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TestCode released
Posted on 30-Jun-2024 14:27:41
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2467
From: Unknown

I just released this classic Amiga development tool that has served me for more than 25 years. I thought others might find it useful.

TestCode is a tool for developers (especially assembly ones).
It takes a blob, i.e. a relocatable file made of a given number of sections (hunks), executes the code sections, prints a detailed report and, if the blob requests it, creates a dump file.
In particular, TestCode executes the core section with AmigaOS and the hardware in "off" state (but the section can modify the hardware state almost without limits) and measures the duration of the execution with color clock precision.

Report example:

|                     TestCode Report                     |
|                .l move.l d1,d2 ;d1 odd                  |
|                   muls.l d0,d2 ;d0 even                 |
|                   dbf    d7,.l                          |
|                   CPU : 68030 50.000000 IiDd..          |
|                 loops : 65536                           |
|          memory leaks : C: 0   F: 0                     |
|                    d0 : .......6 .........6 ..........6 |
|                    d1 : 12345679 .305419897 ..305419897 |
|                    d2 : 6d3a06d6 1832519382 .1832519382 |
|                    d3 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    d4 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    d5 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    d6 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    d7 : ....ffff .....65535 ......65535 |
|                    a0 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    a1 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    a2 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    a3 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    a4 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    a5 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                    a6 : .......0 .........0 ..........0 |
|                   usp : 783b246c 2017141868 .2017141868 |
|                   isp : 7800206c 2013274220 .2013274220 |
|                   msp : 34095084 .873025668 ..873025668 |
|                    sr : ....2708 ......9992 .......9992 |
|                   vbr : 7835cbb4 2016791476 .2016791476 |
|                  cacr : ....3111 .....12561 ......12561 |
|                  caar : 97f9fd0e 2549742862 -1745224434 |
|                   sfc : .......7 .........7 ..........7 |
|                   dfc : .......7 .........7 ..........7 |
|          total cycles : 3407868.008                     |
|       cycles per loop : 52.000                          |
|    total color clocks : 241747                          |
| color clocks per loop : 3.689                           |
|           rasterlines : 1064.965                        |
|                frames : 3.402                           |
|                    µs : 68157.360                       |

Full details are provided in the manual.


Last edited by saimo on 30-Jun-2024 at 02:34 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 30-Jun-2024 at 02:34 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 30-Jun-2024 at 02:33 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 30-Jun-2024 at 02:30 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 30-Jun-2024 at 02:29 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 30-Jun-2024 at 02:28 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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