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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 7:51:43
#101 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales

What gets me is that so many people have been played here.

The OP - know to be probably the biggest anti-Hyperion troll on the site - has literally found a contentious issue which he know will case trouble, posted it using a seemingly innocuous title, and gone to fetch some popcorn.

He must be laughing so hard at the moment. He's even got the admins arguing with respected long-standing members. All by posting something which if he really cared about would have mailed the person responsible, not a public forum.

Good job I'm not a mod, I'd have locked this long ago.

Last edited by Spirantho on 18-Jan-2012 at 07:54 AM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 8:19:24
#102 ]
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From: Sydney (of course)


Maybe I misread the earlier posts, but I got the impression that the original complaint was that Hyperion had published the doctored screen shot or at least approved it. If everyone knows that it was only (as some would describe him) a red fan boy, then what's the harm?

I'm sure there are similar "made up" screen shots supporting other platforms.

Who cares?


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 9:27:22
#103 ]
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


The site says:

Copyright © 2011 - 2012 Hyperion Entertainment CVBA - All Rights Reserved

But that isn't really the point in this thread.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 9:59:56
#104 ]
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From: Russia


Some of you, call that thread stupid, childrish and faboish. Some of you say that there is nothing to discuss, and "who care" and so on. But as i see, only few here still trying to be in reality. Like for example Itix. And while, he normally and construtive explain what is wrong with all of this, most of users found that thread are bad and childrish.

Common, site positioned as "official" amigaos4 website ! And site should't be fanboy's site, where homemade screenthosts puts and where some info just wrong.

Of course, we all can say "who care", and lets all be as it is. But then let's put strip poker games on that "kind of official site" ? Let's any user who someday (maybe) will in interst in amigaos, go at that stie, and found all that misleading stuff , and self-made screenshoots.

And if "who care", then why we all here ? Who care at all ? Who care about that amiga related crap ? Common ! If we do something, lets do it right. Without misledaing, without lie (because we all know what the reassons of self-made screenshots). If no one care, why then someone still develop something ? Who care ?

Site is kind of official (that how its called in news when it launched. Official face should be good.

And i do not think that original post was done because of "popcorn" here. I think they just repost it from moobunny, in hope that there _still_ some persons who can understand what need to do, and what not need to do. Maybe Jorkany even the last user who "in hope", that aos4 userbase will be better and critical minded.

And , in end of all, its only me, who think that after such screenshots, Fab will not have big interst to help with muiowb on os4 ? If i will be Fab, i will say fuck off to all of this, and never give any source codes to anyone anymore.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 10:05:55
#105 ]
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From: Russia


I'm sure there are similar "made up" screen shots supporting other platforms.

Who cares?

I as involved to that stuff care. I do not want to rubbish work which done by person, who was kindly enough to give us sources and help with porting, with mui help and so on. Because i, as every sane person know, when you rubbish work of other person by misleading stuff, person will not in interest to help anymore, and we all (os4 users) will have omiga1200 in end because of that, and nothing more.

Will you in inerest, if we now will put on, screenshots, in which we will self-made shell-window, in which put a lot of stuff, and when (if ever) you will release it, ppls will say to you : why that and that not works, we see that on official site ! Will you care ? Or also will say "who cares" ?

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 12:41:17
#106 ]
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From: shanghai

So what? Workbench 3.1 can run Skyrim.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 13:41:53
#107 ]
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From: Italy, Perugia

Aniway image was removed now, it was a bad mistake for sure and kas1e is perfectly right to blame the situation (and Fab aswell) but seriously i can't see how Hyperion can be responsable about that, sure a serious company had to check any content on their site but you know Hyperion is a tiny reality, it's not Microsoft and this is also the reason why others make the website content for them ...


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 13:57:46
#108 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

All in MNSHO...

First of all, the image was certainly misleading. The argument that "everybody knows no OS4 browser presently supports flash/htm5 video" doesn't wash. Joe Classic User contemplating an upgrade might not know and might think that the image depicts some integration of mplayer into the browser.

Speaking as someone that uses 4.x and has done a little work on aspects of it, seeing that made me cringe, to be honest. It's false advertising and it's not defensible.

Secondly, a lot of this thread isn't really much better. Let's be totally honest, the OP knew full well that the image was misleading, the moobunny thread that pre-empted it clearly demonstrates this:

"Can the OS4 faithful handle the truth?"

Well, oddly enough, there wasn't much initial reaction at all. A bit more stirring of the pot later and what should have been a perfectly straighforward complaint to the (amigaos) site maintainer about the misleading nature of the image has become another excuse to reignite some old antipathy.

All in all, pretty sad really. And ironic too, given that Dammy was the first to point it out. It's not as if CUSA's website was entirely without misleading content when it initially appeared ;)

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:01:11
#109 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia


So what? Workbench 3.1 can run Skyrim.

It can run Gothic3 as well :)

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:05:47
#110 ]
Elite Member
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From: Russia


Aniway image was removed now, it was a bad mistake for sure and kas1e is perfectly right to blame the situation (and Fab aswell) but seriously i can't see how Hyperion can be responsable about that, sure a serious company had to check any content on their site but you know Hyperion is a tiny reality, it's not Microsoft and this is also the reason why others make the website content for them ...

Sure, but its not only djrikky, its also 5 more persons (including ssolie). I do not understand why for example they allow to put hollywood based prods (such as amc and jack) on the "official site", in the application corner. Like anyone use them in reality, or like they deserve at the first place to be seen by any new users. As well as making self-made screenshots, its just .. its just unprofessionalism, and making us (os4 users) looks evern worse as we are. We can't later be in surprise, why some users blame os4 users in whole, whyle of course, we all different.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:15:52
#111 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1477
From: Unknown


Where can I buy the Gothic 3 version for my A1000? ;D I heard it came on 500 Floppies. I hope the shipping is under $40 xD

Last edited by terminills on 18-Jan-2012 at 02:17 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:17:38
#112 ]
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From: Russia



Where can I buy the Gothic 3 version for my A1000? ;D

We works on it. Everything renders correctly, just some little glitches to fix. I hope in the next few days (2 weeks maximum) we will release it :)

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:18:26
#113 ]
AROS Core Developer
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gah you replied before my edit. xD

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:23:24
#114 ]
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From: Russia


As about price, it will be around 40$. To be seen ... We need to sign contract with authors, and sort latest things. But they are in high interest to works on amiga (tm) version.

(intersting, will there anyone who will seriusly take that latest posts ? i will not in big surprise if someone will say "good work!")

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:23:53
#115 ]
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK



TheDaddy wrote:

>>Note the absense of the word 'some'.

Yes which I then added. Calm down. I just wanted to know what happened, all I noticed was this reoccurring pattern from SOME MOS users here and over at that's it.

TheDaddy, I have a great deal of respect for the work you did producing Minimig and SAM cases.
However, it seems strange to me that after 3500+ posts, and 6.5 years membership here you remain 'unaware' of the red/blue history.

Perhaps this thread would be a good read for you. I found Rogue's post no24 to be a good insightful reply from his perspective.

"For me, the whole affair never was red vs. blue. It was trolls vs. trolls. A vocal minority of reds versus a vocal minority of blues. "

Jeez man why do you take it so personally?

I don't. I've just seen this merry-go-round go by a few times, and thought I'd try to point out the similaritites between the previous troll-troll wars and the current one.

Trolling because you believe (rightly or wrongly) that someone 'deserves it' is still trolling.

EDIT: Broken link

Last edited by Boot_WB on 18-Jan-2012 at 02:28 PM.
Last edited by Boot_WB on 18-Jan-2012 at 02:27 PM.
Last edited by Boot_WB on 18-Jan-2012 at 02:25 PM.

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:28:58
#116 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)

meh. never mind. shouldn't have waded into this end of the pool anyway. deleting post....

-- eliyahu

Last edited by eliyahu on 18-Jan-2012 at 02:31 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:45:56
#117 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 13-Feb-2003
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From: Italy, Perugia


Sure, but its not only djrikky, its also 5 more persons (including ssolie). I do not understand why for example they allow to put hollywood based prods (such as amc and jack) on the "official site", in the application corner. Like anyone use them in reality, or like they deserve at the first place to be seen by any new users.

Yep but this is unrelated for the main problem we are talking here (the fake image) even if i can agree that there is no logic at all to include certain software on the official forum

As well as making self-made screenshots, its just .. its just unprofessionalism

Agree and we are come back to the previews concept, all Amiga things in general is a bit unprofessional, no money in that terms means that all jobs is done in a spare time, this problem is generic, not only in OS4 community

and making us (os4 users) looks evern worse as we are. We can't later be in surprise, why some users blame os4 users in whole, whyle of course, we all different.

Well only stupid or troll people can think that, sure there are fanboys around but also serious or just normal users, this is in both camp and even in other worlds it's the same just read some Apple site for example ..

In this case i see "bad mistake" but come on, if you read carefully the source of this thread you will see that the only intention is trolling and crash everythings ..


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 14:47:10
#118 ]
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From: Finland


Look, ReAction OWB runs on Windows XP!


And youtube seems to be supported too ...

Last edited by salass00 on 18-Jan-2012 at 02:48 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 15:25:19
#119 ]
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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 15:52:27
#120 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle


However, it seems strange to me that after 3500+ posts, and 6.5 years membership here you remain 'unaware' of the red/blue history.

I am sorry to disappoint you but my 3500+ posts are all about my hobby stuff and shredding Amiga Inc. and affiliates.

It's more than 6.5 years too...I used to come here and under different names...only changed it to TheDaddy not because I am cool or want to be but because I became one, that is all

I used to have my A1200 BPPC Mediator beast as my main machine then I sold it to buy a MicroA1 but never managed to get one.

I was around on and off without picking up what was happening amongst the factions and why it I really have no idea of why, when everything started disintegrating. I picked up again from AmigaOS4 as it felt the normal thing to do and supporting an Italian company such as ACube who put a lot of effort in, if I remember correctly there was no hardware to buy until they came along.

I'll read the thread when I have some time to spare.

Thanks for the link.

Edit: Read Rogue's post and it makes perfect sense.

Last edited by TheDaddy on 18-Jan-2012 at 03:59 PM.


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