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Poll : What storage medium will you choose for your new Amiga?
HD (got one already, so...)
HD (buying a new one anyway)
SSD (YES, a new era is dawning and I want to be part of it!)
SSD +HD (explore new grounds, but retain what has been proven)
PC (Sorry, PanCakes are sold out)
SED (Something Entirely DIfferent (please elaborate))
[Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 20:20:57
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
Posts: 3064
From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Of late I'm wondering whether I shall treat myself to an SSD device (Solid State DIsk), as they become more affordable by the day or should I stick to a HD?

I do now own a µA1 which can only drive a ATAPI / EDI / PATA device. When (note well: not 'IF'!) I buy a new Amiga I have to buy storage anyway and the old parallel thingies are no longer in vogue , are they. My son has bought himself an SSD and is very content with the increase in speed the thing offers. Alright he has Windows 7 on it, but it boots in extremely short time, which is on a par with my µ! So I have to better him shouldn't I? Maybe I'll settle for both, but as I now have an 80Gb sized disk which is only partitioned for some 50-odd Gb's, an SSD could do the job too, me thinks? I can always add a Yesteryear's technology based disk if storage becomes a pain.

But what are YOU going to do?


Last edited by OldFart on 15-Oct-2010 at 09:19 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 20:24:45
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Jul-2009
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From: Unknown


I'm going to wait and see what Commodore offers in their new Amiga line before I decide wether to buy any thing....

Last edited by persia on 15-Oct-2010 at 08:25 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 20:39:46
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Jun-2004
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain


Why? you can buy a PC clone now on any shop near you

Last edited by Fransexy on 15-Oct-2010 at 08:40 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 20:58:06
#4 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2007
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From: Unknown


Why? you can buy a PC clone now on any shop near you

But then it wouldn't be a Commodore Amiga, now would it?


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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 21:09:51
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Judging by the posts you're getting you might want to consider changing the "Amiga" in the title to "Amigaone".

It's painfully obvious that until the day we all die we need to say things like "amigaflavored", "amigalike", etc. in order not to offend anyone by accidentally using the word "amiga", even if both the poster AND the readers are well aware of what is implied.

I think they'll let you use the term "SAM" though. Let's ask and see if it is ok with them.


Last edited by number6 on 15-Oct-2010 at 09:15 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 21:12:30
#6 ]
Elite Member
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


You are darn right in all respects! It is a pity, but that is the way it is.


Judging by the posts you're getting you might want to consider changing the "Amiga" in the title to "Amigaone".

How does one edit a poll's title???
Can only change the thread's

Last edited by OldFart on 15-Oct-2010 at 09:17 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 21:34:11
#7 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

@dammy and persia

idiots. derailing a thread already..

we all get it. you dont like os4.

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 22:20:12
#8 ]
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From: USA, TN, Memphis

I'm not sure what goodies I'll plug into my new Power Mac MorphOS machine.

[Mod Note: Wholly off-topic, and you know that.]

Last edited by _Steve_ on 16-Oct-2010 at 02:17 PM.


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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 22:22:37
#9 ]
Elite Member
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


idiots. derailing a thread already..

When people have idle hands / minds all they can think of is to rain on someone's parade.

Come to think of it, this whole business bears down to naming an entire catagory of products after the brandname of one of its members.

Imagine this:
a): I've bought myself a new Amiga the other day!
b): Alri'! Nice. Wha' kind o'?
a): Well, the missus needed a new Amiga for her Windows as he old one had given up ghost, you know. And for X-mas our boy is getting an Amiga-thingy as well, yeah!
b): For Windows too, or?
a): Eigh, no! A real PlayStation Amiga! 'e's asking me ears off, the li'le man does.
b): Say, are you still in tha' 'miga business? You always said you were.
a): Oh, yes still going at the company with the old AS/400 Amiga. But now they want to switch to a Windows 2010 Server Amiga as the old AS/400 'miga gets a li'le bi' long in the tooth you know.
b): Nah, all them 'miga things, You find that bloody shi' everywhere. I've even go' an 'miga in me car. At one time it nicely let me down and had to be towed all the way to the grarage. Man at the garage told me 't was a Windows Automotive 'miga. They're known for breaking up every now and again. I tell ya: give me a set of contactbreaker points anytime! They ne'er have let me down!

Times are getting wonderfull!


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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 22:26:14
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Times are getting wonderfull!

Yep. Look at the post above yours.
It's apparent you've done an absolutely horrid job of making it known what your thread is about. heh.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 22:29:53
#11 ]
Elite Member
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


It's apparent you've done an absolutely horrid job of making it known what your thread is about. heh.
Yep! And my ex-wife always kept telling me I was good at nothing at all!


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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 22:53:22
#12 ]
Elite Member
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'm not sure what goodies I'll plug into my new Power Mac MorphOS machine.

Don't you mean "used" Power Mac MorphOS?

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 23:52:48
#13 ]
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Joined: 9-Aug-2005
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From: Norway, Oslo


Its better with "used" PowerMac than nothing. Dont you agree? You can actually buy a eMac G4, MacMini G4 or PowerBook G4 today. Its nice with X1000 coming, but MorphOS is a good alternative. Stop thise nonsense crtics of every attempt of actually giving Amiga good reputation. These wars between sides is just damaging everything! Let people choose! I am an Amiga user and I am saying that I am a proud owner of an MacMini G4 with MorphOS installed on it. That doesn't mean I have something against AmigaOS4 and the red side or even AROS!!! Grrrr.... !!! I wish X1000 a great launch, but I also want MorphOS here. Let us invite people to Amiga community and not scare them away. Please...

Michal, Amiga user since 1988

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 15-Oct-2010 23:56:16
#14 ]
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Meanwhile, Back on topic...

I would avoid buying SSD drives for now, I'm replacing allot of them at the moment due to reliability issues (write/read faults).

Rev 1D3 Amiga 1200, Apollo 1240 (40Mhz '040, 64MB RAM), Indivision MKII, Fast ATA MK V, Rapid Road USB, PCMCIA WIFI & OS 3.14

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 16-Oct-2010 0:20:51
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


I think I'll probably get a Seagate Momentus XT, a 2.5" 7200rpm hard disk with 32MB cache and 4GB of NAND flash. The drive will automatically maps your most commonly used applications and files to the NAND.

It's not as fast as pure SSD but it beats the Western Digital 10,000rpm drives and costs significantly less while offering higher capacities.

Last time a looked this kind of tech wasn't really affordable and was probably less sophisticated. Thanks for jogging my memory.

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 16-Oct-2010 0:25:24
#16 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

I was going to put a SSD HD into my Samflex@800 when I bought it last year but then my 4GB CF DH0 in my 1200 which was only 9 months old went kaput for no reasons and I decided to not go that route with my OS4.1 setup...
IMHO SSD devices are not as relaible as HD's yet...damn I still have my original 20MB XT IDE drive from my A590 that works great still after all these years

@ jahc

don't feed the trolls

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 16-Oct-2010 0:26:14
#17 ]
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Nice how Jahc gets to call folks "idiots" with no recourse when we've seen folks get slammed for far less. Bravo. Not only that, but I was "reported" for site abuse. Go figure.

Last edited by koft on 16-Oct-2010 at 12:28 AM.


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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 16-Oct-2010 0:32:01
#18 ]
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From: Canada


Thanks for bringing up this topic. I have been wondering about SSD drives myself.


Thanks for your replies. I was also contempating some sort of SSD drive for use with Sam460. Recently, I saw an advertisement for the Seagate Momentus XT, a 2.5" 7200rpm hard disk with 32MB cache and 4GB of NAND flash and thought it might be a good compromise.


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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 16-Oct-2010 1:09:08
#19 ]
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More details, please. What have you experienced with these devices?


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: [Poll] Now that new Amiga's (like SAM460 and X1000) are on the horizon...
Posted on 16-Oct-2010 3:09:46
#20 ]
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Its better with "used" PowerMac than nothing. Dont you agree?

100%, but this thread was intended for sam460/x1000 buyers, so what happens, the moo crowd decides to play the troll game. I'm an OS4 user, but I have nothing aganst MorphOS users or their choice of OS. I do have a problem with ppl that have no interest in the topic coming in just to derail the thread.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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