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Re: Waiting For New Amiga Browsers With AmiSSL V3 Support
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 19:45:00
#21 ]
Joined: 10-Apr-2005
Posts: 70
From: Unknown


it even says that AmiSSL V1, V2 and V3 can all be installed at the same time.

I see where it says you can install both v1 and 2, but it makes is sound like v3 is the os4 replacement for v2. Am I missing something on the Amissl web site?

No major AmiSSL version replaces another major AmiSSL version. More details regarding this can be found in Documentation/AmiSSL/README from Update 4

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Re: Waiting For New Amiga Browsers With AmiSSL V3 Support
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 21:23:10
#22 ]
Super Member
Joined: 7-Oct-2003
Posts: 1640
From: Michigan


Great to hear that things are moving forward and that things are being worked on. Just keep chipping away and keep up the good work! In my own opinion I think this is the most important application project for the new Amiga. Not to put pressure on you or anything.

Wish you luck, and still pray to God to bless the project and bless the platform and bless the hands that make it happen, Amen!

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