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A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 17:02:09
#1 ]
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Joined: 23-Oct-2006
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From: Unknown


"Allegedly, A-EON's OS4 licenses expired quite some time ago and sources claim the company is not trying to apply for a new one. has now received screenshots from an anonymous source that seem to be from a private forum A-EON is running for their betatesters. The screenshots show a posting from late May, in which Mathhew 'Amigakit' Leaman announces the availability of the first Alpha release of "Enhancer Software Release V54". The term "Operating System" is never used, but Leaman's description clearly refers to a standalone system. "


x86/MorphOS 4.0

"Delving into the past can be a dangerous exercise." -hyperionmp

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 18:11:32
#2 ]
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Joined: 4-Apr-2014
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"But it’s not teh reel!!1!"

Well, the signs has been there for many years, including them taking over the kernel, etc. And trying to taking over other IP as well, like gradually registering infringing trade marks and domain names in obscure jurisdictions and other infringing activities. And like we saw just the other day, "AeonKit" threatens others from registering trademarks, despite them NOT being the legit owner of the Amiga IP.

It’s funny how they try to create another MorphOS, when they already have MorphOS running on their X5000. If they can not surpass MorphOS quality, features etc (which of course they won’t) then what’s the point?

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 18:51:13
#3 ]
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If true, this actually makes sense to me. A new OS makes more sense than replacing system commands a few at a time. If it is compatible with my hardware, I'd be willing to give this new OS a try.


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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 19:03:45
#4 ]
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This will do great job on dividing already small OS4 cap in two new camps of Aeonians and Followers of The Name.

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 19:41:38
#5 ]
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From: N-Space


I for one welcome our new OS overlords.

Maybe. We'll see how it plays out.

Last edited by bison on 03-Jul-2021 at 07:41 PM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 19:54:01
#6 ]
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From: The Interrogative Lair


I wonder if they will call it 4.2?

I sold my SAM460ex lite... waiting for money to buy a Raspberry Pi... or a Classic A1000 with Buffee... or an A1222... and OS4.3 FE update 11

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 20:02:23
#7 ]
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I wonder if they will call it 4.2?

Amiga Liberation Front of Cardiff OS 4.2?

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 20:02:27
#8 ]
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From: UK


They should buy out Hyperion or embrace MorphOS for everyone else we’ll be using Classic miggies!

Last edited by BigD on 03-Jul-2021 at 08:03 PM.

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 20:27:35
#9 ]
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Joined: 10-Jun-2010
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From: Mobile, Alabama, United States

Would it be exaggerating VERY much to assert that we will soon have more operating systems than apps? Lawd, have mercy. The factions have fractured again. Rather than growing or evolving, Amiga is subdividing, again and again.


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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 20:55:59
#10 ]
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Joined: 1-Oct-2004
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From: France


Rather than growing or evolving, Amiga is subdividing, again and again.

Yes and this shows that the great old "divide and conquer" does not always verify: for the Amiga this seems more like "divide and fratricidal warfare"

AOS 4.1 : I dream it, Hyperion did it !
Now dreaming AOS 4.2...
Thank you to all devs involved for this great job !

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 21:24:33
#11 ]
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From: Norway


Would it be exaggerating VERY much to assert that we will soon have more operating systems than apps? Lawd, have mercy. The factions have fractured again. Rather than growing or evolving, Amiga is subdividing, again and again.

It will be different this time because ExecSG is under Travers control, so it won’t be dividing, in the same way, the difference is like using GNU tools vs BusyBox, for example, everything running on the same kernel. Few commands are not a OS, the larger more important parts, is not so easy to replicate, like Intuition and dos, you need new TCP/IP stack, and USB stack. A workbench replacement as well.

this will take a long time, and we have lots bugs and problems on the way to stable replacements. And this what worries me, the most. As always, its users who is going to suffer the bugs and having to pay for everything twice.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:31 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:30 PM.

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 21:32:15
#12 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England


I see this as just away around Hyperion if they are no longer willing or able to support Os4.1, it odd that we are being to see more active os4 updates being pushed out now however, maybe this got them worried that soon they be irrelevant? I just worry like some others is this just going to split the community more and are we going to see more conflicts / guru / grim reapers as different updates have different commands, we already seen this happen with a-eon updates messing up official updates and vis versa.

But then again progress is progress I guess so keep going guys I just hope you work together when you can to make the Os stable.

Also this could be just a necessary for the gfx cards going forwards as os4.1fe include a basic version to allow you see what your doing when installing but you need the full version of ES to get full gfx card support now.

Last edited by amigang on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:42 PM.
Last edited by amigang on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:34 PM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 21:50:33
#13 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


The legal conflict between Cloanto and Hyperion entertainment has forced this to happen, Hyperion entertainment can go bankrupt, and what happens to assets then? Who owns what?

I blame Mike Battilana for this crap and Ben H. also responsible because he failed to buy out Amiga Inc like he should have done, instead he went for the settlement contract, that gave Mike an opportunity to attack Hyperion entertainment, now Mike Battilana is trying to void that contract. The lack of money is probably the caused of this.

Was there a plot to take down Hyperion entertainment from the beginning? Trever and Mike where friends, and Mike put Trever in contact whit Hyperion. What is clear in AmigaOS universe, its common screw etch other over and fu*k things up.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:59 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:57 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:53 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Jul-2021 at 09:52 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 3-Jul-2021 22:05:20
#14 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



TRIPOS wrote:

It’s funny how they try to create another MorphOS, when they already have MorphOS running on their X5000. If they can not surpass MorphOS quality, features etc (which of course they won’t) then what’s the point?

The point *may* be that this new OS supports the ever late Tabor with its incompatible cpu one day - one thing the MorphOS team ruled out (for a reason IMHO).
That said, i think the whole endeavour is - well - superflous! And of course very helpful to unify the not yet enough splitted Amiga community...

I am so glad to have left Amiga (the name) to MorphOS. not everything golden there, but way less drama and bickering.

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 4-Jul-2021 3:03:15
#15 ]
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Joined: 26-Oct-2002
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From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!


Interesting that A-EON didn’t go after MorphOS to license or even AROS. What a mess!


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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 4-Jul-2021 3:46:26
#16 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


Interesting that A-EON didn’t go after... AROS.

Perhaps they will. AROS has a weird license, but it is open source, more or less.

AROS Public License

Last edited by bison on 04-Jul-2021 at 03:49 AM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 4-Jul-2021 4:47:47
#17 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

NutsAboutAmiga Quote:

The legal conflict between Cloanto and Hyperion entertainment has forced this to happen, Hyperion entertainment can go bankrupt, and what happens to assets then? Who owns what?

Ben the black knight says, "None shall pass." The white knight nukes him from orbit and proceeds directly over him while the other knights of the round table walk around him.

NutsAboutAmiga Quote:

I blame Mike Battilana for this crap and Ben H. also responsible because he failed to buy out Amiga Inc like he should have done, instead he went for the settlement contract, that gave Mike an opportunity to attack Hyperion entertainment, now Mike Battilana is trying to void that contract. The lack of money is probably the caused of this.

You blame Michele for buying out Amiga Inc. and Ben for not buying out Amiga Inc.? You are blaming Ben for not making money from the PPC AmigaOS too?

NutsAboutAmiga Quote:

Was there a plot to take down Hyperion entertainment from the beginning? Trever and Mike where friends, and Mike put Trever in contact whit Hyperion. What is clear in AmigaOS universe, its common screw etch other over and fu*k things up.

Wasn't there first a plan to take down Amiga Inc. by Ben and his financial backers? Wasn't most of the "screw each other over" coming from Ben first to steal Amiga Inc.'s property, steal from the developers to make AmigaOS 4, steal A-Eon's money directly from their account and steal Amiga Inc. and Michele's IP? Is it that difficult to see the source of the problem and the person being unreasonable is the black knight?

Last edited by matthey on 04-Jul-2021 at 04:49 AM.
Last edited by matthey on 04-Jul-2021 at 04:48 AM.

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 4-Jul-2021 6:20:16
#18 ]
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I think it's clear now why they spent so much time reinventing the wheel by creating their own parallel versions of datatypes, shell commands, etc. Having their own distro gives them more freedom, but the goal is probably to have their own standalone OS eventually. They already own a bunch of core OS4 components, and even the kernel by proxy.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 4-Jul-2021 9:06:33
#19 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2004
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From: Taranto, Italy


i assure you that i'm not doing anything for Aeon.. :D
Most probably "Andrea" is Vallinotto... not me for sure


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Re: A-EON is internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Posted on 4-Jul-2021 9:13:45
#20 ]
Joined: 23-Sep-2005
Posts: 57
From: Whitehaven, Cumbria UK


Well said. The absolute arsehole from the past 20 years (20 years FFS) has been Ben Hermans And Hyperion. I originally believed that he was working in good faith 20 years ago but that has long since faded. I now think he has never had this community's interests or the Amiga's at heart. He's just seen an opportunity to rip people off. It may not have worked out for him (good) but he definitely saw an opportunity to take control and have it all to himself. He is an odious little troll and I wish he would disappear up his own arse.

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