 ]
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA

Well, so much for seeing how much longer I'll get out of this A1 for uptime. What with the new os4.1 update, that is.

Anyway, I'm up to 67days and 23hours now. From reading up on the update, maybe it will last even longer?

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 15-Jan-2010 3:09:15
#37 ]
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Deniil715 wrote:
My currenty uptime is 3 days.
My last uptime was 8 days.
My average uptime is 1 day, 5 hours, 16 minutes, 9 seconds

Prior to this stint, I think mine wasn't averaging more than a few days either.


I keep my A1 running 24/7 for two main reasons:

1. I have servers on it. FTP and VNC. And I also

I have a VNC server running, but nothing else server wise. I've got a PC running Linux for all that stuff.


2. I have lots of programming programs open which would take all free time I have to find my way back into if I were to close everything down everytime. So then you wouldn't get any more freeware software from me.. ;)

Hey, gotta keep that going.

I need to get back in to programming. Really need to do that re-write of MyFormat I've been wanting to do for something like 7 or 8 years now.


I know it's a waste of energy though, but I do shutdown one of my harddisks and the monitor as often as i can.

Personally, I don't consider it that much of a waste, considering it's reducing my gas bill for heating this apartment somewhat, what with the heat output of two PCs and this A1 on my desk.

OK, now I'm off to get the new update and start over on my uptime.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 15-Jan-2010 3:10:48
#38 ]
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA

By the way, I posted both of those last two postings using OWB on the A1.

Looks like I may not get to apply the update just yet. Hyperion's website is still having issues.

Last edited by DWolfman on 15-Jan-2010 at 03:11 AM.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 15-Jan-2010 3:27:19
#39 ]
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Just because you don't leave your computers on 24/7, doesn't mean there is no reason for others to do it.

Leave it to the Midwest.... Have you ever tried breathing in California? Lower energy consumption is a Good Thing, particularly when some households are paying quadruple digit energy bills.

That said, we used to leave our NetWare and Windows servers up for years at a time, before people got smart and started exploiting network security vulnerabilities. Organizations today--the good ones, anyway--tend to be smarter about both risk and energy consumption. (EDIT: And high energy consumption is a risk in and of itself.)

Last edited by Trev on 15-Jan-2010 at 03:28 AM.

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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 15-Jan-2010 3:29:03
#40 ]
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honestly, why would you wnat to keep a computer on 24/7?? do you keep your lights on in the house 24/7 too

Apart for those reasons already mentioned, like if you use electricity to warm up your house, the heat from the computer needs to be replaced from elsewhere, you are perhaps using the computer as a server.

Servers are not meant to be turned off

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