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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 17:00:43
#121 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Alberta, Canada

He must be laughing so hard at the moment. He's even got the admins arguing with respected long-standing members. All by posting something which if he really cared about would have mailed the person responsible, not a public forum.

I hate to ruin all of the fun with some facts but here goes...

There are six editors on the site and soon to be seven. It is a 100% volunteer effort with Hyperion providing the server and bandwidth. Hyperion assumes copyright on all content which all the authors agreed to when this thing started. We did not receive any kind of complaint via the "Contact" forum on the web site to date.

I am the guy in charge of this effort and I trust the editors to make decisions and post whatever they think is relevant. It sounds like some screen shot was misleading or whatever and it has since been removed. I don't really care which editor did what or why because they took care of the problem. Hey, mistakes happen.

I am rather disappointed nobody bothered to contact those in charge using the provided contact form. Sadly, I am also not at all surprised given the source of the "information". There remains a pocket of trouble makers that would rather stir things up and "let the public decide" or whatever excuse they invented to feel good about themselves.

Anyway, if you guys see anything "bad" on the AmigaOS web site in the future just use the contact form and let us know. Thanks!

Last edited by ssolie on 18-Jan-2012 at 05:01 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 17:28:29
#122 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
Posts: 3551
From: Russia


While i write in contact form about all that hollywood based aps, i just in interst to know: do you think that official amigaos site should contain in applicatoin hollywood based apps ? Did you ever run amc or jack on aos4, to see, if they deserve a place to be on site which represent aos4 , and be in the apps like ones of the best ones and must to have ?
Just curious.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 17:48:16
#123 ]
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From: Italy, Perugia


Well AMC isn't that bad at least for my taste, but sure show "native" apps should be better for an official website


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 18:10:31
#124 ]
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From: Norway


What program language it uses has really nothing to do with it. More important does it work well etc.
And if thats the only program we have in that category, fine. If we have others that does it better, then add that instead.

I'm an antique. Don't light my fuse

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 18:30:56
#125 ]
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kas1e wrote:

While i write in contact form about all that hollywood based aps, i just in interst to know: do you think that official amigaos site should contain in applicatoin hollywood based apps ? Did you ever run amc or jack on aos4, to see, if they deserve a place to be on site which represent aos4 , and be in the apps like ones of the best ones and must to have ?
Just curious.

Hollywood is mentioned , as for apps, we was a lot of people sending in what to be included on the page and the ones that had the most "votes" was picked for the initial design, i am sure there will be added/removed more eventually.

And yes, i use JACK and i love it, its a little bit unpolished/unstructured atm but every update has huge improvements and thats a really good thing.
As for AMC, i didnt even know about it until i opened up an Amiga magazine last week and read a little bit about it, but you can be sure of one thing, i will try it ASAP!

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 19:44:16
#126 ]
Joined: 6-Mar-2011
Posts: 33
From: Unknown

This is sick.
This holy war about whether the youtube videos are displayed in a separate window, or in the same.
About something that for an ordinary, normal person is not having any meaning trifle.
Average Joe outside that madhouse might think that the Amiga Os/AROS/MorphOS users have lost their senses completely and irreversibly.
In my opinion, Itix, Fab, Kas1e,Clebin should reflect on what they do.
For now, they form a bad opinion of developers and users of their systems.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 19:53:31
#127 ]
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May I ask you where i fought against anyone in this thread, exactly? I just gave a comment about what the original screenshot was about, nothing more.

And by the way, i don't care if people prefer to watch Youtube&co inside the browser or outside. Both have pros & cons.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 20:19:42
#128 ]
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I am the guy in charge of this effort and I trust the editors to make decisions and post whatever they think is relevant. It sounds like some screen shot was misleading or whatever and it has since been removed. I don't really care which editor did what or why because they took care of the problem. Hey, mistakes happen.

I am rather disappointed nobody bothered to contact those in charge using the provided contact form. Sadly, I am also not at all surprised given the source of the "information". There remains a pocket of trouble makers that would rather stir things up and "let the public decide" or whatever excuse they invented to feel good about themselves.

Hint for future customer relations... Real comppany would have said "We F*cked up, sorry" not "IT WAS THE TROLLS!".

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 20:19:45
#129 ]
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From: Russia



Hollywood is mentioned

I not agains Hollywood, i am agains buggy, unintuitive and limited apps. And every hollywood based app have problems. Even the more or less fine ones.


as for apps, we was a lot of people sending in what to be included on the page and the ones that had the most "votes" was picked for the initial design, i am sure there will be added/removed more eventually.

That good to know, because i can't believe that "a lot of people" vote for putting Celestia and AMC to the "Graphics" together with graphics based apps, as well as can't belive that someone agree with putting "Aiss viewer" to the "Developer tools" sections. Sorry, and of course imho, but its just lame. As well as putting that Jack-combain which have unaliased fonts, buggy, scrollbars not works, slow, in the same are where placed "Filer" and "Dopus4" , its just .. i do not know what is that. How anyone can compare normal file managers, with hollywood based jack ?

If authors of still want that hollywood based stuff be presented on the page as the "the best ones" (which it not true), then make it then logical, make the area for hollywood based apps, or dunno, something else, but just having dopus4/filler in the same category as jack, is just wrong.


And yes, i use JACK and i love it, its a little bit unpolished/unstructured atm but every update has huge improvements and thats a really good thing.

A little bit ? :) Anyway, did you think that unpolished/unstructured app, should be right now included in the official amiga page ? I.e. in the page, which kind of for new users, who will meed with apps from that page, will go and download apps because of that, and will found that "Aiss viewer" its not developer tool. That Celestia and AMC is not graphics, but Multimedia.


As for AMC, i didnt even know about it until i opened up an Amiga magazine last week and read a little bit about it, but you can be sure of one thing, i will try it ASAP!

If you love Jack, you for sure will love AMC :)

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 20:37:17
#130 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia


In my opinion, Itix, Fab, Kas1e,Clebin should reflect on what they do.
For now, they form a bad opinion of developers and users of their systems.

If we all will shut up, and never say what we dislike, then you can be sure after some time there will be nothing intersting at all and nowhere. Its because of all that "bad talks" we have and muiowb on os4, and new mui, and amiga future in full color (i remember how many of users say that i am troll, that black&white awesome and only amiga make it possible). Its because of bad talks (who none of users like back in past), we have os4support forums and blog. Because of the same bad talks about "amidock icons not resizable" we have it resizable now (i remember how that strange Gebrochen say that its me, who never happy). I can try to remember something else, but imho that is enough already.

If there will be only blind happy users, then you will have nothing in end. That "bad talks" its a good sign, which mean that not all of us give up totally. I even think, that persons who do "bad talks", its for real those ones who still care about all of this. Those who does not care, have nothing to say, and not loose his time on all of this.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 20:47:49
#131 ]
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mailman2 wrote:
This is sick.



In my opinion, Itix, Fab, Kas1e,Clebin should reflect on what they do.

In my opinion they are just an example how a "non fan" would react about the fact of photoshopped pictures on an official www page of a company. This sexed up facts are a reason why I dislike CUSA, if Hyperion (or people working in Hyperion's name) want to do the same, they are not much different from CUSA any more.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 21:14:15
#132 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK

Hmmm... and there some many non-hollywood applications that are polished and well structured... not.

Just appreciate what software is out there kas1e instead of being so negative all the frigging time - it doesn't help anybody.

Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 09:19 PM.
Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 09:18 PM.
Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 09:15 PM.


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 21:58:05
#133 ]
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Just appreciate what software is out there kas1e instead of being so negative all the frigging time - it doesn't help anybody.

I already appreciate for good software, but Jack for now is not good software (maybe will someday, but as its hollywood, i doubt) in any way, and because of that its very strange that its on I trying to be polite, and say it to you few times in mails and pms, but its just annoy that you put all the time that crap on top of list, like its something "must have for everyone".

You as user feel free to create all what you want, update all the time that combain, but just no need to mislead ppls like its something cool, which everyone must to have. What the logic you have, if you put Jack in the Utilities together with Filler and Dopus4 ? I mean wtf ? Like Jack its on the same level as dopus4 and filer ? Maybe its on the same level as firefox then ? Or dvplayer ? Let's put strippoker and monthly-pages on, why not ?

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 21:59:50
#134 ]
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sorry but i find JACK to be more stable and better looking than mui-owb.
its an opinion of mine, i don't say you have to follow that or agree with me but i expect you to understand that there are ways to express something.

as for the website, how many mails have you sent to them telling them about the mistakes regarding placement of stuff?

I suggest you check your system if you have issues with stability with Hollywood+stuff.

also AS I SAID, the website content was based on what others mentioned in the team, it was not WHAT IS THE BEST, if that had been the case then i am sure that under games it would say Superfrog, under tools, Lightwave and so on.
Also, you say AISS viewer is not a dev tool? , so what? , a website is always under construction and i see errors in 99% of all websites i go to!.

(some of those websites and corporations earn 3 digit millions and they still have stuff like unscaled pictures, low quality fonts, spelling mistakes etc)
And they pay web designers a fuck load of money.

Suggesting and report issues,errors and problems is a MUST in todays AmigaLand, everyone works for free, this is a hobby world and we must do our stuff to help motivate other developers and or users in order to survive.
If i had developed any of the things you have gone mental at i would have reconsidered all my activities, and by that i don't mean fix stuff.

PS:as i have said before, its all about how you say things, and how you say things determines if youre being heard or not. (you can call stuff crap but you can say it like, it has problems and i won't use it until its fixed, here is what i suggest you fix...)


See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 22:06:08
#135 ]
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From: Russia



sorry but i find JACK to be more stable and better looking than mui-owb.

I.e. muiowb is worse than jack ? :)) Holy .. Now i can understand why Jack puts together with dopus4 and filer ! Its must have application, which even better than muiowb :)) Fab should stop to works on it right now, and swith to Jack (because its the same, and on the same level seems).

Anyway, imho that all not importnat for now. Seems i just trying to found in all of this something which not here anymore and never will. If users happy, then they have what they want and all is ok.


as for the website, how many mails have you sent to them telling them about the mistakes regarding placement of stuff?

1 to walkero, 1 to ssolie, and 3 to djrikky.

Last edited by kas1e on 18-Jan-2012 at 10:09 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 22:13:34
#136 ]
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kas1e wrote:


sorry but i find JACK to be more stable and better looking than mui-owb.

I.e. muiowb is worse than jack ? :)) Holy .. Now i can understand why Jack puts together with dopus4 and filer ! Its must have application, which even better than muiowb :)) Fab should stop to works on it right now, and swith to Jack (because its the same, and on the same level seems).

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 22:21:52
#137 ]
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you do know what JACK is right? , jack is not a web browser, jack is NOT a must have application but it is an app like nothing else on Amiga (a jack of all trades) so its a interesting concept.

Mui-owb is not a must have application as we have OWB which is stable and better.

And no, nothing is ALL OK, if you read my last post then you know that.

You sound like a boss i had in the late 90's, we had no management and the guy in charge was just a screaming ape, all of the important guys left because of it (and we took the concept with us).
1 year after we had left the new company we moved to made millions upon millions (and still do today) on the concepts and stuff we made,
The sole reason was guidance and management and ofcourse bug/issues reporting etc.

i will not comment your "ALL OK" comment as that just shows:
1. you did not read my former post.
2. You did not understand my former post.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 22:24:41
#138 ]
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


You're trying to force your opinion on everyone else here, why? Just because you think something is right or wrong doesn't mean it is right or wrong, it's just what you think about it. Complaining is fine and all, but forcing your views on someone else just isn't going to work.

I suggest you find better ways to express what you want in the future.

Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 22:25:22
#139 ]
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Rose wrote:

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

haha, funny.
Now go away,we're having an adult conversation here.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 23:20:41
#140 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK

The category that Jack exists along with Filer and Dopus is called Utilities.

Utilities is by definitive quite a broad term.

Toaks, I disagree with your comment about Origin vs Odyssey. Odyssey is so much better, apart from the current stability issue in regard to curl threading or whatever.

BTW I I shall call it by Fab's definitive - Odyssey Web Browser - as Mui-OWB is just a placeholder name/version/not real name.

I won't join in the 'Must-have' debate, but does any other app on OS4Depot have for example a currency converter functionality or proper screen capturing? Nope, EDIT; well snapshoter I suppose - another Hollywood application Please don't cry 'SGrab! SGrab!' - no disrespect to the original developer - it was probably just a learning tool so could create something bigger and better - but it has serious usability issues. Who cares if its 'native' if it won't even stick a file extension on the name I give it or overwrites the file without even warning me first.

Usability and Stability > What Language It Is Written In
Usability and Stability > The Filesize
Having an better Usable and Stable Application > What Language It Is Written ++ Not having it all

Oh and stop going on about Strip Poker.... FlipClock, Jack, LoView are all quality tools that just happen to be written in this language called Hollywood.

Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 11:31 PM.
Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 11:29 PM.
Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 11:28 PM.
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