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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 23:41:53
#141 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Nov-2009
Posts: 982
From: Unknown



Toaks wrote:


Rose wrote:

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

haha, funny.
Now go away,we're having an adult conversation here.

When you claim that OWB is better than Mui-OWB there's clearly no point to continue work.
Tho when you do that I really think that you either smoke crack or you don't actually use OS4 on web.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 23:42:08
#142 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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djrikki wrote:

Toaks, I disagree with your comment about Origin vs Odyssey. Odyssey is so much better, apart from the current stability issue in regard to curl threading or whatever.

Oh and stop going on about Strip Poker..

i prefer stability over most things, thats why i have been using IB for 15 years as my main browser, its getting pretty useless these days indeed so thats why i use OWB (reaction).

Feature wise mui-owb is much better ofcourse, no doubt about that and as i said, when its stable (and doesnt take down the whole system) then i will start using that ofcourse.

as for the strip poker game, you know what? , i like that and i wish we had more of them lol.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 23:47:46
#143 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2010
Posts: 2077
From: Grimsby, UK


Yeah stability rules. On the subject of browsers specifically, I've considered ditching Safari recently - for years its been such a top quality browser for the Mac - I thought I'd never consider stop using it, but just recently (combined with OS X Lion) with Safari I am forever seeing the 'Spinning wheel of death' as we Mac users call it - and having to Force Quit almost daily.

Well seen as though this thread is seriously going off-topic I might as well just say.

This has to be one of the best SOPA blackout pages I've seen all day.

Last edited by djrikki on 18-Jan-2012 at 11:50 PM.


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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 23:49:57
#144 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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Rose wrote:


Toaks wrote:

Rose wrote:

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

haha, funny.
Now go away,we're having an adult conversation here.

When you claim that OWB is better than Mui-OWB there's clearly no point to continue work.
Tho when you do that I really think that you either smoke crack or you don't actually use OS4 on web.[/quote]

you know what? , i do all my browsing on Amiga so youre wrong.
But you on the other hand do not (not even css free sites like this one).

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 18-Jan-2012 23:56:13
#145 ]
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Joined: 5-Nov-2009
Posts: 982
From: Unknown



Toaks wrote:


Rose wrote:

Toaks wrote:

Rose wrote:

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

haha, funny.
Now go away,we're having an adult conversation here.

When you claim that OWB is better than Mui-OWB there's clearly no point to continue work.
Tho when you do that I really think that you either smoke crack or you don't actually use OS4 on web.[/quote]

you know what? , i do all my browsing on Amiga so youre wrong.
But you on the other hand do not (not even css free sites like this one).


True. Now posting with Desire-Z which doesn't happen to run OS4. But care to explain your hostility against mui-owb?

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 19-Jan-2012 0:31:42
#146 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Feb-2006
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK



Rose wrote:


Toaks wrote:

Rose wrote:

Toaks wrote:

Rose wrote:

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

haha, funny.
Now go away,we're having an adult conversation here.

When you claim that OWB is better than Mui-OWB there's clearly no point to continue work.
Tho when you do that I really think that you either smoke crack or you don't actually use OS4 on web.[/quote]

you know what? , i do all my browsing on Amiga so youre wrong.
But you on the other hand do not (not even css free sites like this one).


True. Now posting with Desire-Z which doesn't happen to run OS4. But care to explain your hostility against mui-owb?[/quote]

Cool, I've found a use for this thread!
It demonstrates that quoting only works up to 2 levels deep.

Now where's that 'website bugs' thread again...

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 19-Jan-2012 0:57:43
#147 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042



Boot_WB wrote:


Rose wrote:

Toaks wrote:

Rose wrote:

Toaks wrote:

Rose wrote:

Maybe you should now stop developing mui-owb since they are not positive about it. You know, just to follow normal partyline...

haha, funny.
Now go away,we're having an adult conversation here.

When you claim that OWB is better than Mui-OWB there's clearly no point to continue work.
Tho when you do that I really think that you either smoke crack or you don't actually use OS4 on web.[/quote]

you know what? , i do all my browsing on Amiga so youre wrong.
But you on the other hand do not (not even css free sites like this one).


True. Now posting with Desire-Z which doesn't happen to run OS4. But care to explain your hostility against mui-owb?[/quote]

Cool, I've found a use for this thread!
It demonstrates that quoting only works up to 2 levels deep.

Now where's that 'website bugs' thread again...[/quote]

haha, not working now either :p
no hostility towards FAB's OWB , he has done great work with it, he has shown skills for years and i never question his work.
Its the OS4 version AKA MUI-OWB that is crashy, frezing, locking up and so on.
I want to use it, but i can't as i need something more stable since i use the machine for loads of things at the same time.


Last edited by Toaks on 19-Jan-2012 at 01:00 AM.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 19-Jan-2012 1:51:14
#148 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



Nope, EDIT; well snapshoter I suppose - another Hollywood application Please don't cry 'SGrab! SGrab!' - no disrespect to the original developer - it was probably just a learning tool so could create something bigger and better - but it has serious usability issues. Who cares if its 'native' if it won't even stick a file extension on the name I give it or overwrites the file without even warning me first.

Snap shotter is the only decent Holywood app I've seen so far (no disrespect intended), still not to my taste, it uses CPU whilst doing nothing, but it's got a well designed GUI and works quite well.

An I will cry SGrab. It's a powerful minimalist app, it's GUI is as fancy as it needs to be. If you read the docs and set it up correctly it will aoutmatically add extensions, but due to powerful file naming scheme you need to set up a proper template eg ram:{title}_{size}.{type} . SGrab has a ARexx interface so that you can grab from other programs if need be etc etc.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 19-Jan-2012 4:55:53
#149 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 3002
From: Stockholm, Sweden


Is it really unstable? Here it's stable as a rock unless I hit the bookmarks button that is but that is a well-known bug. The only other thing that I find anoying and weird is that if the screenblanker goes on while MUIOWB is runing the CPU-usage goes up! And it goes up a little bit each and every time the screen blanker activates! Very weird... this doesn't happen to NetSurf. And I don't know if it's because of MUIOWB or the screenblanker.

It isn't a big deal though, all I need to do is quit MUIOWB and start it again. That it got support for remembering sessions is sweet. It is just too slow for my old and tired A1 XE . Time to buy a new Amiga .

I'm really worried about the performance of browsers on the netbook but that's another story.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 19-Jan-2012 7:35:32
#150 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042



hotrod wrote:

Is it really unstable? Here it's stable as a rock unless I hit the bookmarks button that is but that is a well-known bug. The only other thing that I find anoying and weird is that if the screenblanker goes on while MUIOWB is runing the CPU-usage goes up! And it goes up a little bit each and every time the screen blanker activates! Very weird... this doesn't happen to NetSurf. And I don't know if it's because of MUIOWB or the screenblanker.

Yes sadly it is unstable and especially so if you run other stuff at the same time like i do (gcc , maybe a game, tunenet etc).
Also, sadly rocks are not stable (Dagmar showed that this Xmas) , but yes i know what you meant.
Memory holes and cpu useage is quite high with mui-owb but that is most likely due to either the port of Mui-OWB or MUI itself (OS4).

Anyway, i will not swap stability for features even if the features are really good (which they are btw), we need another update of Mui-OWB.


I'm really worried about the performance of browsers on the netbook but that's another story.

And so am i, its what happens these days on every format and i find it quite scary to see how new browsers today manage to load sites slower than ever before even without any changes to website.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 19-Jan-2012 15:56:54
# ]



In my opinion, Itix, Fab, Kas1e,Clebin should reflect on what they do.
For now, they form a bad opinion of developers and users of their systems.

I'll keep this brief (EDIT: because I feel bad about bumping this thread - sorry folks). Someone asked "why are MOS users bitter" and I reminded them that the software only exists because a MOS developer did a generous thing for OS4. I made the point to say "focus on that, not what's written on Moobunny". Ok?


Last edited by clebin on 19-Jan-2012 at 03:59 PM.

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Re: YouTube videos in OWB
Posted on 27-Feb-2012 12:05:40
#152 ]
Joined: 16-Mar-2011
Posts: 61
From: Unknown


thanks for your comment, about your sentence "it uses CPU whilst doing nothing" it´´ s not true, as the program is checking if new files are coming from the network, dropbox, mobile phone....
well i know that i need polish it, but it´s not a hollywood problem

Last edited by xabierpayet on 27-Feb-2012 at 12:06 PM.

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